It does. It prooves, that the alliance can be a worthy oponent if it wants. The proof was last week “massacre”. But, the problem are the players. When rewards where removed, so did alliance players removed WM. Thats the problem.
And the difference between horde and alliance, is that at least on my shard (!!!), the horde is keeping WM on, no matter if we get rewards freebies or not,while the alliance is keeping WM on only if it receives freebies.
Thank you for your description about me. It shows perfectly what a person you are. Regarding the argument…still you didnt answered: why alliance keeps WM off now? Can you try again to give your answer? This time without describing me? Thank you.
There is no problem between the number of horde and alliance players. Even if horde are numerical superior to alliance, they prooved that they can defeat and atack the horde…if they want and if they are motivated (last weeks freebies for example). So stop with this crap ideology, that the horde has more players.
The problem are the players. Especially alliance players. They keep WM off because they are cowards and can only atack in large groups, not small groups or solo. And when Blizz doesnt give them freebies, they turn WM off.
First of all ,everything written above has no sense. Second, you still avoid my question. You go far away from the question and start other topics that has no connection with the question.
I didnt get emotional. If i remember right, your ally friends did, when they disliked my truth and reported me, just because i gaved you a example between real life and game life. Both have deep connections, yet, just because the topic doesnt suits your arguments, the choice was obvious : reporting. If i would be emotional, i woulded created a char on your shard and hunted you down. Thats emotional.
Imagine that others haved pacience to do that for hours, even half day…
Yes there was who to blame. First the players for theyr childiesh and honorless behaviour. Second Blizz, for keeping side for only one part of the comunity and that they didnt took it as a whole.
Sadly, on entire EU realms statistics, horde is in a small inferiority. Latest statistics, say that on EU , alliance is 50,2% and horde is 49,8% (realmpop-com). Taking in consideration that the total number is huge, thoose 0,2% difference, means a few tenth of thousands of players difference players. So alliance has more players. I know that thoose statistics are made by number of accounts and characters, not active characters now. But still there is a difference.