So you picked totally awful players

Didn’t know about it, nor did I care.

Adding to that, I don’t see myself fit for such a position.

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You realize i just got a notification about you editing your one post on hushpup right?

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They apparently dont have a popcorn goat position either. How will the council survive without us??


I don’t beleive it would change anything.




This is your chance to be famous… Make a ‘council watch’ twitch and/or youtube show where you keep track of council posts with the viewers whilst munching popcorn!

No need to pay me for that brilliant idea.

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I didn’t because i am too bitter towards the company, and while I have enough experience and portfolio to back it up - I really, really don’t want to associate myself with something that is “sand in the eyes”. Cheers to all who got in, I hope you won’t be used as scapegoats.

We should form our own council. Duh

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I did apply.

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I am sure there is a council member there who represents what you want in there somewhere. But if the Council was made up only of players who play AWC, then it won’t really be a constructive council. They’re not even people who play WoW. And who wants WoW to be a complete carbon copy of another game.

The reason for WoW’s success is that it represents a middle ground and does them all really well (historically at the very least). WoW as lot of areas that attract gamers who want different things , and PVP really always was just the side game to the MMO-RPG.

I have seen some really good arguements that represent the things I like, and I have also seen plenty of topics on things I don’t care so much about.

Pro players keep tripping over their egos, they are unable to have an adult conversation so they should be ignored.


The truerest truth

Pro-players don’t.

Wannabe pro-players do.


I didn’t apply, mainly because I only play a little TBC now and am not invested in retail at all (SL killed it for me). I am also playing other games so can’t even promise to fully commit to TBC.


Honestly… All kinds of players can be bad apples. Doesn’t matter what type of content they’re into. It’s their personalities that matter.


I did. I’m sure my invitation just got lost in the mail… :sweat_smile:


Yeah, but most ‘‘wannabe pro’s’’ are the toxic ones, compared to actual High End players.

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Can’t say I did. Though if Blizzard actually listens and it’s not just a PR stunt, I might sign up for the next round.

That is actually good news.

Now if they can remove welfare gear and borrowed powers, that’d be great !

Or you know… Remove YOU.

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