Soloq reminder

Do not hold your emotions you can start crying here nobody will make fun of you for this…oops you already crying. We all understand how multiple soloQ topics is hurting your feelings.

Pls people dont be selfish think about other people that are mad because of these topics.

I do, explain what you don’t get and i will do my best to explain it to you.

Wishfull thinking. What about the low level players? What about them? They don’t exist?

I’m at low cr and i have never had any issues finding team mates.
Do you think that soloq will be insta queue pop? I have bad news for you my friend. Holinka even expressed concerns over the issue of long waiting times in a Legion Q&A section.
Normal people know this, Blizz knows this, the only ones who think the opposite is all of you delusional lot.

This is just trash, no substance. I play arena now, am i booster? how about my team mate? my opponents?

Edit: If you think that there will be no boosting/wintrading/gaming the system, then you are out of your mind and you have lived under a rock all this time.

It really isn’t that deep: arena groups can be made quite easily - you just gotta put an ounce of effort into it, and make friendly with people who don’t RQ after one loss.

I am a low level player and i have a real hard time finding teammates, i usually find at best 2 people a day to play with, if i dedicated 5 hours to playing then 2-3 of those hours will be spent running around gathering herbs or mining or running around Oribos while waiting in LFG.

What effort? Have you played in the LFG at all recently? EVERYONE just insta leaves after 1 loss even if you have gone on a 10 win winstreak. Chanimal even had a video where some random paladin in LFG who titled his group ‘‘chill games’’ left after ONE LOSS playing someone who played arena at Blizzcon

There is no salvaging the LFG, none

SoloQ is need!!!

LFG is garbage, it takes far longer finding people to play with than actually playing the game, and thats REALLY messed up, when my sub runs out im quitting WoW because i cant play the content i like which is arenas & rbg.

…you can play them, though? Skirms/Random BGs exist if you can’t find a group?

For every person who finds the LFG system bad, there are those of us who have managed to find long-standing friendships/partnerships with it. It isn’t perfect, no, and it could do with some adjustments, but vast majority of issues people seem to be having are down to PLAYER BEHAVIOUR, i.e leaving after one loss, toxicity, as opposed to the system itself. Doesn’t really mandate a solo ranked scene.

short-term not much changing for people who have a team is fair, i think. but long-term? i think it’d cause a slow bleeding out of players because i think you’d see a significant reduction in new blood.

transitioning from LFG to an actual team is already a big hurdle, this would increase the gap to a state where anyone can play solo queue with zero barriers while finding a team remains difficult. the difference in effort at that point is incredibly high and i think very few will bother. the people who quit won’t be replaced since hardly anybody who isn’t already established will venture outside of solo queue.

this system of solo queue works fine for LFR compared to regular raiding, but that has a fan-made, solidified support structure to enable it. basically every guild is on wowprogress. pvp doesn’t have something like this, people try but they’re not widely used and therefore end up being ineffective. like a social media network without people on it. hard to fix since people don’t participate if it isn’t already used.

as for separating or not separating, i worry that separating would have a serious impact on activity and queue times for the premade bracket. not separating would tank the rating of everyone who uses solo queue since you can’t expect to compete with a team at the same level who is a premade.

don’t get me wrong, the problem of not being able to play at all for hours is a big one. but i don’t think soloqueue is necessarily the best option, or even if it is, i don’t think it’s as simple as people make it out to be.

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The issue of no ‘‘new blood’’ would EXCLUSIVELY be an issue at higher MMR, like 2400+, and imo that is the case anyway you slice it. The arena community at large is very much an old boys club, with solo queue players like me and many other that are bad at the game and aren’t connected would actually have a chance at playing.

you’re not wrong, there’s a lot of players who have played a long time. big part of that is the social element. but new people do still show up, people do make teams and play together and improve. every season people reach 1800 or 2k or glad or whatever for the first time.

my worry is that if you “trap” everyone who isn’t already established in solo queue, they won’t be able to make it out. because it’s easy to stay, hard to leave. actually, in addition the “non solo-queue” lower rated community (that isn’t already playing with their friends, so not a part of this) would likely evaporate, so it could be even harder than currently to get a team going.

I don’t think these claims are founded on anything besides fear really, i mean in every other competitive game like Dota2 and League 90% of pros found their team or were picked up by established teams from getting noticed playing on ladder in their respective game.

Solo Queue would only be an improvement, the old players and networked good players can remain in premade queue, their experience will literally not be impacted one bit. Tune into any pro WoW PvP players stream on Twitch and they just face the same 10-12 people over and over and over again day after day because again it’s an exclusive club.

Solo Queue would not impact high rated players and for low players would just be a way for them practice playing the actual game.

i feel like you’re talking in extremes here. it is not a case of two groups - “high rated” (pro level) and “low rated” (market for solo queue). there is a huge amount of grey area. the people you’re talking about are facing the same people because they’re a tiny, tiny minority at the top. there are very few players at that level.

people playing together with a team is not exclusive to the pro level in wow, nor do i think it should be. these games you bring up do not have a culture of playing with your friends in a team unless you’re at the very top where it is absolutely necessary to edge out the opposition as far as i’m aware. you also constantly hear about how toxic solo queue games are (and LFG in wow).

to me, wow is a game about playing with your friends. arena is tight-knit teamwork, learning together, deciding how to do something. not playing a random comp one game, hoping you have some level of teamwork together and then never seeing them again. where’s the fun in that? i realise i’m also kind of describing LFG (with the added problem of not being able to play for a long time sometimes), and that is an issue for sure.

when i play at 2200, 2300, whatever, we see a mix. we see a lot of different teams, but sometimes we face one team two or three times in a session, or we face a team i remember facing before. i would assume we face a mix of lfg, new teams and old teams.

GIVE IT TO US, 20mil bonus for CEO… yet blizz has no budget to implement a feature that is baseline in almost every other online game? 2 weeks grace to put such a feature in or un sub. Sick of pouring time and energy into a broken game made by money hungry people who have no interest in the player.

PvP as a whole is a tiny tiny minority, on any given region the number of players above 2100 range in the 10,000s, this is already a VERY tiny amount of players that play at a ‘‘good’’ level compared to any other relatively big game, and that’s just the people that have reached a rating of 2100, not accounting for how many reach X goal they set out to and quit, the active concurrent playerbase at a good CR is probably way smaller.

Catering to this EXTREMELY small by comparison playerbase saying LFG is fine when they wouldn’t touch it with a 100 meter pole while playing in their established cliques while the average low rated player can’t find games for the life of them is insane.

Nevermind the fact that the high rated player KEEP THEIR SYSTEM, nothing is going away

Of course it’s not exclusive to pro players, but LFG is this extremely toxic middleground.

Either you have friends and you treat them good because you know them and you laugh off mistakes, or you play with complete nameless faceless strangers (PuGs) and it doesn’t matter if you tell someone to go kill themselves because you have no emotional investment in that person.

All solo queue does, is make it clear, if you want to have the ‘‘social element’’ and have a friend wich you play with, then make a friend FIRST then go play premade.

While Solo queue exists to act as what most people treat LFG as right now, wich is just a button to find a faceless nameless avatar wich they just play 1 game with then ditch, 0 emotional investment, nothing, just play.

Solo queue wouldn’t be toxic in my opinion, simply because there is no expectation of emotional investment. You just queue, don’t say a word, do your best, queue again.

Can i have your gold? Mather of fact can i have all of the gold from all of you who threaten to unsub?

there’s a huge difference between the amount of people who are above 2100 and the amount of people you see on streams a lot. i don’t really think that’s fair.

i don’t think lfg is fine, and i know it’s tough to find teammates. been trying to help my friend with it and he seems to finally have it now. he found them on the worldofpvp subreddit i think it was, but there’s also the official forums. all of them are pretty dead unfortunately, even though they are mostly adequate functionally wise as ways of finding people, it’s just that nobody bothers interacting with a meeting place that doesn’t already have a lot of activity.

i personally think that is where the solution lies moreso than solo queue. an active tool for finding people. stoopz i think it was mentioned an ingame “tinder system”.

i would never do that regardless, but yes unfortunately people can be pretty nasty.

is this an appealing way to play the game, you think? if i was put in a situation where that was my only option, i wouldn’t play at all. the current situation being like that sucks, but introducing a new system where your goal is a miserable experience before you even start developing it doesn’t sound great.

As opposed to not playing at all? Yes.

Of course i would like to have a handful of friends to play with regularly, on voice etc, but it’s a catch 22 with all sorts of games that have a rating system.

You need high rating for people to want to play with you, you need dedicated people to play with in order to consistently improve (increase your MMR)

Solo queue would cut out the problem here, and allow people to prove themselves ‘‘worthy’’ of having a dedicated team of people.

There is not a single doubt in my mind that it would play out exactly in wow as it does in other competitive pvp games, that once you are at that 2400+ threshold in solo queue, people at your same rating would naturally add you in order to push for gladiator mounts or whatever in premade queue. But solo queue gives you the opportunity to prove yourself worthy of having friends to play with in the first place, as opposed to being stuck in this horrible limbo of not having the merits to get friends, and not having friends to get those merits.

there are lower rated people looking for teammates too. you don’t need high rating to meet people who want to play with you. perhaps you find someone else who’s newer and wants to play, or someone in your guild is curious to start playing arena, or a friend of a friend or something. my friend found teammates on that subreddit, mine were a guildie and that guildie’s friend. i had basically no experience, but neither did they.

in some sense your pool is larger if you’re starting out because lots of people are reasonable close to your experience, the trouble is finding them. it’s not a huge amount of people you need to find, it’s one or two. even if you only find one and you wanna 3s, that’s still only one person you’re pugging or need to find and you know you can rely on your one teammate.

but yeah, i know it’s easier said than done in practice. but it’s not impossible.

as for me, i pvp with my teammates, i raid with my guild, i occasionally do m+ with guildies. if i lost all of them and was somehow barred from finding new ones and forced to pug everything, i would just quit to be honest. to me it’s not better than not playing at all.

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And this is the thing, people don’t want the game to play itself, they don’t want to remove the social aspect of wow, people just don’t want the game to fight them when they want to play.

I don’t have any real life friends who play, they all stopped in WoD, so i can’t just chat up an IRL friend to play with. So i’m stuck in the LFG, and sure i can spend 2-3 hours to find 1 person 300cr below me in 202ilvl to play 3 games before they leave and i’m back to the LFG.

Yes it’s not ‘‘impossible’’ to play, but it’s damn close to. And for someone like me if i ever got the chance to push to any decent MMR like 2.1k-2.2k then my chances of finding someone dedicated to play with would go way up because i have merits that makes people want to give me a chance.

I have no achievements, no noteable ratings, and no friends who play rated PvP, so atm i’m SOL sitting in LFG just praying that someone is willing to play a few games before dipping after 1 loss.

I and many others in my situation WANT to play the game because there is no other game that replicates the experience wow pvp has, but every time we try to play the game actively fights against us.

Have you tried seeking out a PvP guild, or searching the forums for similarly-inclined players?