SoD Economy is Unrealistic

No no, I am complaining that items with such massive power spikes are made mandatory (Hence why I have them) by the weight of their power.

As such, you get it, or fall behind the curve. But farming out 3k+ gold is unrealistic for the vast majority with our hitting the swipe button. And as such its counter productive to keeping botting and gold selling down. And it will just increase inflation resulting in everything going up in price.

And since the rewards from (example) incursions are static, you have to farm more and more to keep up with the inflation. This all results in a game that is not casual friendly at all. And while I dont really play on a casual lvl (Time investment wise) I realize that the vast majority are casual players, and if you ignore them the game dies.

TLDR: Prices on consumables and power items like this should not be free, and you should have to grind for the power items for sure. But the price should be more in light with expectations of farming, not expectations of gold buying.

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He just doesn’t get it I’m afraid.

classic SOD gatekeeping community.

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Yap, this. Its fun to minmax but its also costly and always has been.

You can do ST in gnomer gear (and we have) so all this little extra damage doesn’t really do much.

That said, the economy is very weird that’s true. But it was also bound to happen with level restrictions and everything else going on. I try not to waste too much gold on minor upgrades (I’m a healer so there’s less pressure I know).

Phase 3 will be over soon enough and phase 4 is where the real expenses begin anyway.

wow eu servers economy destroyed because of early incursions but i can only see people saying why are you min maxing xD

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And its not blizzard who have put a price tag on the items its players who have, blizzard have not put any price on ether the cards or the enchants, as the mats for the enchants are drop (even disenchanted mats are drops) and the cards can be gotten from a alternative currency or from drops nether of them are sold just flat out for x amount of gold from a npc, your complaints are going the wrong way its players and not blizzard that have decided the prices.

Actually they did.

When you have recipes available while having the loot of the mats be very minimal, the prices are bound to inflate.

When blizzard gives almost no materials while also having a lot of ways to print gold, the prices will go banans.

Supply is low, demand is high, money is being printed all the time.

It was obvious this will happen when people can easily farm much gold but cannot easily farm the materials.

Prices spike up since everyone can put time in for the gold.
It ends up being only the few people who farm the most amount of gold who gets the materials, gatekeeping them from others.

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No they did not.
Its quiet literally players who set the prices not blizzard. You even say it yourself.

Blizzard have not touched the supply though the supply is there as long as people put in the time, the decks are even more insane when it comes to this as the only thing needed to get them is time and running dungeons. So supply is higher than any darkmoon deck before Wrath had their supply at as they are not just random drops but you can get a free card for 10 offerings, so all you need is time, the will to run dungeons and luck to get every card.
When it comes to farming the hard to get mats for enchanting gather a group of like minded people and farm the mats and they are free. The only reason people can “print money” is because others are lazy its the same way that I make gold from selling things like the items needed for the armorsmith quest.

Tell that to essences you need for weapon enchants.
Currently 1x 15+ str costs many 100s of gold to aquire.

Essence of Earth drops from only a few lvl 53-54 elites with a drop rate of 1%

Now tell me how that is not touching the supply?
You have very few of them dropping while everyone and their mother wants to have the enchant.

How about a lot of the recipes for enchanting?
Today in sod after less than a year they are priced higher than they are at era servers which have been running for 5 years with insane inflation.

How about essece of air?
With a below 4% drop rate from 55-57 mobs in silithus?
Yet very many people need them.

Its the same story for a large amount of materials.

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Blizzard have not touched the supply.
We are lower level than 60 thats all, so people have a slightly harder time to get them than they do at 60 thats all.

Its almost like its something that is ment for someone at a higher level than the max level we have right now in reality and therefore is not easy to gather the mats for.

Wanna know how its not couching the supply, blizzard didnt go in and change what mobs drop the item and how many % chance they have of dropping it. (There is one example of a enchanting mat having its supply touched and its orbs)

Everyone and their mother and their mothers dog have those on era though so no one can make any money from selling them on the AH.

You dont need them you want them thats a completely different thing, need to push out that extra 0.5% dps maybe but you dont need that extra little bit of dps to clear the raid or to be preforming well, and if you need that extra dps to clear the raid I feel so sorry for you and would suggest you go back and actually learn to play your class.

The same story of players wanting to push that little extra out of the character and not wanting to put in the work to grind it them selves? Sure I can see that, but if you dont want to put in the work to get those mats your self you can ether pay the insane prices that people who do the grinds demand or you can go for a less optimal option that still will let you preform at close to the peak.

Dude, I dont have darkmoon trinkets, nor the +15str enchants on my shaman, yet I could easily reach 97-99 parses.
You dont need to spend a fortune to be able to parse, unless your a bad player, but then not even those items will carry you.

I wouldnt spend anything above 200g on a level up phase for logging, doesnt make sense, especially if this phase will last 2 months like the previous one did

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I think this kind of posts can be easily summarized and processed.

OP claims:

  • wants to play “optimal”
  • because of the previous point, he claims darkmoon trinkets are a "must

The other perspective (the “casual” one, according to OP):

  • the trinkets are not “needed” to clear the content.

How to solve this? Easy.

It’s all about a concept called utility. Summed up, utility equals the amount of benefit you obtain from something (this “benefit” word should not be confused with gameplay benefits, but rather personal benefit).
If a person claims they want to min/max, and as such claim they “need” certain things (like the trinkets, in this case), then they “need” to face the consequences of that demand. In this case, spend time to get the gold to get them.
It is not, however, logical, to claim to want to play optimal but also not want to go through the necessary steps involved in optimal playing.
And this is true for every aspect of the game, not just min/maxing PvE content.
If I say I want the Gnome mount but don’t want to keep farming for it, do I really want the mount? And the answer is, probably not.
Should the mount’s drop rate be increased to 100% just because I say I want it but don’t want to farm it? Definitely not.
If a player claims to “want” something, they should cater to what that something implies doing to be obtainable.
One thing is for the content to not be doable whatsoever if players do not have those kinda of expensive items, if that is the case then the game actually becomes p2w. But that is definitely not the case, everyone can clear the content regardless of how “optimal” or “casual” they are playing, so that means that having the best gear is not mandatory for game progression. And this means that if you still really do want it, you should do what is necessary to get it.

Do you not have any professions ?
I mean as both Tailor or Leatherworker there is a rather easy way to get all the materials for the high grade enchants.
I made like 3k gold from selling Illusion Dust to people that do not understand crafting and rather farm/buy gold to spend on the AH…

Blizzard controls the rarity of an item and its power curve/spike. Ergo Blizzard while not putting the deck up for 2k gold, does in actuality “pre assign” a price.

When demand is high and the supply is low that means the price is going to skyrocket. Blizzard controls both because of what I listed above.

You cant even argue its them trying to make people burn off gold, because this only makes it so the gold goes from one person to the next, the amount never changes on the server.

But I will edit this much:

While I do agree, as I did before, that mega powerful items need to have a high price. And you should farmed and put effort into getting them (Iv said this multiple times now on this post). The difference is I believe the price should be around 1k, not double that.

I, again, am not arguing for myself, I have both, I dont care what the prices are atm, they can go up 10x, I just think the vast majority of players who dont swipe will not be able to afford this, and since its this good people will swipe and increase the inflation even further.

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Auctions burn 5% of gold. Deflation mechanic.

For all the people who don’t know what
The biggest gold burners are:

Auction house 5% cut.
Mounts + Riding trainer.
Class and profession trainers.
Crafting materials from vendors.
Flight master fee.
Gear repair and talent resets.

Maybe i missed some but most of these things are a “one time burner” once you learned all class spells it is done. Once you have 100% mount, it is done.

AH 5% cut is staying forever and therefore the most important gold burner. It even gets stronger with inflation because it is percentual of prices. And not a static amount like 900g for epic mount.

SoD is seasonal so maybe most people will not even come close to 900g burned in the AH so maybe here in SoD epic mount is rank 1.
On Era realms AH cut is rank 1 i am pretty sure about that.

GDKP return when? Economy is turned to crap anyway, actually never has been this bad this quickly. Thanks Blizzard, job well done, hope y’all are proudly looking back on the work you’ve done here.
All my time spent farming in P1 and P2 (big time nolife sessions fishing etc) are nullified by incursions (and bugs, dupes, infinite loot bag exploits, etc) too bad you designed incursions in such a horrible way that I’d rather drink my own piss than farm them for gold.
Used to have enough gold to last me until SoD ends, now I’ll be glad to make it to P4 (if I care about parsing, which I do).
Give us back GDKP. You don’t give 2 F’s about SoD, it’s clear as daylight, so lift your stupid restrictions and bans before you lose half the playerbase (if that hasn’t happened already even).
*SoD is the crème de la crème of things not working at all, things not working correctly, bad decision making, extremely slow action taking, lack of communication, bugs and devs not caring about anything. Out of all WoW versions. Like nothing comes even close.

*edit: this is likely largely thanks to SoD being a beta with 0 testing, we might as well be playing the beta.

This reminds me how they messed up the economy with garrison missions back in the warlords of draenor days. Several hundred of raw gold were minted every day by every character by just doing some clicks with the mouse and wait for the next day :rofl:

Seems they have learned nothing from that mistske back then :man_facepalming:

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Gottwald be right, mon.

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Really, strange thing, almost like there were more factors in this installment of WoW than before. Nah, cant be, has to be the fact that GDKP was removed…

When could anybody make 100g hour on level 40-50 ever before in the history of Classic WoW? What are you even comparing with. Turn on your brain instead of drinking ur piss.

I love fact that they allowed full 2 weeks or even more ppl to do Hinterlands inc to get 2.5g per q and then nerf it like look guys we did it lol So you could not do any alts u were forced to spam with main and what is most funny … Why to nerf seasonal characters at all when it comes to gold? Is there something I dont know?
Anyway if gold was there full 2 weeks then should not be nerfed at all since again ppl who was spaming it have money will dominate and control AH and all people who did not well bad to be them :rofl:

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