Social aspect gone

Sooo bassicly, “why dont people create groups to carry me… for free”.


Your guild name goes well with the attitude of that post.

Make a community then for like minded people or im sure there are already communities out there like that which you could join.

Dude, dont bother its a really hypocritical post. If it isnt about “Carry me pls” , why then are these people not creating groups for kill 10 boars quests, i mean you can solo them, why arent you creating a group to help other players.

If i want to constantly solo stuff, i feel like i would rather play an actual SP Game, not an MMO. Modern wow gives you those feelings when your not a very socialable person in the first place irl. And some are not very sociable playing wow, not everyone. But some.

Exept you are not constantly soloing stuff in wow, thats what endgame is for. Also answer the question, why are you not creating groups for “Kill 10 murlocks” ?

Your post is an excellent example of the sort of anti social attitude both in the game and here on the forum.

You ask why ? For some people it’s purely to be helpful to others, for you that would appear to be a totally alien concept and you adopt the cynical viewpoint of the ‘new WoW player’

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Because 1. I already help players in the game and create those social experiences in the first place.
2. Why would i ever do that? thats the kind of grinds i cba with because i’ve already done them a thousand+ times in the past. And just adding several other players to make that faster will still not make it not feel boring af.

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i create groups for all quests (custom>questing in x zone wm on/off) many times. nobody joins :wink:

And you are still wondering why someone who could solo an elite quest is not creating a group to “help” other players ?

Also instead of creating groups, do the social thing and ask for help if you need it, mostly when leveling if some asks for help i usually give them a hand.

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Never seen one of those tbh.

Yeah, no. I hate leveling because of blizzards questing design and no amount of ideas like yours will make me enjoy that. I am sorry, but nope. I’ve already being sick it the past several expansions, with the next one i just buy a boost and get it over with fast.

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Why are you here ?

Why answer an irrelevant question like that ?, you’re throwing in a stupid argument in an effort to divert attention and/or justify anti social activity ?

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Could ask you the same question. I am here because i have alot of stuff to say regarding this topic.

It also seems to me like you must be fun at parties with the way you write your responses to me so far.

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How is it irrelevant. Player A can solo content, player B cant, why isnt player A not creating a group to help player B ?

Ooooh great the social expirience… create group, someone joins in, complete quest, person 2 says ty and leaves.

If you want a social aspect join a guild or community.


I also forgot to add this. This is a very special reason, i doubt anyone else have when it comes to the social aspect, but i will add it. Since it’s execlusive to how i feel about making arrangements with others frequently.

Many, many several times over and over again i’ve already made some agreements with players i interacted with to do stuff with again.

Only to be dissapointed by them time and time again because they never came back ever again after we had made those agreements. After soo many dissapoimtments i don’t make arrangements with players anymore. And before you say.

’‘Well dur, it’s the internet. You can’t trust any stranger on the internet.’'

That dosen’t excuse people if they promise they will wanna interact with you or do stuff with you again! it is pure lack of self reflection and being too fast with having good faith in me but not actually thinking on their own situations behind the screen!

Focusing on one very small facet of the subject makes it irrelevant. Are you having problems comprehending the big picture ?

What has a ‘social experience’ got to do with it ? We’re talking about anti social behaviour here, not pro active socialising (There’s a difference that you seem to be ignorant of).

All your post so far have thrown up straw man arguments, maybe because you don’t understand the subject matter.


The subject is about…

There are plenty of social activities in the game, questing isnt one of them. Join a guild and you will find your social aspect.

No your right, it’s not anymore. But it USED TO BE back in the original game. Maybe because we didn’t have BS, LFD, LFR and CRZ, mobs in the world while leveling that was actually dangerous. Back then.

Elites that you actually could not roflstomp solo and you was REQUIRED to group up and socialise with other players to defeat.

All those points literally.