So when warrior nerf in arena?

No, you are wrong. Did you even read the link that you posted yourself? You would understand my question if so. My only hope is that you would answer the question. Which you still haven’t done by the way. I’ll ask it again. How does what you’ve linked relate to you suggesting that arms in pvp needs an entire rework? A yes or no answer doesn’t come into the equation here so your previous reply is just you fabricating a narrative where you are the victim. The victim of what, I’m not too sure.

First, you connect my being to me being wrong, instead of my opinion being wrong which is incredibly revealing about your state of mind in this argument.

Second, I have an education as an occupational therapist. The ZPD is more than just an abstract theory to me, it’s the basis for me to evaluate how an activity should be structured so it falls within the ZPD instead of a state where it’s either too easy or too frustrating.

Playing Arms can objectively be deemed after the theory of the ZPD to be in the “frustration” spectrum as there’s no consistency in the performance of it. The lack of consistency moves it out of the ZPD as the shift removes you from the “zone” as the “zone” is the ability to do something with relatively little thought put on it without it being too easy or too hard.

This has nothing to with playing Arms being hard or easy, both are correlations to the activity and in no way causal for determining how the activity itself makes you feel on either a conscious or subconscious level.

Wondered how long it would take for you to mention your education.

I knew you’d respond in this fashion. As I said before, you’ve long since stopped arguing this point with any intellectual honesty even though you no doubt think you still have it.

You told me I was wrong with nothing to back up the argument and just making it as a statement. How is my education where I actually know what I say less valid than your opinion, as you imply with this response?

What you’re used to is just winning by default as people who disagree with you eventually stop arguing with you as they most likely find so a waste of time since you’ve no arguments after the first or second response. After that, you just make strawmen and use those as arguments instead, thinking that they’re just as valid and anecdotal evidence is representative of the greater trend or effect. Anecdotal evidence is only valuable so that people know how you experience something.

In your presented anecdotal evidence Arms is fine as it is now. Under the scientific method Arms falls woefully short according to the ZPD.

I implied that you are wrong about your assumption of me thinking that you thought you were the teacher. You do not read anything that anyone says to you. You only skim and regurgitate something you’ve learned, then link it loosely to that of warrior class design.

But that’s the point - they can’t. If you survive the initial burst then you’re probably at 50% hp (as a generalisation), and with little to no self healing at all, you can’t recover that missing health, ever (outside of covenant/soulbind/talents etc minor health regen). There’s a reason Warriors aren’t that good for duels, but dominates in any setting with a healer.

You posted this

Yeah, the content for that is clearly

Which I even said

You should look back at your previous posts as your emotional argumentation and attempts to distract is just falling apart when seen in the full history.

I do not have the time to look back over my previous posts. You say falling apart but you are yet to give a good reason why arms needs a redesign in pvp. This was my original question a long time ago and you still haven’t come close to answering it in a clear way.

No, I’m pretty sure you didn’t. The quote that you provided from yourself actually states the opposite. Rather impressive that you are this arrogant.

Oh come on Arcana did come up with some kind of meme spec which would obviously generally make Arms rubbish in pvp but once every 10 odd arenas, if you could somehow hack your legendary to work the same way in pvp as it does in PVE, could mean a pretty big crit.
Perhaps we should all just take Arcanas word that Warriors are broken because they obviously know far more about warriors than those who actually play them regularly.

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This is a PvE spec with some control in it. I do find the sentiment entertaining that you judge me on my spec without asking which context it exists in, when you refuse to post on your Warrior.

Except I did. I just never answered “yes” or “no” to your yes/no question since I knew you would subconsciously twist into fitting your narrative. I was correct in this since you subconsciously interpreted my extended answer into fitting your own narrative.

It was not a yes or no question, read it again.

I genuinely wonder where do you find the patience to keep answering to him/her

I’m not judging you on your current character spec, I hadn’t even looked at it. I’m assessing what you said in your posts. The majority of people here would seem to disagree with most of your positions and ideas for what Arms should be. That’s fine - it would be boring if we all thought exactly the same thing, you just have a tendency to get a bit personal or imply you think you’re somehow superior in your posts.
I guess we’ll see in the next few weeks what Blizzard think…

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You want to read this then as it explains the structure between close-ended and open-ended questions..

What you believe that something is has little to no influence on what it actually is.


Also you:

So yeah, you did even though you disguised it since you called to a specific spec instead of saying that I had come up with a theoretical spec…

Talk about putting words in people’s mouths. You don’t have much faith in people do you Arcana?

haha no - I really couldn’t care what spec you are currently running. I’m very aware you could be logged out in a pvp spec, a pve spec, something for questing or a Thorghast solo or just something you’re trying for fun. I’m talking about the ideas you’ve posted above such as running exploiter (which doesn’t buff 100% in pvp by the way) without running Massacre. You based many of your points on a spec which people are very unlikely to play and on a misunderstanding on how a legendary works.

Yeah, you say one thing, and then doing the exact same thing as a question is just advanced projection.

And faith is a bias. In the context of the word it a bias that people are inherently good. People are inherently nothing except people. “Good,” “bad,” are just value judgments that we apply to people when we interpret their actions after the fact.

You’re just a person, and as a person, you can do good things or bad things, and good things that are bad and bad things that are good. If I applied faith to your actions then I would hypocritically be applying a bias to you. And how you phrase your questions compared to what you say say you mean with them shows this.

Except I never did that. Save for Avatar getting those benefits are something everyone can get if they’re Venthyr. Having Dreadnought just makes it easier to achieve this. There’s nothing about Dreanought that allows for the Overpower buff to stack twice, it just gives you two charges of Overpower.

You’re still to give an example of how what you linked backs up arms needing a complete rework in pvp even though pretty much every other warrior that actually plays the spec would disagree and say it’s designed really well.

Clearly I’m mistaken and someone else wrote this…

The spec you described is flawed; you misunderstood how the legendary works in PVP. For Venthyr it’s a lower percentage and its half in pvp anyway so instead of 100% it’s 36%. Additionally Venthyr are unlikely at the best of times to talent Rend but if you’re running Exploiter?
As I said way back of course you can pick the spec and legendary you were using to make your point, but you’d be worse for it and so hardly anyone will run it, so it’s not really problematic.

I did, you ignored it. By having an inconsistent performance you’re pulled out of the “zone” since you’re unable to enjoy it fully as your numbers change all the time. This creates a situation where you’re unable to focus on your future performance in playing as your current execution is inconsistent. You can play perfectly and still end up with an overall bad performance due to things outside of your control. This impacts both PvE and PvP, as well as this, creates a negative experience for either the player or the player who’s the target.

Blizzard agrees with this without knowing how to fix it as the current PTR build sees a damage increase in PvE only. This is a sign that the entire system needs to be reworked since it’s the only spec in the game that has such uneven performance built-in across aspects of the game.

That was in no way a spec, that was a tally of what’s possible for an Arms Warrior to reach on their own without anything external. Would it be optimal for gameplay? No. Would it be optimal for damage? Yes.

Ideals only show a perfect example of something and ignore the negatives.

You’re far too focused on being “technically correct” in order to look superior to actually engaging with the substance of the argument.