Soloq reminder

… I hate to break it to you, but that doesn’t really help with being invited. People are picky af with that kind of exp, for whatever reason.

Sounds like you’d be served better by:

^ That. As you said, you can find people. It’s just that they show no willingness to stick with you, which that would help with.

Try to play thousands of game with PvEers. Those “I wanna play for fun” matches, either by hosting them yourself or if you find someone else who does it.
The game really needs a better tutorial to bring up the average level of ability for beginners instead of the rough part which is to learn from scratch, but the only way to compensate for that is to play thousands of matches (not an exaggeration). If you have the ability to problem-solve, and watch some streams to see how they play and figure out why they do what they do, then you can start to mimick that and eventually grow as a player to become more appealing to stick around with.

Easiest is to play the one thing that’s most broken in a season. Since it massively increases your chances to win and get some exp, even though it’s kind of hollow.

The biggest problem with the group finder, is that people use the group finder too much which in turn massively reduces the sense of trust in strangers. So the game needs to provide a reason in the design to stick it out through the rough times with other people, since it provides a better path to grow in as a player.

Yes i ‘‘can’’ find people either 20 ilvls below me and/or 200+cr below me, and the prospect of self griefing my cr just to have to grind it back up again over 100s of games just to get practice in isn’t really appealing to me or anyone who has to deal with this.

We’d rather just have a solo queue AI find us 1 or 2 other people at the same CR, with similar(read:not same) gear in order to play with. No one is asking for PERCECT BALANCE PERFECT GEAR PERFECT COMP PERFECT EXPERIENCE, but the only alternatives available in order to play can’t be to 1. grief your own rating, or 2. spend countless hours each day to play half a dozen matches.

Probably one of the most obnoxious reasons I’ve seen so far.
Your cr has no meaning if you don’t have the ability to go higher. You yourself do need to know what to do in order to climb, which you can’t know before you’ve played those thousands of matches or had someone coach you. Until then, your cr doesn’t matter. At all.

Yes if you are a 3000 rated player then yes you can just curbstomp sub 2.4k subhumans into the ground in 180ilvl on your way to your 7th 2400 achievement in any given season and rating has no meaning to you. But to average players they want to improve, and CR is the ONLY objective metric to your improvement.

See, that’s where you’ve severely misunderstood it.
CR is the result of your matches so far in a season. That doesn’t mean you have the ability matching it.

There’s a massive difference between someone who can get 1800 every season they play, comped to someone who has only gotten 1800 once.
Replace that number with any number you want and the answer will still be the same.

It’s because one has the ability to play on a consistent level, while the other is a person who just barely managed to claw their way up to that level just that one time.

What you’re saying is that you want that “exp” just so you can join groups with a better ability than what you’ve got.

Please. Get real.

Just play as many matches as you can, and don’t care about your CR so much.

I’ve got a r1 mage friend who I added after just playing with his alt once, and haven’t really played with him since. But we still talk to each other, because we’ve got similar interests outside of WoW.

I saw him doing something interesting once. When he rerolled into warr back in Legion, he played literally thousands of matches while inviting anyone. And I do mean literally anyone.

It was his way to grow his ability as a warr, because he was kinda clueless before it. It was pretty funny to see having thousands of matches played in a season on a char, but it worked for him.

Did you read my previous post? I said i want to find people on a similar level as me, not less, not more. I don’t want to play with 2400 rated multiglads and nor do i want to play with people 400cr below me. Because none of those are conducive to improvment. One i can’t keep up with, and one can’t keep up with me, but in the LFG, the chances of me finding someone who is similar gear, similar cr, and is willing to stick to it are slim to none since we need to do it mechanically.

^ 10 characters.

Okay great for you you have already got all the achievements and all the merits and can afford to not care about cr, good for you. But you are not the average player.

It wasn’t me. It was him. And he wasn’t even telling people he had r1 exp. He was just inviting literally anyone who would sign. And by doing so, slowly but surely increased his ability to play as a warr.

Ok nice and this anecdote totally makes all the points everyone keeps bringing up as to how LFG is literally torture null. Fantastic problem solved i guess, this ONE anecdote blew every other argument out of the water.

LFG is horrible, but a solo queue would require far more than you’re aware of.

There’s the problem with emotional outrage, which is less inhibited thus the design needs to put in huge punishments just to separate such people and scare off people from acting like that. Which every single game with a rated solo queue has had to find ways to deal with, usually by having a strict punishment system in place.

Then there’s the problem of how you’re locked into one character, which they’d need to provide arena tournament realms, queuing from interface and the ability to set up the UI from somewhere for each class/spec, and a lobby where you pick what to play after having been matched up with ready-made characters without need for leveling or gearing.
Since that’s an auto-regulating system so you’re not locked into only playing that one thing, so people will fill the role they need to fill to make it work with the people they’re matched up with (also makes it possible for “role” queues).

But the main problem with the group finder is that people are using it to find groups way too much. It creates the illusion that the grass is always greener on the other side, with the other side being to find a new player whenever a problem comes up. It has degraded over years of decay, into the state it is now.

Which Suggestion to improve the group finder for rated PvP helps with.

i don’t have any real life friends who play wow either. you can have in-game friends too, or look for people to play with who you become friends with.

i don’t think that’s the case really. perhaps the seriousness goes up on average with higher rating, but while that happens, so do the standards. i don’t know that the average 2100 team is any more stable than the average 1600 team. plus the higher you go, the smaller the pool becomes.

yes you do, you have 2k experience in 2s, in this season as well so it’s the most relevant 2k in 2s experience you could have. and even if you didn’t, that doesn’t matter, there are still people out there, you’d just match with someone lower.

and don’t focus on rating, it’s only part of the picture, as is experience, with recent being the most important. you don’t need to play with someone who has the same rating as you, you can just as well play with someone who has lower rating but has had experience in the past, or someone who’s just returning and gearing up. also don’t look for people exactly where you’re at, it’s okay if they have a little more or less to show.

don’t be picky and play with people until you find the right ones for you. cast a wide net, give people a chance. the alternative, which is what you’re doing now, doesn’t seem like something you’re enjoying.

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As i said before, this idea that solo queue would be somehow more toxic than LFG i simply don’t buy. Since in my mind the emotional investment of having to actually pick out 1 person, do smalltalk with them, and form a group manually is infinitely higher than just pressing a button and starting in the arena without the whole rigmarole of the LFG.

The emotional investment of solo queue would literally be none, since you effectively don’t interact with them what is there to be outraged about? You don’t get the feeling of having put your rating in the hands of another player as you get in LFG since well it’s even more depersonalised than LFG.

Ok, you wanna talk about what lack of emotional investment in other people leads to? Because it doesn’t make you less emotionally invested in the rating itself. So when people you’re not even socially aware of “causes” you to lose your own rating, what do you think happen?

^ That’s what happens when you’re only emotionally invested in your own rating and nothing else, while removing all social awareness. Another fairly common consequence is that people are literally muting everything. Not reading anything. And not saying anything.

Fun, right?

Which is why:

^ That is a thing in every single game with a rated solo queue.

And it’s also why every pserver with an actual functional rated solo queue, have VERY hands-on admins that takes swift action.

I can only speak for Dota 2 since that’s the only MOBA i play and yes it is fun, the toxicity system there works very well. The behavior score system naturally lets the toxic people play with other toxic people and the nice people play with other nice people quickly.

Solo queue works wonders there, i’m not an expert by any means, i have like 3k something hour clocked at 3-4k rating and it’s fine.

That’s my point. “Just adding a solo queue” isn’t a thing. It requires a massive increase in regulatory systems to control people’s outlet of emotions, because the design makes your consciousness far more centered on yourself and yourself alone in a rated solo queue.

As Kaleiki said, controlling “toxicity” in online games is an industry-wide initiative, with far more competent people with degrees in psychology, and those in game design, work together to come up with ways to curb the “anger” online.

Solo queue doesn’t help. It makes it worse. And yes, it can get worse than now.

Well if they need to make a behaviors score along with it i can’t see how that can cost more than trying to recondition people as a whole? People in LFG will never be nice to eachother, ever, never ever at all. You can’t change how people behave.

If you need to make a behavior score to sort good and bad people than so be it. Because you can reform the LFG to whatever tinder matchfinder system you like you can NEVER make the LFG experience bearable.

Except grouping up is so common in Classic that it has controlled Classic BGs for over a year nonstop.
It’s related to the overall social design. And yes, that can actually control people on a macro scale (no matter what it does, there’ll always be outliers, but people are sheep when you talk about 'em on a macro scale).

I didn’t say anything about “tinder”? It’s also socially toxic. I linked my suggestion above, scroll up.

And you can’t copypaste dota2’s “behavior score” system either. There is an extreme amount of intricate details involved in making it “work”, which would require a HUGE recalibration for it to even be feasible to implement in WoW.

And that’s assuming they haven’t patented it (I honestly dunno if they have or not).

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