It the wheat on a chessboard phenomenon of exponential growth. On the board the rate pr. square never grows, it’s a steady +100% pr. square. What grows is the amount of wheat pr. square.
The +% modifier to MS damage never changes, what changes are the amount of damage done with MS as gear improves. The increase never exponentially grows, the base number never exponentially grows, the effect of the two combined does exponentially grow.
Yup. So wrong, what you type honestly belongs on r/confidentiallyincorrect. The only time you provided an example I was easily able to show where your argument was flawed. Everything else is just personal attacks with a string of ad hominems and strawmen.
I find this quote incredibly telling for how you see the world. That you go to this interpretation when I never even implied it, I just said they looked like a twit instead of saying they were dumb, which would have implied that I was clever, is your own bias showing. You interpret it that way because you think that’s how the world works, as that’s how you would do things. As also implied by your latest string of posts that all express “I’m superior, you’re inferior, so now shut tf up!”
Not quite. It’s a +100% increase from the previous square (Note the previous, not the initial, that’s what makes it exponential). The formula for calculating the total amount of grains of wheat is: sum of i=1 to 64 of 2^(i-1). The exponent makes it an exponential function.
But the +40% from Overpower is always added directly to the damage of MS, i.e. (1+40%)*MS. There is no exponent.
To be fair, I do believe the power-progression is quite high in general, and as such, stepping into PvP as a freshly dinged 60 can feel quite overwhelming. Blizzard wants getting a new piece of equipment to feel rewarding. Add 3-4+ stages of gear-progression, from which each will significantly increase your output, and someone in stage 4 will just flat out stomp anyone in stage 1.
The problem is you can’t have both. If you want gear-progression that can be felt to the bone, then someone at a later stage will always significantly outperform someone at an earlier stage.
If you change all the +% abilities into a constant damage increase, then yes, you will reduce the stacking effect. But your abilities (and rotation) will also hold less meaning as your gear progresses; i.e. adding +400 damage to a 2k MS increases your damage output by 20%. Adding the same +400 to a 3k MS only increases your damage output by approximately 13%.
In other words, by changing it from a +% into a constant damage increase, you’ve effectively reduced the necessity of pressing that button, as your gear progresses.
It can literally be found under the examples of exponential growth on Wiki. Just because it has no logarithmic functions it can still be exponential.
Just because you were never taught about it in class has no impact on it being real. It’s a philosophical example meant to explain the concept before logarithmic math was a thing. It would never be taught, or even mentioned, in an advanced math course.
And you can have both by having a linear increase. If the damage of MS was fixed to AP only then it would grow in power linearly as your gear improved. And it would also get rid of this utterly stupid need for setup. My Hunter, with way worse gear, can Aim Shot for greater than Arcana can MS for without any setup required.
I would do away with them completely. However, to do so I would need to change another sacred cow of Arms. Instead of the passive Rage-generation from auto-attacks it would be changed to an active system where you’d generate Rage from using MS and OP, and give Tactician a Bad Luck Protection since it would be vital to the gameplay of Arms, and then have the OP+MS interaction be that it increased the amount of Rage generated instead of the damage done.
The damage of MS, OP, and Slam would be increased accordingly, and all those utterly daft situational modifiers would be removed. Arms would be consistent and it would still be about endurance rather than burst. Even more so in fact.
Yes, because I’m unhappy with the current state and have never played it extensively in Beta, or leveled it at all, in fact, the LVL 60 that I have is fake news.
Slam, I’d make Slam useful. And the amount of Rage generated can be anything. It would feel al to different from Fury if you only generated 5 Rage from using MS.
Why should it matter to go which character I post on? I think it shows exactly why you’re here when you start mud slinging at people as well. I know exactly how good I am as a warrior - I know my strengths and weaknesses, I’m not going to justify or explain them to you. The fact is you’ve made multiple errors in your calculations (some of which you have since deleted), made bad assumptions, make childish comments about others as well as suggestions which would essentially take Arms out of any form of contention and all because you’re worried that someone might at some point do a meme build and once in a blue moon as a result get a really big crit.
You’re right I don’t understand what you’re point is, because it makes absolutely no sense. What most (not all) other people on here are saying, yeah that makes sense, but then they don’t indulge in random rambling rants aimed at what seems like may simply be trolling…
Good point, now apply it equally to everyone. Your post implied that I should shut up and play my Warrior instead. Which is rich coming from someone who refuses to post on their Warrior avatar and can thus claim whatever they like as an acievement.
Your reasoning is that it’s okay for you and bad for me. If I was posting on an alt, like you are, you would admonish that and tell me to post on a Warrior.
As I said before, it’s not the same type of problem. A sequence like 2x2x2x2… etc. will grow much quicker than a linear function like: f(x)=2*x, which is essentially what adding an Overpower to your MS damage is.
(1+40%)*MS is a linear increase.
If you can express a function in the general form of ‘f(x)=ax+b’ for constants ‘a’ and ‘b’, then it’s linear.
Both MS and Aimed Shot damage are directly based of Attack Power. Aimed Shot just deals more damage by itself. I’m not really sure where you want to go with this though…
Mortal Strike = 144% * AP
Add one Overpower = 140% * MS = 140% * (144% * AP) = 201.6% * AP = 2.016 * AP
It’s still just a linear increase. If the constant of 2.016 is too high, then it’s just a matter of tweaking the values.
I’m not too sure about the whole Fury-copy idea. Arms is suppose to feel different than Fury and Blizzard wanted Arms to be hard-hitters.
Since you clearly know more about math than me I’ll defer to your argument.
This, however, is ignorant at best and willfully ignorant at worst. You see no issue with Aimed Shot doing more damage on a shorter cooldown than it takes to set up MS to do equal damage to AS?
And that just shows how limited your imagination is when you can only imagine doing it in another way as a copy of Fury. It’s taking a general principle and applying it to Arms.
They’re similar in the same way a scooter and a motorcycle use the same general principle yet are two different things.
Well, Aimed Shot also has a cast-time.
On a more serious note, we are talking about two abilities of already rather different classes/specs. If the classes were very similar, it would make sense to compare them, but I don’t feel they are.
So if one of them needs its damage reworked, there would’ve to be a bigger reason behind it, than this simple comparison.
To be honest, this does sound like Fury with a few twists, to me.
The way I see it, Fury is meant to be more consistent, to unleash a constant flurry of strikes on your opponent, but generally does less damage per actual strike. Whereas Arms is meant to be this slow, “bumpy” spec, but with the potential of doing massive damage on a single strike.
Like slow hard-hitting contra faster smaller-hits.
(You are replacing the damage buff with more uptime (more rage), i.e. smaller hits, but with more consistency - which is what I consider Fury to be)
You two really want to go there? I wonder what the ranged difference is.
Well, a hospice is just a hospital with a twist. A moped is just a bicycle with a twist, etc.
And the argument about speed has little reflection on the generation of resources.
Arms can still be slow and still be consistent. Case in point, no one said that Arms was too consistent to feel good when MS was 20 Rage. Contrary, many have said that it Arms feels massively inconsistent now it costs 30.
If MS costed 5 Rage and generated 10-15, to avoid it being used as an opener, then it would be massively different from Fury’s BT. It’s all about the amount generated pr. hit.
You like adding 1+1 and making 3 don’t you… I have never made claims about achievements; I know what I have and haven’t achieved and strengths and weaknesses are and have been very clear I don’t feel the need to walk you through that when you made claims about my abilities to play a warrior. So the opposite of what you’ve just said. But as with the rest of your trolling you don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Just to recap your points though - you were worried about a meme spec in part due to flawed maths due to you not being familiar with certain warrior legendries, you want to remove warriors already middle of the pack burst as well as its more unique abilities such as the healing debuff and replace them with a slight increase in damage to MS? So we’re talking about basically turning the main warrior pvp spec into a weaker version of Fury? Plenty of classes have bigger and simpler to set up burst, but if you take what Arms do have and the healing debuff away as you have suggested in earlier posts then given you often spend time waddling slowed towards ranged opponents anyway how do you expect Arms to compete at all?
Nobody is saying Arms isn’t one of the stronger Arena specs at the moment, but you calling them broken is way wide of the mark and they are actually under represented in the higher ranks of RBGs. So its not PvP in general. You say you main a DH, which when I’m playing Arms personally I find one of the easier opponents; they’re not a fantastic arena class so maybe that is where your frustration comes in.
This is a kind of ad hominem where you attribute something clearly ridiculous to me so you look good in context. 1+1 = 2, and after 2 comes 3. That’s my thought process.
I also never did this. I said that you can say anything unless you post on your Warrior.
The objective reality would be the opposite. To deliver the big hit you need to set it up. If they’re plinking away from you at range, and you have no prior setup, then you have to start setting it up. Which would be less damage as you’d die before you could even hit MS.
Your argument assumes that MS would plink the target as BT does. With that kind of bias, it’s impossible to suggest any sort of change.
Your reaction is the epitome of, “everybody wants change and no one wants to change.”
I’d also like to add that a lot of the time you aren’t looking to setup these large mortal strikes unless perhaps you are a Venthyr warrior with the exploiter legendary. It’s much more practical and better for your pressure to just ms on cd. All this focus on modifiers doesn’t really stack up.
You contradict yourself constantly. You say you don’t make claims about others ability, but your statement below would suggest otherwise.
You think making Arms a flat damage class will in your ‘objective reality’ make it easier to finish people? Other than the fact most of your suggestions would make Arms the most boring spec imaginable with nothing unique in its offensive kit. You might as well remove MS and have small slam on no cool down and bigger slam on a cool down. Unless ‘big slam’ was up there as one of the biggest hitting abilities in the game Arms would pretty much be bottom of the stack in Arena and without the healing debuff not worth bringing to RBGs.
As for this, you’re the one who wants the change with Arms not everyone else. Arms is good in PvP but far from broken, it’s not great ranking wise in PVE but unless you’re at the front of the mythic raiding curve it’s perfectly viable; I’ve had no problems matching dps in heroic or early mythic. Changes to classes do happen, but unless something is extremely broken, major reworkings don’t normally happen mid expansion and when they do they don’t usually get done with the purpose of gutting a classes identity to replace it with a boring generic design as you proposed.
You also never answered the question, you answered by asking another one. Which is the way to avoid answering the question by making it look like you have by asking a different one that suits the narrative you want to create.
It would make their performance consistent instead of meteoric one moment and flaccid the next. Also, how exactly would it make their gameplay boring? You made a statement and now you have to provide supporting arguments. You have to provide an example where having wildly different performances is exciting. And you’re disallowed from using any kind of gambling examples since that would only make a point of the current state of Arms being essentially gambling.
This is an appeal to a fabricated mass. I say fabricated as just casual glance on the forums shows this on the front page. And that’s just one example, I can easily find more.
So I’m far from the only person calling for a change. What does happen, however, is that I’m one of the few who can explicitly put words on what they want to see changed.
I’m in an even smaller minority of people in WoW that can also explain the reason for the nature of those changes as the current Arms goes against anything that makes for a good activity. Common wisdom would say otherwise, however, common wisdom is often wrong this is the reason the scientific method has brought progress to humanity while common wisdom often has brought regression. It was once common wisdom that the shape of someone’s skull had an impact on their intelligence and that white people had the superior skullshape to anyone.
Guys just quit. You cant argue with that dude. He played warrior in beta so he obviously knows everything about this class and how it should be designed.