Solution to noobish WM behaviour

By viewing your profile, i have a feeling that you are a alliance undercover member. :slight_smile:

Well, there is a real connection between both. Some studies made on human psychology revealed that majority of gamers like to experience in games what they cant experience in real life (due to restrictions from laws mainly). So for example, players that play GTA style games or shooters are majority agressive people (that supress in real life theyr “true” nature ) with tendency to not obey the rules (aka laws). Dont blame me. Blame the doctors and scientists who reached this conclusion.
Maby the “ferocity” of your camping and the willingness to spend so much time (hours) , just to piss off some players, has relation with your past frustration? For example that alliance was always number 2 (ohh well, not number 2 exactly, something like nr 10-15,but who’s counting your failures? right? xD)? Best pvp players are horde. Best raiding guilds are horde. Majority of famous streamers are horde
and the list can continue in all aspects. Makes sense? xD
Like a guy, said above: the horde has the best guilds"
therefor he unintentionally answered the magic question: why you do it?

I will give to this topic. I understand how is to play a failed faction, a failed comunity,etc. Enjoy your camping and have funn. I just hope you guys can manage to finish thoose wpvp achievments and god forbidd that we dont receive thoose freebies you received. We will camp you 24/7.

P.S. : here a link to show you a example of the connection i was talking above:

Aye, giving one side a incentive to group up and attack, while not giving the others a incentive to defend themselves.

Though it does say alot when the horde do that with no benefit while the alliance had to be spoon feed to do it. Go horde.

That’s the point of it, the only point. Can’t take extre times being killed then turn off WM and keep it turned off. I keep finding it funny that when the horde did this for nearly 4 a 5 months (I also count in Darkshore pre-event) it was no problem. Alliance strikes back with how the Horde treated the minority of Alliance (corpse camping, raids vs 1 player, FP ganking) that was ever dwindeling and suddenly we are all baddies with low IQ. Sorry not all aimedat you, but I’m astounded how much hypocrisy the Horde playerbase shows.

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Correct you are :slight_smile:
I am playing on both factions - this char is just a forum poster I don’t play on anymore, I still keep it because it’s easier to keep track of my post and because I have always used this to post from :slight_smile:

The link doesn’t jump to the post when clicking on it, but I think I found it with google (?)

In that list I know that it wasn’t Call of Duty that was banned in Norway after Breivik’s massacre, it was actually WoW :slight_smile:

But recent studies tell otherwise when it comes to gaming:

Unfortunately I also read an article from another research team that made their own research upon this matter at the same time, and their conclusion was that gaming was hurting the brain - I’m afraid I can’t find the study I was talking about.

Problem with these studies is that every study group makes their own study, and ask different questions and I believe not everyone enters their study with an open mind.

I know a new nordic study on the gaming project has started again, and I wouldn’t be surprised if a new american study also started.

If I may add a personal remark on this one, I think when it comes to something like this, it’s the same as with sugar policy, it’s peoples view on the sugar (games) and how they view they person eating it (playing the games) that makes these views.

We are at a crossroad when it comes to social interaction and behaviour, and no one really knows how to adress this matter or how to see any problems that may come or to solve any problems that may be here or will come when it comes to gaming :slight_smile:

((I’m sorry for the super long post))

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The ideea is that there is a ethical and moral behaviour that we need to obey, even if that is not written in any WoW rule book. And what the alliance is doing now is not ethical and moral. It is pure over-exagerated revenge/abuse and taking advantage of the motivation Blizzard gaved to alliance to do it (meaning that not only pvp-ers join, all categories of players join). I would understand if only PvP players would take part on this. But when even newbies, lvl 110-119 join, that is ridiculous.
What i cant understand, is how a player can enjoy this?
And as much you blame the horde, i can say that very rarely i saw the horde camping locations and when they where doing it, they where camping it only for the duration of the quest, not hours like alliance does now

Then i wonder if thoose articles about gaming and real life violence are true or not. Well, in my opinion, they are. Only a sick person, with mental and behavioral issues would have pacience to camp and gank inferior players for hours, on daily basis. There is no other explanation for such a behaviour.
Sadly i must accept that i play with such people and go on with my gaming life. This is the last reply, have funn and enjoy your camping.

((I am sorry for something long again, every one reading everything is a master :blush:))

Damm you, now was the debate getting fun, and then you leave :open_mouth:

But I bet you read answers as well :slight_smile:

If you want to draw a paralell towards gaming and pvp behaviour itself, you have to do a hell of a lot real life researches as well :slight_smile:

Camping is something hunters do as well, and I only hear people call a hunter psychotic when they venture out and kill real people - camping animals is a sport it seems like :wink:

In the 80’s they blamed tabletop games like D&D for violent behaviour.

Would you blame Jim Davies for the release of Garfield in 1978 for the Georgia University shooting in 1979 - her reasons were “I don’t like mondays” :persevere:

In the 60’s and 70’ it was music.

Looking at those articles, My opinion is that people want to blame something when they don’t understand or they are afraid: Why is it like this, who is to blame, how can we protect each other.

I’m a real roleplayer and a living history reenacter, and I am also in war reenactment - real war, reenactet war and gaming are different wars.
But the blame is the same :frowning:

9 Years ago my war reenacting was suffering a huge blame and stigmatizing: Different people from different sides had decided to live out parts of ideologies and conduct violent act because of a job situation and lastly some crime with stuff from that time.

And the result was that we had a police covering at events, politicians was after this hobby and every psychologist said that reenacter was all ticking time bombs with anger issues who will eventually hurt people and most likely in a way like those school shootings - removing every blanks from our weapons when we fight, removing every fireworkwe use, removing every replica weapon, toy gun and demoralized weapon we had :confused:

But you can’t blame us for choices people make, we don’t know their look at the society, how their everyday life is or mental state - I can reveal when it comes to war reenacter 90% starts because they buy an old car to restore, and people with knowledge happens to be in the same clubs :slight_smile:

And when I have breaks, it’s because I suffer from war fatigueness from reading up on every aspect from both sides - they all do the same.
Also in this game, both sides do the same - it’s the same people playing it :slight_smile:

I would have loved you to read an article I read years ago about empathy and the original idea with it, but I’m afraid I read it in my ow language and I don’t know whats it’s called or the real language of the article: But the basic in it was to study your surroundings, knowing what they are thinking, how they react and how you will react
 And that’s common in every society that isn’t as evovled in their everyday skills as the western :slight_smile:
That is also something that’s happening in pvp :slight_smile:

Its fine to be mad about something happening in the game, the difference between real life and a game like this, is we can all go away - turn this thing of and start drawing flowers to get away :slight_smile:
It is worth to remember that it is just a game :slight_smile:

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Despite all your ramblings about psychology studies etc, you proved that you yourself have issues, by wishing someone in this forum to be beaten by thugs irl, because he’s playing wpvp in a way you don’t like.

Because of this I personally see no reason to talk to you anymore and explain my views. You may call me a “ganker” in game or whatever and accuse me of any bad pvp behavior in game, but you seem to be prone to dangerous behavior irl, because you make no difference between the two.

I avoid any contact with such type of people and would point to other forum posters to be aware.


People that have difficulty distinguishing between playing a game, and real life behavior, need to seek help. It’s a real problem for a minority.

However, these same type of people, have historically had difficulties with other forms of entertainment like movies and books. The affected people have a problem. It’s 100% nothing to do with the game, book, etc. It’s an issue in their brain. Not their fault, but they need treatment.

I utterly disagree that legit games have an ethical or moral aspect to them. It’s entertainment. As long as that entertainment adhers to whatever laws apply in your country, it’s fine. Applying real world things like ethics to legit games, is just plain wrong. And trying to do so, is a slippery slope for mental health.

Keep it fun, keep it a game, don’t try to combine entertainment with real life ethics! If you are struggling with ethics in game, such as an honor fixation, please seek help. Every country normally has free mental health phone lines.

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its that sort of “well cant handle it turn off warmode then” attitude that’s so damn annoying in these discussions. I WANT to play with warmode on. Telling me to stop playing part of the game because its unbalanced is ridiculous. I honestly want my old pvp server back. This ability to turn it off and on when it suits people sucks. People turn on warmode, complete the quest then turn it back off. It means that outside of people farming at flight points, wpvp is largely dead.

I experienced the so called suffering of the Alliance first hand (I levelled my nelf druid first). Having now experienced the current state of affairs, that doesn’t even compare to the hell that it is to play horde during the weeks the quest is up. If you truly want a fun wpvp experience, making it unbalanced the other way is not a solution. This “well we suffered, suck it up pal” attitude makes the game unenjoyable. And please don’t place all people in one category. You play horde so you must think this

 the same way I am not here thinking because your an alliance player you have low IQ and are a “baddie”. The fault is with the game design. It is designed to encourage the Alliance to do exactly what they are doing. Farm Horde on mass in large raids to complete a 25man kill quest for free loot.

I am, and I imagine most Horde players, are not crying that we want a return to the start of the expac. But we need a design philosophy change.

sorry but your comment irritated me. have some compassion and understand that a large portion of the community is hating this part of the game. Please make a horde character and see it for yourself, you are truly only seeing it from one side.

and fyi, I can deal with being killed multiple times, I can deal with being corpse camped. Being farmed and being unable to go to certain points in the map is my complaint here. Motivating large numbers of Horde players to fight back is difficult to do. And please don’t respond to this comment with, “well the alliance can form groups, you only have yourself to blame”. the alliance are currently motivated by a nice juicy quest to get them onto warmode

Also don’t think my argument is coming purely from a horde POV. I find having an overwhelming numbers advantage on my alliance druid boring as well.

I think its important to consider this as a fault of game design. It is human nature to want an advantage when it is given. So naturally one side with that advantage will argue one way and those without that advantage will complain about it.

Ultimately, yes its a game. But equally its a game where a large amount of time is required to play. The upshot of this is that people will get emotional about it. We all want the game to be better, but often find it difficult to see beyond our own little bubble and experiences.

If a game becomes unenjoyable and we feel inclined to do other activities, isn’t that game then failing in its job to entertain us and hold our interest? People will post and complain when they become frustrated about an aspect of what they enjoy spending their time on. Its important to then listen to their complaints or the alternative is they quit the game. Falling player numbers will mean less investment in the game, meaning a worse situation for all.

just my input.

But to what extent is reasonable to listen? Here some people complain that groups/raids prevent them from enjoying the wpvp solo; when told to group they say they have no time/are not social. They want to wpvp 1v1 and somehow force other players to not interfere with their 1v1.

If I was a Blizzard decision maker, I wouldn’t personally give no fel about such players quitting because what they want is so unreasonable, that trying to cater to them might force to quit thousands of other (normal) players. There’s a boundary what to listen to and what to ignore.

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Also give the Gear rewards that come from quests completed in WM the appearance of PVP gear

That’s what they say but it simply doesn’t line up, because if you like pvp, Warmode is the reward, pvp talents in open world during questing and leveling is the reward

The 10% reward is a lure for non pvpers because maybe they feared it wouldnt see enough people while actually it created the biggest imbalance the moment Alliance decided collectively 10% wasnt worth the extra hassel because non pvp horde players were flooding in for the bonus overpowering everything with sheer numbers

Sharding issue at start of bfa triggered the imbalance spiral.

Sadly, my new other post was “reported” as “trolling the comunity” (aka the alliance comunity, the one that Blizz so ferociously is defending and helping) , so i ask here, for a friend ofc

Where is the alliance?

Since the reset, 2 days ago, the maps are empty: 0 alliance, everywhere, ally or horde continent. Since wednesday morning, i was everywhere, Kul Tiras, Zul’Dazar, Voldun,Drustvar,Nazmir,Stormsong Valley,etc
barely i saw 10 alliance players with WM on in total. And thoose where mostly chars below 120 lvl, using WM for the experience bonus. I even finished now a invasion in Voldun in a record time (8 min or something like that), just half hour ago.
All your mightly players, your proud alliance, your honorable comunity of warriors that are worthy of Odin’s attention, all of them, absent.
I thought its a bug. I almost wanted to submit a ticket,to ask if my WM is broken or something
untill i saw a unfortunate low ally,trying to quest on maps

Vaëyn, Ternezia, Moothilda (the ally spy disguised as a cute cow xD), guys, can you give me a answer? Where are you guys? Why the maps are empty? Shall i send a ticket and ask nicely to Blizz to send you some mythic +10 gear? Or some BoD mythic gear you preffer? Some buffs? Something to please you?
I think now, the evidence (empty maps) speaks by itself.
It is a little bit trolling this reply, but also it shows the reality and the truth.
I really hope , now , you can find very logical argument for your absence on the maps. Last week you defended your position as worthy wpvp players. Lets see , now, how you defend yourself to my question.

That is correct, however it snowballed after it became public knowledge that; you got 10% from 3 non-pvp resources and horde domination due to a dwindling numbers of alliance players

I still stand by that the issue would have been much less exagerated if there was no % bonus and instead we’d get like minor snippets of honor for WQ’s (same way invasions give conquest)

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I don’t get it?

Your original post was about alliance constantly forming groups and killing poor lonely defenceless Horde, making it impossible for them to complete quests.

As if by magic, you’re given free reign to complete all the quests your heart desires with WM on & without facing any nasty alliance groups & only meet sparse individuals.
You’re still not happy.

Tell us, Hypax, what can we do to make your WoW experience better?
(besides giving you God Mode & letting you solo an Alliance raid)

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The problem is that when there is “too much” Horde, Alliance turns war mode off, resulting in Horde being even more dominant.

This results in Alliance WM bonus going up and thus all Alliance turning WM on again, resulting in more fair numbers overall, but Alliance camping WM quests in big groups instead of just playing as usual and enjoying the bonus.

Because of that, the bonus goes down again as the numbers are more even, resulting in Alliance turning the WM off again.

Do you see the problem?

If it would be up to me, I would right now disable the increased bonus to those who didn’t have WM on in the time when the numbers were low and just turned it on for bonus. Those who play with WM should be awarded for their effort while being outnumbered, not those who turned it off to wait for higher rewards.

Darkmoon Faire

When are you online, maybe people are sleeping or working or shifted to the other faction

Do as you like

I don’t play myth, I also play mostly naked or low geared because I like the look on some greys, so no thx.


What kind of buffs do you have?

I want the Twilight Cultist set green and farmable again

No it doesn’t

I am one person, I am not every player - Besides, i still play both sides, I am not a faction idiot

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You have decided the situation, and look for ‘evidence’ to confirm your opinion. We all do, it’s natural. But, we need to try to look at the bigger picture. There is more than one shard, and more than one player observing. These factors mean, a different shard, a different player, can see a very different situation.

I’ve observed lots of Alliance, lots of Horde, zero Alliance, zero Horde, and everything in between. It depends on the shard you are on. Another shard can be the opposite.

When someone gets emotional about a subject, like bitter, they seem less likely to take other factors into account.


I kind of see the problem.
If horde outnumber alliance, it makes sense that there’ll be shards(!?) where horde is less likely to encounter players. After being ganked for ages, one would think that’d be a relief. It’s a shame potential pvp’rs need to be baited out with bonuses.

I keep WM on unless I’m picking up flowers with a pve-friend & if I didn’t get the Assault bonus because of it, I personally wouldn’t be fussed. I enjoy wPvP with or without a bonus.

I won’t defend raid ganking, I’ve tried it & got cheap satisfaction for <5mins. I’ve also seen flight point camping happen organically, there was no-one really to ‘blame’.