Solo Shuffle issue with rating

As the OP talks about, people generally don’t think of a shuffle game as 6 separate matches played in a row. They think of it as one game, and they either gain or lose rating, or it doesn’t move at all.

But at the end of the shuffle, it’s just summarizing all of the rating lost and won each round in that shuffle, and then you end up with either rating won, lost or that it ended up exactly where you started.

This is causing extremely bad optics for players, and this effect is further amplified by the long queue times.

So they need to change the way the rating system works, and make people get rating more reliably. The way it’s designed to constantly make people get closer to each other in rating when they’re in the same team, is just purely nonsensical in the shuffle format. Rating won and lost needs to become way more predictable and transparent, and for that the system as a whole needs to change.