Social aspect gone

Mage WTS boost…

Ooooh mythic questing… sounds very social.

A lot of people will help in passing or if someone is stuck with something. I’ve even helped the Alliance while I’m in Warmode if I see someone struggling to kill something. If they attack me though, I will fight back xD

About what I expected. No original insight.

Ok give me some original insight then ? What is this scenario you are proposing ?

Tried looking in a mirror lately ?

As for the factually incorrect post, I’ll talk to my friend who’s a senior production manager at on of the larger UK bakeries and tell him he’s been doing it wrong for the last 40 years because some ‘expert’ in a games forum says so.

Referring to ‘herp’ is suggesting stupidity, please don’t use words you don’t understand the meaning of.

If you don’t want to be challenged in what you say then stop reading incorrect meanings into what people post and please stop assuming opinions and suchlike.

I’m repeating myself but I’ll make the point again if you wish. More challenging content. Where people need to communicate with each other and might actually fail at it without coordinated teamwork. And this applies to the entirety of the game not isolated pockets like we have now.

What that is is up to the game devs to figure out.

Social aspect died when they implemented cross-server everything. I would like to play on a server with none of it. No CRZ, no phasing, no cross-server raids/dungeons/BGs. It would be awesome to build a reputation and recognize other players again.


You seem to be playing a different game. 90% of my encounters are friendly and about the boosting, nobody forces you to buy those services.

And i wanted you to elaborate on that.

Has never been in the game when it comes to leveling.

And i wanted you to elaborate on that.

In what manner? My personal ideas how that can be achieved are irrelevant to the topic.

Why there is a strong social component to teamwork is also a concept that’s fairly well understood.

Has never been in the game when it comes to leveling.

Perhaps. Although I have a long list of memories where I had to help players with dungeons, quests, attunements and other assorted things in various expansions. I’m pretty sure I’m not miss-remembering all of them. And I did explicitly say that compartmentalisation hurts. So no… not just leveling.

You claim that challenging content can fix this so called issue. Challenging can mean a spectrum of things, from overtuned to Mythic raid boss levels of complexity, i wanted you to elaborate what you find challenging. Also the social aspect does not come from challenge, it comes from community, guilds dont become social hubs because they had to communicate on Kael Thas but because they became a team. Blizzard has already provided you with the tools to find social spects its called guild/community finders.

To further this point, idk if you have done any high-ish lvl keystones, but people dont talk there either and i would say that there is challenge in them.

First you are trying to compartmentalise again. It’s not any one aspect that does this.

Again what I personally find challenging is irrelevant. It is subjective. What matters is that the optimal strategy for the average player should be to find a semi-permanent pool of players that they do content with and solo play is a sub-optimal strategy. This is a hard choice as it also means that a portion of the subscribers might never get to participate.

You do understand your theory is that guilds just become teams organically without any basic need they need to fill? They just do.

I suppose forming a group of Vulpera lovers is a viable strategy. But the game posing a challenge that can only be overcome as a group is a more generic one.

Buuut… since you asked somewhat politely. Getting people with egos and a sense of entitlement that goes with it to play nice with one another when that was the only option. That’s probably the hardest I’ve been challenged in this game.

What i am trying to undestand is what you define as challenging. Be it an overtuned questline, dungeon, raid or whatever I do not see people forming a group and beeing social in it. How i see it is an extended version of the screenshot i posted before. A bassic Hi/Bye interaction, just like we have now in Pugs. You are just trying to create PuGs but for questing.

My “theory” was more of an expample, guilds can be raiding/social/hardcore/casual/ERP/whatever, the point is find what you like and then find the apropriate community or guild for it, social dilema fixed. No amount of challenge will make player A who is a raider socially interact with player B who only does pet battles (again exmaple dont @me).

Ofc I am. I mean in the core game features which are leveling, dungeons, PvP and Raiding, only in leveling/questing we do not have any challenge.

Sucks that most people have bad experiences, if I ever see you in the open world I’ll throw fortitude and pw:s your way :kissing_heart:

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Try to solo most stuff since I do my content in WM + like the dynamic experience of coming across other players rather than phasing them in.

who need social aspect just want get ting done fest

Why don’t players help? Well, because the game teaches them not too, that’s why.

In Vanilla, and even in TBC you were forced to group / help others even if it was to further your own progress. Elite quests, group quests, world objectives all required you to help other players. The game told you that you would need help all the damn time.

Then the shift happened. You stopped being ‘Adventurer’ and became ‘Hero’ then ‘Champion’. Everything you did, it was all you. Look at you go! You’re a god damn hero, a wrecking ball A ONE MAN F-ING ARMY! You’re a strong independent black woman now, you dont need no help!

The game shifted from its mmo roots to more of a single-player story with some multiplayer elements. The whole leveling experience tells you over and over you don’t need help, you’re a demi-god like being that can just roll over any problems you face.

So, with that as your experience, why would you help that other guy? For all you know, it’;s an NPC and you don’t have that quest, and you didn’t need help with it. If you didn’t need help, why would they? It’s the same game.

This is how it happened, and sadly, this is how it will stay.


some people aren’t playing this game for the social thing they get plenty of that irl


Fun story:
Way back in classic when I first tried a paladin and got the Resurrection-spell, I ran around looking for people who were about to die to a mob - just so I could resurrect them again.

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