Social aspect gone

it does show location only it does not show fastest travel patch from A to B :stuck_out_tongue:
auto pilot 9.0.1 do …

Still having a feature included in the base game opens up the possibility to find matches + raises awareness that the option exists.

Take a look at all those WoW Classic LFG addons nobody uses

There are still LFG addons that just use chat parsing… ( so basically tries to fetch groups from the LFG chat, still almost never matches with anyone ).

(See ClassicLFG on Curse)

I still think adding a new tab to the Custom Group Finder for leveling/questing would bring a benefit. Right now I’m leveling all my Thrall Chars to 50 and it’s getting tiresome alone after the 4th character.

Funny thing is it does not even matter because you will both still get a reward unless its oppisite faction

Well because I cant be bothered with some no geared guy. Why do you expect free stuff from others? That’s not how life works.

I had human interaction when i killed the Nagrand WoD Mount rares (both of them) with my mage a couple days ago during leveling. Depends on the price i guess. First me, then a mate, then another mate, then two randoms and then we waited for the 6th guy to arrive that yelled wait in general chat.

Yea I love it when I do this. Loved it when we had buffs and I’d spam bow and bom on strangers passing by and they’d buff with Int or Stam.

Good days.

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I am aware that you didnt reply to me. But just curious…

MMO doesnt automaticaly mean that its a “Dating simulator”. Playing a lone wolf is a valid playing style like any other.

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world of warcraft is the 2020 dateing elf simulator why u think void elfs got so muth costumnations now in 9.0.0 ?

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Yeah good choice, you sounded ridiculous.

laughs in Classical Socialism

Ah okay, it’s because as soonests i hear anyone talk about the lore, 90% of the time they talk about current one. Thats why i assumed instantly you meant that.

I don’t HATE the current lore, I enjoyed it enough to be engaged, but it’s definitely nowhere near as amazing as some of the older lore in the game thats for certain.


If you don’t get a hit in then you don’t get credit for the kill. Standing there while you pick your nose and watch doesn’t do the job.

So one must wait 10+mins before do a quest because someone else is on the way from OG?

Well you can if you want to, would seem to be a waste of time if you do. But if there’s an obvious quest mob and someone else is there as well then it’s more than likely they’re on the same quest.

Let me give you an example, you’re in the Troll catacombs in Ghostlands and there’s someone else doing in there too burning the mummified trolls. Do you…

Group up to do the escort quest.


Be a jerk and rush to the escort NPC to get the quest and make the other player wait a few minutes for them to respawn.

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And cos peps changed, thats why we dont have escort quests like this where only 1 people can interract the npc.

random bc dungeon old hillsbrad says hi…the amount of selfish people starting the quest before the others even turn in…

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It was an example of the type of behaviour not of a quest type. although you appear to lack the IQ to understand that.

It has nothing to do with what type of quest it is or whether you can solo that boss or whatever. It’s a sad fact that todays WoW player is an arrogant, ignorant, over entitled, selfish, stupid moron that has no manners or consideration for others.

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yep ppl selfish and in a rush - antisocial