Soloq reminder

You claim overall went down with no proof of that whatsoever.

Meanwhile, you can arguably assume the total has gone up compared to the slump in WoD and Legion when it was wildly unpopular. Since so many people have done it for the gear this season.

And kudos for once again ignoring questions and counters. Bravo. Bravissimo. Da capo! is a pretty funny video about solo queue. Figured I’d give it a try and see what youtube have to say, and et voilà.

He gets his numbers from other staffers at Blizzard tho. Reports are typically twisted to show possitive trends.

Id say about half. Quite comprable to wow RBGs via LFG.

Gold, skins, titles. You also have automated tournaments that lead to placements for monthlys. Monthly winners get a statue in the PvP hub.

The reward scheme is a lot better structured and comprehensive. You have reward tracks comparable to Fortnite.

The only down side for some is standardized gear in rated pvp.

Yes comparable to wow. Main difference is a soft reset of MMR every season and 10 placement games to pinpoint your MMR even further. After that, the rating gains / losses are comparable to WoWs. 10/12 rating gained/lost per win/loss.

Comparable to wow. If someone is afk you can report him idle and hell gets kicked if he doesn’t do anything for the next minute or so.

They are very strict when it comes to abuse. The few examples i encountered got permabanned within a week.

As I said
I can stream GW2 for a 6 hours for you
and you won’t see any toxic behavior. Most whispers I get are questions about my build, compliments or ppl adding me for duoq. And ahh ye
a lot of duel requests. Which i typically decline.

after you argued for many posts and had arguements from you know everyth better it will not work (soloq), after you put mental issues into context with soloq,
you thought lets watch a random video from a complete different game from a random dude without any or close to no context to soloq in pvp wow.
and now what? thats shows how you have absolut no clue and only try to be against someth. i dont know what motivation you have to do that but yeah maybe its your nature.
Maybe you should try to watch videos from wow content creator, who are targeted for us the wow pvp player for our situation at the moment.

Booster don’t need yolo q, cuz RMT is fine. Look what i’ve found.


^ Those two are likely the main reasons why it hasn’t degraded as much in GW2, assuming you’re correct in your statements that is.

For one thing, quick seasons means it fades out a bit. People already don’t need to level and no need to gear in GW2 for PvP, so there’s little preparation needed which means less anticipation and less investment.
Then the fact that the seasons are quick, means that people place less value in each individual season. It becomes more bland. It dulls the emotional investment like that. (An easier to understand example would be to compare a hypothetical weekly tournament with anyone able to join, compared to an invites-only yearly grand tournament. The emotional investment becomes inherently different depending on the “prestige” of it, and its exclusivity.)

Another thing to take notice of is that you said the monthly tournaments only leads to a statue, which I’d assume isn’t really as “grand” as a r1 title with unobtainable cosmetics from past seasons, since according to what you said those kinds of things aren’t limited to seasons, right? Much like the RBG rewards. Which has already proven to not be a strong motivator.

And the punishment system is much more effective, which both WoW pservers and now GW2 assuming you’re correct, shows is a strong motivator to not break the rules.

Meanwhile, in WoW

Again, what’s with this obsession to compare it to the current design? It’s garbage as well.

Why would someone be against soloque. You dont have to play it if you got friends to play with and i dont think it would affect regular ques. Everyone who have left the game might be still playing the game and maybe found some regular 3v3 partners to play with.

Oh gosh
another soloq topic, it’s not like theres another 23452 topics on it.

It just shows the selfishness of these kind of people, instead of posting in the existing topic, where all of their points have been debunked, they create new topics hoping nobody notices how wrong they are. Pathetic.

Please add soloque, im going insane waiting in LFG, its the sole reason im considering quitting Wow when my sub runs out, i like pvp but i cant really play the game very often.

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I would like to see rated solo que system.
It would personally give me another option in game that I would use probably more often then current system.
But developers can add it as another feature in game and not remove existing one.
So whoever wants to play ranked system as currently is, he can continue.
Whoever wants to solo que, he is good to go.
Solo que would give another challenge to cooperate with random partner and to have a win scenario in unpredictable situations.
And it would be much easier to play the game whenever you prefer to.
I know its not a right section but would be cool to have this option for m+ as well.

“The amount of people who plays arena/rbg would be explode”

Only the SoloQ. Other areas would suffer if rewards were kept the same.

If SoloQ were ever to be implemented, it should reward fewer Conquest emblems, and not contribute to titles/aesthetics.

Why u so afraid and hiding? Why solo q shouldn’t be rewarded? Less players will preffer boosting?

Why should you be rewarded the same rewards as those who put the effort into committing to a 2s/3s team? Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds?

2/3s needs to be kept incentivised over any facilitation to Solo play. It’s an MMO.

Coz its a game. Effort for what? Being boosted? The most effort bracket is RBG, but no1 cares about it.

P.S. Boosting in SL went on an industrial scale, idk for whom still this achi means something. LFG people looking for a free boost, new players can’t play the game. Casual players sit in LFG for hrs to pla few games. This is insane. In yolo q u can’t be boosted, u can play the game whenever u want. Yes there is still some possible things to cheats rating, but who cares when its exist in retail WoW for years.

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So everyone who does 2s/3s is a booster - gotcha.

Obvious that this ‘dialogue’ isn’t going anywhere when you have nothing but utter contempt for other areas of the game beside the one you want tailoring to.

Who would advocate against solo queue anyway i don’t get it?

High level players who play with an established team would continue playing with their team in premade 2s/3s vs the same people they always play against, nothing changes for them.

The ONLY thing that changes with SoloQ is that people at lower CR without a dedicated team suddenly have a bracket that they can actually play.

So really the only ones losing on a SoloQ bracket being introduced seems to be boosters since all the lonely people resorting to buying boosts to play the game right now could just sit in soloq all day.


What do you mean by us?

He means WoW players.

Does he or anyone have anything to back up that claim? I think it’s quite a bold statement.