Solofarming legacy instances - tricks and tips

Laughs in 3 Invincible drops skipping healing dragon every time…

damn i cant find the cat gif to post…



mumbles something about how can you see the invisible and walks away

Thats great! I only do the dragon for transmog drops. I can hardly say I have been putting in any effort to get Invincible, I’ve only done 25HC ICC 16 times on my main character, and only a few times on a couple of my alts. Very lazy.

I’ve known a good friend since TBC farmed it every week religiously until a year ago…

Didn’t drop for him once. Yet he has so many mounts I don’t have, RNG truly is a harsh mistress

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Just something I remembered, for Horde that are farming Gnomeregan there is another entrance to the dungeon, all the way in Northern Stranglethorn. In Grom’gol base camp there’s a teleporter pad that sends you straight to the dungeon.

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I farmed it for five years on 28 chars before I got it.
It killed my love for farming RNG based stuff.

probably is time to begin again to run ICC to see if it drops

Farming rare BoEs in Azjol-Nerub:

This dungeon only have four trash mobs that grants reputation, and of them only the two Anub’ar Prime Guards in front of the last boss have any loot. The other trash mobs in this instance are lootless.

Because this dungeon have some BoE zone drops at the usual low droprate, and only two mobs can drop them, obtaining these items is very grindy. Luckily we can ignore the last boss, Anub’arak, which cannot be oneshot for mechanical reasons.

The fastest way to travel this dungeon is to use a Mage and blink through the texture. After all, this dungeon is that old that any “exploits” must at this point be considered a feature.
Here’s how it goes:

  1. Kill the first boss Krik’thir, and walk to it’s exact standing location. Face the doorway inwards.

  2. Activate Slow Fall, and then Blink. If you get ported to the doorway standing UPON the texture, try again. However, if your feet is inside the texture or you fell through, move cautiously forward through the texture and fall downwards to the downstairs floor.

  3. Now, do not move too far forward during the fall. Remove Slow Fall if you have too. Land on the floor itself, not on the spider web. If you accidentally land on the spider web, you have to stick with the small shortcut you did and proceed downwards the normal way. (Trying to blink through anything down here is at best a waste of time, or at worst an even worse waste of time by getting stuck and having to teleport out.)

  4. Activate Slow Fall and walk on the floor beneath the spider web to the edge, and fall down to the second boss Hadronox. This is the big shortcut.

This is working with a Gnome Mage, but I cannot grant that it will work for taller races.

Bah, guess it is time to go schizophrenic again.

Halls of Reflection is dreadful, and there are no gamechangers here as far as I know. All we got is minor things.

Falric/Marwyn: There’s a structure in the middle of the room that breaks line-of-sight. which is handy when trying to gather up the mobs for AoE.

Wrath of the Lich King: After starting the event, let Lady Jaina/Sylvanas go ahead and clear the way. Keep pace with Arthas and simply AoE anything he summons on the spot.

After a while Lady Jaina/Sylvanas will warn about reaching a dead end, and at this point the Lich King wont summon more undead. Rather he will speed up to normal walking speed and catch up with Jaina/Sylvanas. AFAIK there are no issues falling behind Arthas at this point as the scripted event attacking him wont start until you reach the dead end within the time limit.

Correction: The scripted gunship event will happen anyway. The cave blockage will disappear right after, so you wont be blocked off from the gunship. No worries about missing the loot chest and portal to Dalaran.

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…and it seems to be hotfixed. :expressionless:

I discovered that if you enter Karazhan from the side entrance while in a raid group, you will end up in the raid, not in the dungeon (in the side entrance, potentially skipping some of it). Although how many people you need to convert to raid and how practical it is, is beyond me.

Also Uldaman has another entrance, in a cave below Fuselight (entrance on the left side).

Valithria Dreamwalker: Bandages no longer works in the H25-version, and reportedly neither do Hearth of Azeroth.

…I HAVE TO try this. By the way, you can make a 1-person raid with the group finder, having an alt join. If you have a group of at least 2, you can convert to raid, and it doesn’t matter that the second character is your alt, being offline.

I discovered this trying an m+ key and for some reason we were a raid group and I didn’t notice (probably cause I invited 2 different people into the last spot or something).

Edit: Anyway I tested and it doesn’t seem to work, at least not with offline alts. Maybe I misremember something at this point, but it might actually require people in your raid group to be online.

how to farm ulduar

You can craft gear with on pretty much every slot.

Makes mog farm go nyooooom!

Such a wasteful farm. Remember that DHs have tier sets in Uduar and can only obtain Leather-armour appearances. Might be convenient for farming Mimiron’s Head, but you will regret it when you decide to farm the tier sets on appropriate classes and will have to kill Yogg-Saron anyway. Thinking about all the armour tokens you simply vendored when farming the boss with your DH.

Hmm… can you confirm that the speed buff still works outside Shadowlands?