Social aspect gone

I want to help every player I come across in the world, even those from the opposite faction.
But everytime I’m about to my paranoid overthinking starts wondering if maybe it’s a ingenious trap to lure me out in the open and ambush me with 12 overgeared rogues.
Or maybe he’s tryint to do some weird challenge and me stepping in will only spoil it for him and he will forever blame me.
What if he’s a proud independant Night elf warrior doing some rp fight and having a random mechagnome stepping in and stealing his kill is seen like great insult to his ancestors… Aaaaand he’s dead…
He saw me and now he’s whispering me asking why I didn’t help him.
Now I’m pretending to be afk and quietly log out.
I am now renaming my character and changing server.

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Correction, questing isn’t a social activity for you.

The whole game can be treated as a social experience, just because you don’t play it that way doesn’t mean it can’t.

Stop trying to impose your own values on to others and learn that there are different opinions as to how and why the game should be played.


Then join a questing/leveling guild/community ffs, problem solved.

All this fake socialisation where people click LFG, don’t greet or say thanks and goodbye and leave the group when the other “live npc’s” have done their bit.

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the only reason they reply here is because i made topic, its a constant flame/trolling brigade. that’s why they are all on ignore

Thank you for exisitng.

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I didnt even recognize you with that mog, you arent that important. So anyway Horde bias am i right.

You accusing people of trolling is a bit rich. With gems such as “horde bias because alliance have to fly a little further to a quest”.

People digest your posts with things like that in mind. You’ve reaped what you sow.

Hey, I have a suggestion, why don’t you go looking at peoples old posts and see if you can troll them or try to start an argument there ?

Most of your posts are just trolling or flame bait and I’ve found very little of any substance in any of them.

Yet again, another example of the anti social behaviour we’re discussing here.

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I’ve spent at least 2k flying from the pyramid to the boat and back again. Horde bias my…

Anyway, I personally don’t do it because its slower. I don’t go there to kill the mob - I go there to get it over with and move on to something I actually want to do. Spending any additional amount of time looking for lowbies seriously gets in my way of playing the game - doing the least amount of unpleasant things and spending the shortest amount of time doing them.

Wait, you’re mad because I corrected your factually inaccurate post of 2 days ago?

How was your lying improving the substance of debate on the forums?

How about if you don’t want correcting you stop spouting nonsense? Thats more anti-social than being called out for it.

Also, I was looking through your old posts to refresh my memory. It turns out you managed to turn “my post went over your head” to “you called me stupid”. Stop going out of your way to be so offended. You accuse people of starting fights but you turn literally every statement into some perceived slight against yourself.

The onus is on the one needing the help to actually organize. You’ll find players. Hell, I even find players for leveling quests! The inherent social aspect of the game is dead, but players themselves are social enough, they just need a bit of prodding. What I get from the topic is that you don’t want socialization (as in, talking to people, getting to know them a bit, engaging with them) but for some high-geared player to carry you in a streamlined manner. And that, mate… is not socialization.


Sooo disagreing is “trolling” or “starting an argument” ok fam you do you?

Also WTS leveling boost 10-50 freehold 8 mins per run /w me for more info.

I never tough i would say this but… Thank you.

not really no wtf?? is that what you want?

You want people who can solo content to create groups for said content to help players that cant, how is this not a carry and why should one do such a thing ? If i dont need help with something why should i go out of my way to create the group ? And before you start with the social aspect thing, joining a quest group will not result in a pals for life scenario, what will happen is the two of you will punch a target for like a min, then player 2 will say ty and leave the group.

Hell you know what i can even run your little social experiment right now and prove that im right.

EDIT: 20 mins later someone joined my group. Here are your results:

If I’m questing somewhere and I see on general chat some one asks for help for example a elite mob / WQ , I will go over and help out even if I have already done said mod for my own quest , if I’m in the area I’ll still lend a hand. We will have a little chat, they will say thanks for the help .
We wish each other good day and go our separate ways .
There are still some players out there that help out and chat and socialize. But some players do like to just crack on with what there doing and prefer there own company, and theres nothing wrong with that I think


This is the result of most content being trivial to the point of not requiring you to communicate at all with your party members.

There is really only one solution to this. Raise the difficulty.


Want me to do the same experiment in classic then ?

No because classic is not difficult any more. You won’t prove anything new.
We need challenging content for the current skill level of players.