Social aspect gone

questing shouldnt require guild groups, people should just group up. its faster

yeah u need like 3000 IO score to get in to a group now days :rofl:
even 2000+ for pugs …

QUESTING. WORLD CONTENT…not mythics??or raids

i do world content questing every day over 4+ hours in group :stuck_out_tongue:
i dont even have a guild and find groups still …

It happened much sooner than the cross realm/sharding. The social aspect started going the way of the Dodo the moment they added group finder during WoTLK, after that LFR made it worse by Blizzard taking the stance that ‘everyone should be able to experience end-game content’ which made the drive players had to get better, socialize with guilds in order to get a raiding team going and downing bosses no longer needed.

Cross realm zones and sharding only worsened something that was already given the stab in the heart.


I know that, but dosen’t mean you can’t tell what you think about that type of player when it comes to this.

Oh look! the above poster is saying the same also about the anti-social instant button features just like me!

I always knew i wasn’t the only one feeling it!

i used to multibox before just blast tru content all alone …

Story, gameplay, character customization. Mostly that first thing, I first found out about World of Warcraft during free time at school, a lore video by Nobbel87 was in my recommended and I was hooked. Social aspect was never attractive to me but there’s so much more to the game than that

You are killing all discord and battlenet communities.

I can’t believe a new player can get interested in garbage modern wow lore. But thats preferences again for specific player types to the game…

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So what do people think is the solution(s) to this lack of social aspect? What can Blizzard or even we as players do to improve things?

Making LFG only for your own realm would perhaps improve community, but would create a really poor experience for those on the minority faction of an imbalanced realm. And would destroy existing cross-realm communities and friendships.

Removing cross realm sharding could also help, but again since they didn’t finish connecting all realms, those of us who are still on low pop realms may have a harder time naturally coming across people in the world. But perhaps using realm-locked LFG for elite WQs and difficult quests could solve this anyway?

Blizzard could also make some levelling quests more attractive to do in a group. Me and my husband are levelling in Pandaria at the moment and so many quests (e.g. collect things quests) don’t count for both so we’re basically competing against each other while in a party, which isn’t good and does not encourage group play.

I just hope Blizz don’t go down the route of trying to force you to group up (which I think was the intention behind the 8.3 objectives which have just caused frustration) because forced interaction seldom creates a social experience.


Eh, who said it was modern lore? The video I watched was based around the backstory of Arthas, mostly Warcraft 3 and Wrath.

Honestly just make LFG available for lower-pop realms.
Put a cooldown on LFG for realms that are gigantic or merged, where either it has amount of times you can use it, or it has a cooldown on it. That way you are forced to find a group and go to the instance.

Another method is to make a LFG queue only available if you are a full pre-made group, which forces you to socialize with players on your own realm similarly to what is done with Mythic dungeons.

Enable cross realm sharding for lower pop realms similarly to how it is done in Classic.

Enough players in the zone? Sharding is disabled.
Not enough players? Sharding is enabled.

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bring back that addon that auto invited people to world quests maybe?

That was abused by a lot of players to farm rares on other realms/zones/shards.
That add-on forced you into someone their shard regardless of the zone you were in.

Could we just make the Custom Group Finder open for everyone instead of having it for Level 50 only and make it possible for people to look for people in the same region/questline to quest together?

I doubt you find random people who want to quest together just like that.

auto pilot 9.0.1 is one of the addons auto invite peoples whats on same quests …

hmmm ?:stuck_out_tongue: seems fishy…

Not everyone is using this addon though. Waypoints were also an addon before they were now added in SL.

I get that they changed that to try and combat boosting advertisement, but this really does screw over people who are levelling and come across group quests. Definitely does not encourage you to be social and group up if you can’t make or join a group! Are people expected to just shout out in General chat?

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