So you picked totally awful players

I agree, ideally the council should be reflective of all the playerbase. That includes the serious and the casual, the high end and the low end.

You’re the kid here.

So then my idea is Not that bad?

But they rndly choosed them

No I think they had the right idea and your high end pvp players only is terrible.

Blizz asked for applications, so people who wanted to take part, and from those people they have chosen players at all levels.

Don’t underestimate stupidity.


You got me there.


I will go as far as to say that in my opinion, what the best performing PvE and PvP players views of the game and what they might want implemented, may not the what is best for the game itself of the community as a whole.

Having the best reflexes, fast typing/clicking doesnt mean those people also have the best understanding of the broader view of the game aspects.
What makes it fun for EVERYONE varies alot.

Edit: typo

So far you’re doing a bang up job mate. :slight_smile: Thumbs up from me. BTW, tell them some more to leave the grindy chores out of PvP, can’t bring that up enough times tbh. :+1:

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Had a look over there earlier today. So far it seems to be working out okay. A few things I disagree with, a few things I agree with, but it’s constructive. So far I haven’t seen any ideas presented that I would consider massively destructive, so I’m happy about that, too.

The opinions being presented by EU posters in there seem good. I’m happy with who they took in. :slight_smile:

Let’s see what happens once Blizzard joins the fray.

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I still have my doubts that they will appear.

And what about non ‘big 3’ players?
They’re already getting overlooked too much. They need representation.

Well they had better… !! >_>

At least they ain’t wasting my time if they decide not to show up even if I gave them the opportunity to.

Hope you’ll give it a shot but, suffice to say, I won’t blame you if you stop if they don’t show up.

No one of them is in the council there is Not a Single r1 or mdi or awc Player.

As our Local Council Representative, could you please request that they make gnomes small and Vulpera slightly taller. Thanks <3

There is through extension by me sitting on there while having MDI players either on discord or in the guild.

Nothing stops said players to have their thoughts posted in the council through extension. By all means if they want them redirect them to me for all i care.


I mean can you explain to me what you wanna Do in wow first i like to hear that.

They picked plenty of people that they shouldn’t have, that’s for certain. We’ll see how long they last.

This is like when a country gets a government appointed by the dictator.

Then read the sub forum. What i said stands. You want your mentioned players thoughts in the forum? Then do what i said.

I tend to go with the wait and see approach, it’s easy to say that they have picked awful players, especially if it is somebody we already personally dislike or we had someone better in mind. Is that fair though? Are we so ready to go with the pitchforks without giving people a chance?

It’s a new initiative and only a few of the many chosen seem to have introduced themselves, so how do we know who will be the spokesperson wanted/needed?

I know I will get a lot of hate for this, but for me it’s ‘the proof of the pudding is in the eating’ - can’t we let the council get up and running with input from all before we decide whether we think a representative is good or bad?

Whoever they pick there will be some who will just resent them for personal reasons (forum pvp maybe) or for some the resentment will be in not being chosen.

All I would say is give it a few months, people may surprise you.

But yeah I can see mine won’t be a popular opinion, but I hope that people will be reasonable, just imagine if you had been picked and were met with a wall of hate before you had even been given a chance!!