SoD Economy is Unrealistic

Well, most of the mats for your 25agi enchant comes from lvl 50+ mats. Fx. the essence of air. is from lvl 55+ elementals in silithius (will be farmed alot more next phase) same goes for DE mats. High lvl greens/blues(alot more next phase)

Just dont MAX your enchants if its too expensive? If your guild req. maybe its not the right guild for you? If they dont, then just go 1 step down in enchant? The difference wont be THAT huge anyways. or just wait it out, and let the prices fall abit. and go for more affordable but fine enchants until then :slight_smile: Thats what i do atleast.

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the economy in sod is a joke.

mages and hunters spent the last 3 days soloing the whelps in st, gathering 500+ nightmare seeds each night for 15g each, now they sit on a stack of 10k+ gold, with more farming to go

But lets nerf incursions because they award too much gold.

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you missed out on the nightmare pre nerf ? i made 1k gold in 2 days :slight_smile:

It is, so treat it as such

here have this /indian head massage

now go out there and do your thing!

(I just started playing p3 and when the devs are asking the community for advice on how to fix every class on ā€œxā€ā€¦something aint right, donā€™t take it serious I donā€™t think It was ever inteneded to be)

Imo Legion was even worse. I made close to 60 mill in Legion from a ton of alts.

Sureā€¦ I burnt thru it all over time, those Space Goat girls dont come free u know xD

Listen to the troll ! The Loa gifted him with sight ! He never speaks false !

Sure, and next phase the prices of some of these mats will go down as more people can farm them, which sadly does nothing for this phase. And the next best thing for Feral if not 25 agy is the 3% haste on wep. So the difference is quite big.

Not too sure if you can put 15 agy on 2h wep atm. But if not then what I said stands.


You are clearly an economic genius.
This seeds farming is not causing inflation because there is no raw gold flooding the realms. The gold that these farmers make is from other players and not minted.
But Incursion quests are a pure gold rain, that causes hyper inflation.

1h you made 1k gold mate :stuck_out_tongue: feels good having banked up (farmed that crap for days).

OP going buhu since he coudnt figure out a single way to make gold, sucks to be him tbh.

Feelsgoood playing the action house when you have massive kapital, seeing these ā€œparseā€ PvE andys having to pay 2x prices for their consumes and you getting double profit from them lol.

Assuming he means me, glad to know you still have not figure out how to read xD

Go back up, see what trinkets I have :slight_smile:

Sure you do, it takes about 1h before your gold is delivered xD

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Guy literally made a cry post about trinkets and 25 agile prices HAHAH. If you werenā€™t so incredibly dumb youĀ“d realised that there are still two methods in the game that grants you 700g/h - but then again your a PvE andy, smart isnā€™t your game.

How ironic that the likes of you are now being ā€œgatekeeptā€ from your BIS, 4K ainā€™t enough I think we can push the price up to 8K just for the tears.

IĀ“m fine with you spending your wellfair income on buying WoW gold - would be more fun when that perma ban comes :smiley:

Yep, thank you for confirming that you still cant read xD

Keep crying pleb :smiley:

But ! Since im the ā€œpve andyā€ and pleb ^^ Lets do it this way. I will gladly link my retail main who was multi glad, rank 1 and HoTA + a lot of other things you only see on a screenshot.

And at the same time you post your main. Lets see who the pleb here is :slight_smile:

Sound like a deal ?

HAHAHAHHA he is about to post his retail andy char guys watchaout! IĀ“m dying from laughter, biggest loser NA/EU.

I thought so. Stay down.

HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA dude gets completely destroyed and is treating to post on his Retail char HAHAHAHAH im dying.

TLDR: I cant back up my multiple insults, and now im trying to do what my daddy should have done. Pull out.

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Dude got glad in BFA guys watchaout HAHAHA, like I said biggest loser NA/EU sit down dog.

Soo dumb he thinks doing quests or portals is a good gold farm, you cant make this crap up.

I have a better proposal, come 1v1 me 2k per duel - oh wait you know your garbage in game and you have no gold, my bad.

Dude for the love of baby jebus please just put this manchild on ignore and stop replying to him for gods sake. Would you argue with a barking dog IRL?

The dude is more toxic than ball cancerā€¦put him on ignore and have a great day :smiley:

I can guarantee he will not have a nice day, everything he spewed was idiotic toxic :poop: think what his daily life must be like he is this happy? :crazy_face:

There we go all better now eh


Not wrong.

Aw so no 2K duels? Didnt think so either, back to doing quests so you can afford my 3X overpriced potions so you can ā€œparseā€ in your PvE lol.

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