So you picked totally awful players

So your in the council and have 0 ideas nice

Ydp most of them have 0 clue

Spare me your strawman nonsense. I am posting what i deem fit in the forums after i thought about doing the post. I will not waste my time here trying to explain to you what i have in mind and then repeat the process all over again in the other forum.

Tell your R1, MDIs, AWCs etc etc to advance their thoughts. And now shoo.

Already going mad with power?
Jeez, that didn’t take long.

Got any more of your ripped out of context strawmans?

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Got any more orders to bark at people because you think you’re superior?

I mean you’ve seen their posts here and at me, so you already know. They have the right to define what certain words mean or don’t mean and if the behavior they’ve been directing at people is OK or not.

Man i dobt Listen to a challenger pleb welcome to the Blacklist kid

Negate what i said.

If you think we hold any meaningful power then im out of words. He wants his mentioned players to be heard in the council. Which is easily possible.

Also whos to say that said players applied for it in the first place (i can already cover 3 MDI players that havent even considered doing it)? Or have already set in after they got choosen? There are currently 34 people with the council rank on the US forums. That is in all honesty not everyone by a long shot. Especially since EU players are forced to level a char on US and then get the character manually selected by one of the admins.

Pot meets kettle hushpup-firemaw.

Oh noes a rating flame. Whatever shall i do. Because thats totally going to work given the content im doing.

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I mean He never did anything good in wow just rnd stuff He superior to no one that Shows his skill which appearently is missing

You okay there? :3 Might want to get your servers correct.

I really don’t know which one of you is worse… :joy: You might actually be.
Blizzard dun goofed.

Well, if Blizzard REALLY intents to hold true to their word the council at least is way up higher on the chain when it comes to giving feedback.

And I’m worried that there’s way too many people in that exclusive little club who want WoW to be this elitist, tough-as-nails, play 24/7 or you suck, mythic content all the way kind of experience. And I hate being helpless to do anything about that.

I’ve seen 1 (ONE!) casual poster on that forum so far. So I’m just worried.
It’s nothing personal against you; we just have vastly different ideas about what makes a game fun.

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Not up to you to judge that.
You do you and let other players play the game the way THEY enjoy it; that is none of your business.


So how many of you actually aplied ?

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Council members will be replaced at some point and it’s not like they have any influence anyway lol

You are being sensible. Why would anyone dislike that.


We don’t know that yet.
If Blizzard holds true to their word; they do have influence.

Because being sensible on the forums is rebellious.


I applied for “Senior clown emoji aficionado” job but apparently they don’t have this position available at blizzard. Yet.

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I am pretty sure it is taken and there was big interest.

Jokes aside, how many people in this civilized topic applied, and those who didn’t - why not?