Solution to noobish WM behaviour

If this was no wpvp…
Pls tell us what wpvp is about!


In LFG 90% of the groups are 5 man for the quest…When I open LFG on both horde and ally it’s full of such groups. The realm doesn’t matter, they are all united in LFG. If you played at all times, it’s a big mystery how you saw so very few groups.

Wish it was so! Then we’d won a lot more bgs than we do. Usually people say horde players are much more coordinated than ally. It’s the same as you said on ally - ppl die, leave, other join, etc.

I have two cats, but still I am human :smiley:


This topic really is fun to read, making a fuss over a freaking game.

Go outside and enjoy the real world instead of the pixel world called Azeroth.

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The above may be breaking forum rules and you could be reported again. Just a heads up. You are not supposed to call out other players for in-game activity, especially like this, or so I heard. But it’s for a mod to decide.

I had a lot of fun at that assault. I was happy to 1v1, love 1v1, but when I lead a group I will ofc try to direct it at the opponent(s). That’s the whole point of a group, power in numbers. Why would I not? I have no concept of either cowardice or heroism in a videogame, these concepts mean nothing to me in WoW, there is only FUN!

Yep, I had plenty of Alliance with me, even without aoo, despite your claims! Killed many solo Horde. Eventually, the TRUE HORDE WPVPERS arrived with a larger raid. We had a fun fight, I thought we could win at one point, but got wiped. Glad to lose to true wpvpers after a fun little battle, and having tried our best, despite being outnumbered. Our small raid decided to terrorize your port for a bit instead, was fun too. This is just one episode on one shard, but shows what can happen even without aoo.

Point is…

A % of both factions are always up for wpvp, grouping up when needed or fun… they just don’t always meet on same shard.

The above are true wpvpers, killing all enemies on sight, suppressing subzones, reacting to situations, and taking action. Win or lose, they tried gard darn it! It’s these players that matter most in wm, and Blizz has designed wm for them. Soloists just have to take their chances, which is 100% their choice, not an issue with wm.

Because you’ve formed an opinion, and want it to be true, you look for things to back up your viewpoint, like fake stats. And anything that disagrees with your point of view, even Blizz, who know the facts, is thrown out. This actually is completely normal, and can happen to any of us. But everything must be questioned, even ourselves. When we feel so strongly about something, we should try to take a step back, and think, are we being objective? Hey, I can be biased myself, we all can. It’s good to discuss, this is a fun thread. Once an opinion is fixed though, changing someone elses opinion, or even our own opinion, is incredibly difficult. Fun to try! :smiling_face:

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When i said there where very few groups, i meant groups focused to fight alliance camping or raiding. I didnt meant groups to party. Whats the purpose to make a 5 man party in a zone where are 30-40 alliance camping? Also i explained why it was a fail. Another example that you dont read correctly.

I didnt talked about BG’s. I talked about alliance groups that camp/raid horde players. Thoose groups are more organised and united. They dont separate, they stick together and they focus their atacks on one, not multiple targets, for easy kill.

Do you think i care? Go ahead…

How i am supposed to talk with a hypocrite, that pretends to be a real wpvp-er and comes here to preach how good is wpvp in WoW , but when faced face to face with his enemy (WHO WAS ALONE BTW!!!), he runs to his friends? Please, teach me.

ofc you had…going 10 vs 1 is so funny and good.

Thatswhy you ran away?

Obviously, as i said, alone you are nothing.

Why would you?

You have no concept of nothing. I have a feeling that you live a sad life…

How funn and brave you are. I presume you killed them all alone and your group sat iddle watching? Right?

I feel that, “True Horde WPVPERS” is somehow ironical. Especially that is bolded and repeated 3 times.

You are not glad. Thats a lie. No sane person, especially a gamer says that he was happy because he was beaten. At least dont try to play the “modest” guy role. I know that what we talk here is public and you want to create a image of a “humble” player, but you are not. You are a devious and treachourous player.

My screenshot? They are true wpvp-ers?

How can you say its their choice? Its not their choice. Its a choice indirecly forced induced by Blizz. If they remove WM, they loose the bonus. And i explained too many times, yet you still continue your ideea. Players are put to choose between extra rewards or not. Its simple. If Blizz wanted a real wpvp enviroment, they wouldnt put this bonus reward option atached to it. You can understand this?

Thoose “fake stats” are the only one avaible since Blizz decided to hide their official stats. I asked why, but you didnt answer. Can you ?

I will belive Blizz facts, when they make all stats public. Not when a guy comes forward and says: “ok, alliance is weak, lets give them free 400 ilvl items” . Where are thoose stats? Nr. of subscribers, pvp playerbase, raiding stats, etc? They where before, now why they are hidden and we must take a guy’s word as a truth?

I brought you tons of questions, yet, not only that you didnt answered them, but you also tried to divert the answer to other topics. For you i will repeat again thoose questions:

  1. Is it moral,ethical and funn to form a group and hunt inferior/lonely players? If yes, explain why (but not answers like : its funn"). Explain with mechanics and arguments why.
  2. Why the stats of game (pvp playerbase, subs nr, rading base, etc) are hidden?
  3. Why now alliance is absent now on maps?
  4. Do you agree that Blizz should remove the AOO quest+bonuses for alliance permanently or give it to both factions?
  5. Do you agree that Blizz should remove any reward/bonus if WM is enabled,permanently?
    6.Do you agree that the actual WM mechanics is wrong from the core?

You cant change a normal opinion. What i asked, was a normal thing. Taking in consideration what alliance received, compared to horde.

You know, we,as humans, must follow some principles. Principles of fairness and equallity. When thoose principles are wrong or orientated only to one side, than frustration comes. With it come bad language, harsh feelings, etc.
I understand its a game. I undertsand that PVP is part of the game. What i dont understand is taking advantage and disrupting inferior/lonely players gameplay. That is a thing that is hard to understand. If you feel that ganking lonely/inferior players is a thing that can bring you funn or pride, then you have wrong principles.

Then make one? Not difficult to list a group like “Raid to kill allys in #zone”. “But I don’t want to” is not a valid answer :wink:

And I also talk about ally groups. Don’t know when you dreamt of such organized enemies. In every raid I was, people separated constantly, constantly someone left and others joined, etc.
And the focused premade-style killing, god give me that raid. Tell me the name of the leader. Because I haven’t seen something like this (and you know I’ve been in many raids).

But actually I know where your twisted perspective comes from - lack of experience in pvp. Many times I went to bgs with pure pve players and shoot me if I know from where they manage to see the stuff they see. For example once went with one dude to cooking brawl, there the horde used the tactic to barricade our cauldrons and wipe every ingredient carrier in front of them before they deliver. The dude said: “What is this bg? It’s complete chaos. No one does anything, everyone is running in different directions!”

I explained him what really happened and the tactic that was used. The reply was: “This is not true pvp!” Sounds familiar? :smiley:


Way I see it, Warmode is supposed to be kinda like actual war. Not sure why any player expects it to be fair, or for there to be codes of conduct that everyone follows, or for it to be always balanced and equitable. Where Blizzard intervenes it is to try to keep a reasonable overall balance of players, but that’s all they should do afaik.

If you want content that’s a challenge, but where you know that X tactic = Y result, then stick to PvE, because that’s what end-game PvE is for. If you want to level characters and not get ganked, turn off Warmode. If you want combat where the opponents can’t run away or form a raid group, stick to Arena PvP.

Warmode works as intended. If you don’t like it, that’s just hard luck because a lot of other players do like it.

  1. Morals and ethics are not relevant to a videogame, unless it breaks national laws. It is fun to form a group though. Explaining fun to someone that has an opposite viewpoint is probably impossible. But, a hunt is fun to many. Tracking down victims is fun. The chase when they run is fun. Destroying them is fun. The camaraderie is fun. Hoping an opposing group shows up is fun. If they do, a fun battle can happen. Lots of fun.
  2. The stats are hidden because blizz doesn’t want the public to know. That’s their choice, the data is their private property. We don’t need it as players. All we need is what’s in-game. You can’t say 3rd party stats are relevant just because it’s all we have. That 3rd party data is just an estimate, doesn’t tell us active or inactive war moders, useless data.
  3. You say Alliance are absent on maps and also say my group ganked you. Doesn’t make sense. Alliance are there, how do you know they are not on another shard? Some shard subzones have no Horde, few Horde, lots of Horde. Same for Alliance. Depends on player distribution in shard zones and lfg.
  4. I disagree on removing aoo or giving it to both factions. The aoo quest is a rebalancing mechanic for region, it’s needed, and has worked to reduce the gap in faction balance eu. That is a success, it is working. Why remove something that’s working. If both sides have it, it won’t have the rebalancing effect.
  5. The reward only being there if wm perma turned on is interesting. There are always pros and cons tho. Blizz are trying to achieve a good balance of player types per faction, changing how it works, would probably prevent their goal happening. They’ve got the data. They know what players do in-game. The system is working to close the faction balance and player type gap.
  6. I disagree that wm mechanics are wrong to the core, it’s all working very well.

You like to twist words and use fake stats to make your points, hopefully readers can see that.

WM should only be turned on if you are prepared to be a target. Of course, it’s player choice to do whatever they want, wm on to get bonus why not. But you are a target the moment wm is on. It’s an insult to wpvp if someone that has wm on is allowed to just run around free. WM on = kill it. Groups are an efficient way to clear a subzone of enemy players. That’s fun to do, but also benefits your faction that is currently wquesting in the area. A win win situation!

If I am not in a group, 1v1 is my fav thing in wm. I’ll attempt to 1v1 anyone. Nothing to do with bragging, I get beaten plenty, it’s about the fun of trying. Win or lose, all good, and I might learn something. For me, there is no aspect of real life stuff at all. It’s pixels. Kill those pixels!


Those who mix irl into all this have no experience in pvp. I had the same attitude when I started playing in 2008. A friend once told me “why do you feel frustrated, it’s not you who’s beaten, it’s the toon.” Since all those years and nearly 180k hk’s (not a lot, I know) I have completely different attitude. The only irl aspect I acknowledge in pvp is opponent’s reaction and how to read it correctly and force him to make mistakes in his play.

What opponents do to me, whether they do me 1 vs 40, how many times they kill me…all this long ago doesn’t bother me. It might do the opposite, to want to pvp more.


How you twist the answer in your favor. I didnt said : “I dont want to”, i said its hard to form a group and i also explained why. Thats a huge difference.

So you want to tell me that raiding inferior players and my “uncapability” to undestand this “joy” is caused by my lack of experience in PVP?

Dont mix a battlegroung with a specific tactic with forming a raid and harrasing players at wq locations. Both are totally different. The first one is a group tactic fight between 2 teams that have a goal and the oposite team must not allow the other team to achieve it. The second is pure stupidity and bully behaviour.
If we make a corelation between school bully (a usual fenomena in western countries mostly) and this “true pvp” WM behaviour, we can see quite a lot of similarities. You agree?

So funny to see that only ally players agree with this, especially during AOO quest. Have you ever wondered why the horde players doesnt agree? Or horde player sopinion is irelevant for you?

I asked you to not answer with :“its fun”. Yet you answered. Are you uncapable to bring another argument? Where is the fun? Remember my wish to you, when i said that i hope for you to be robbed and beaten by thieves? The thieves would say it was fun, but i dont think you would. Do you agree with me?

How would you feel if you would go to shop and buy food, but on the packing to not be written any description about the food. Nothing. How would you know if the food is expired or broken? Would you need and like to know the “stats” of the food before you buy it? Or you just buy and trust the supermarket that the food is not poisoned and broken?

We need this info. Thatswhy we pay to play their game. So if you pay, you are entitled to know this.

What is now in the game is a pure crap. A expansion done in haste, with 0 dedication and booring content. Thatswhy the entire internet is full with atacks against BFA expansion. Not even Draenor didnt achieved to atract so much hate like BFA.

It doesnt tell us active or inactive WM users, but it tell us a estimation of playerbase. And from there, if we have a little thing called brain, we can draw a conclusion.

Your group was a exception. Last week, during AOO quest, everywhere i woulded go with WM on, there was minim 5-8 ally camping a location. I speak about the difference of presence of ally player between last week and now. And the difference is huge. Except your group, since last reset i didnt met any other wpvp group.

Alliance is not there. Last week, during AOO, the maps (both horde and ally), where full with ally players on my shard. Everywhere i was going: wq location, flypoints, Zandalari port,even battle pet wq location, was camped and raided by minim 5-8 players, usually a full raid. Now, nothing,except your group.

Exactly the answer i expected.

Where is the balance now? I dont see any ally players on maps. So ?

Its working only during AOO week. Then, before and after it isnt working anymore. The proof? The difference of ally players on maps between AOO q duration and after.

Because its not working.

Thatswhy i offered option nr 2 : remove it permanently.

Is not interesting. Its a mechanic that forces a player to turn it on, even if the player knows he is not capable to take part in such a enviroment : PVP. Basically, Blizz is trying to induce the PVP mechanics by indirect forcing. Thats a flaw of the system and players. They dont know how to manage it.

I dont like to twist words, thatswhy i was so honest with you. About the so called “fake stats” from third party sites that you claim i use: can you proove they are fake? The same thing i could say about that Blizz guy who came and said: “alliance its weak, lets give them AOO quest”. How i know if alliance is weak or not if Blizz stats are not displayed to the public? Also, if you speak about my third party sites stats being fake, than wowhead is fake also. Because wowhead its a third party site. Its not a official Blizzard site. So everything written in wowhead, must be fake, according to your ideea.

And again we go back to the same crap: choice. Except “fun” , “choice” and “turn off WM” do you anything else to reply? I feel that i speak with a bot, not with a human. Every time you twist and twist and at the end, you give the same answers.

Yes i saw how you attempted with me . That was a true example. Ofc you will reply with " i was a leader, bla bla" same story. You ran away because you haved the assasin status on you and you didnt wanted to loose that buff. Dont be a a## please.

I have a feeling that you get beaten not plenty of times, but all time. I dont know why i feel that all thoose 88k honorable kills are done only in BG’s and wpvp rading. Pitty that honorable kills can be counted to your progress even if you are in a party/raid. I would chance this mechanic and make it to count only if you do minim 50% of dmg to the enemy player and last hit him. Otherwise to not count as a kill.

Yes its the toon. But that toon is controled by a player and you disrupt his gaming and make him waste time. The player dies, he arrives at graveyard, he must go back to his body, his body is camped, he cant ressurect, he is forced to ress at angel, loose time, cant complete quest, must wait for enemies to leave, etc. Now you see the ideea?

If you have WM on, you are welcoming others to challenge you. I disagree that 40v1 is a PvP because it isn’t but blizzard can’t change it. Use the chat and ask where opponent raids are or if you see assassin icon than you can be more than sure there is some kind of raid going on. You can’t eliminate this without eliminating WPvP. I am sure whatever Blizzard can do, players will come with other solutions to make life smoother meaning to group into 20+ raids and farm. Whether it’s ethical, honourable, it doesn’t matter. I would say no at all but who would even care!

I sometimes open on people and then they spit on me. I ask “why? If you have your WM on you tell me to fight you. Turn it off if you don’t accept challenges,” I’d say. But also you find immature brats in the game, e.g. if I am -115 and fight an elite which is about to die and my health is like 20% and then another stupid 120 kid comes and kill me, well, it’s stupid, it’s annoying, and makes you spend more time on something than you would really do. But it doesn’t change the fact that all in all PvP can still be fun.


I gaved my solutions to avoid all this frustration between factions:
-remove any bonus reward from WM mechanics
-remove AOO quest or give it to both factions
-add only honor/conquest bonus rewards if WM is enabled

If you want to wpvp, its ok. Go ahead. But dont force me to loose extra bonus rewards if i choose not. Thats a despicable tactic to force players to do something that they dont like. I dont speak about myself that i dont like. I like , to wpvp, but there are players that dont like. And i can understand theyr frustration when they are camped/ganked,etc.

Can you explain again what exactly you find hard? I seem to have missed it.
But please abstain this time from personal attacks how I can’t read, understand etc.

But there’s something else. You don’t want to get experience, don’t want to spend time to widen your perspective, for example to stop linking irl stuff with the game and stop seeing irl references in pvp. Instead of playing wpvp, you sit in the forums and complain how wpvp should be changed to fit your (quite unrealistic) perspective.

No, I disagree. Because I do not make ANY irl correlations. Which is IMO a much healthier way to approach the game, rather than your way - you see irl correlations everywhere and you’re unhappy because of this. It is called projecting your own issues into the game. And which is worse, everyone now could see them by reading your comments.


A couple of weeks ago a Horde raid camped the Tiragade Sound / Boralus Faction Assault. I must have been ganked at least half a dozen times, and the only way I could get to the griffin to finish the instance was to sneak up close then bubble through the Horde crowd. The raid party got bored ganking players doing the WQs and steam-rolled through Boralus, at which point I claimed the Supply Chest.

I often see Horde parties ganking Alliance and camping WQs during Faction Assaults. I’d say more of them than Alliance during non-AOO weeks. Almost every Faction Assault I’ve done in Vol’dun, for example, has had a reasonably large or raid-sized Horde party doing this. As a solo player who only teams up on occasion, I often get ganked. But I don’t mind. In fact it’s fun, because it’s the most unpredictable part of the whole of BfA.

Look, out of all the weeks of WPvP since (7, i think) the 400 ilvl reward (now 385) came in we’ve still not had a single week where Alliance has had the majority of Warmode players. If Horde players hated the Warmode changes so much, why are they not quitting and giving a positive Alliance balance? It just sounds to me like Horde have had it their own way for too long and some of them don’t like being on the losing side.

Note: I did disagree with Alliance camping flight points but the beefed-up and more aggressive guards seems to have put a stop to that.


i play on aggramar, 62% alliance.
so today i went to drustvar to do my last tortollan quest and what do i find at the questgiver:
a group of alli hanging around for easy kills.
as im writing this alli is still busy ganking.
its extremely annoying since nobody is going to make a group for 1 wq.
and getting a group together for 1 simple wq is just pointless,its a big waste of time .

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The answer is fun, that’s why I play video games. I explained the fun. Different people have different prefs on fun.

I do remember, and I disagree with you. Irl is not relevant to a game.

Not a relevant comparison.

No you don’t, and no you are not entitled. That data is blizz private property, you have zero right to see it. This data is not relevant to gameplay. Only relevant to things like business performance, don’t care.

If you don’t like the game, you are unlikely to enjoy wm… why bother?

Inaccurate stats tell us zero info of any value.

My group was the one exception you saw… you were not on all wm shards at same time. Impossible to use observational info for conclusions. You might even be on an overflow shard, a good reason to keep aoo, and get region wm balanced. I see plenty of both factions, in varying amounts, in different zones, in different subzones, it depends. If you see no Alliance though, this only means we need more rebalancing.

Region faction balance is closer, fact. Our one blizz stat, the bonus amount tells us it’s closer. Success.

No one is forced, do what you want. If wm on, accept wpvp.

It says on realmpop the stats are estimated based on various factors, read their info. Other stats sites I’ve seen are based on other stuff. This allows these sites to estimate. The data is flawed because of this. Use as guide sure, but proves zero, and nothing to do with wm. I dunno what wowhead stats you refer to, I would not say everything on wowhead is fake.

Fun depends on the person. Do whatever is fun. Choice yes. What is hard to understand? Anyway, I would only suggest wm off if the person seemed to truly hate it.

An example of twisting my words, be eliminating the rest of the text, you make me appear arrogant and use previously twisted words as well to make a point. Hopefully people see through you… here’s what I actually said.

If I am not in a group, 1v1 is my fav thing in wm. I’ll attempt to 1v1 anyone. Nothing to do with bragging, I get beaten plenty, it’s about the fun of trying. Win or lose, all good, and I might learn something. For me, there is no aspect of real life stuff at all. It’s pixels. Kill those pixels!

I do get beaten plenty, not all the time though, there’s a big variety in wm opponent skills. I’d say I’m average. You are right, honorable kils is a meaningless number. Would love some kind of wm rating system, won’t happen.

You seem to hate bfa and war mode… the real question is… why do you do it?


According to Hypax there is no Alliance in any wm shards. Your observation says otherwise. Interesting :smiling_face:

fyi, population on your realm is not relevant to wm. We are on cross realm shards.

Yes, ofc, here it is :

And to avoid confusion, because u asked i also added this:

And yet, your brain still cant understand. I even prooved with a screenshot,smowhere above, how empty the LFG was during last week “massacre” , but even that isnt enough.
You still continue your ideea that i should join LFG. Wich LFG may i ask? Or maby i am very unlucky and only my acc, from all the millions accounts there, has a bugged LFG and doesnt show me all thoose hundreds of horde parties formed just to gank the alliance. Because on my LFG it doesnt show.

Yes, i should waste my real TIME dying and being ganked and be happy. WHy not. My real time has no value. Your joy to gank lonely players has more. What a good ideology. Kudos to you bro.

Unrealistic? What i asked so unrealistic? Removing bonus WM reward? Adding only PVP rewards (honor and conquest) if you keep WM on? Thats unrealistic? If we take it like this: what has to do PVE rewards with PVP? Since when we combine both together? How would you feel as a PVP player, if for example, pve raiders for every boss killed in raid to get 1 million honor? Would be fair? Taking in consideration that you must do thousands of BG’s to make 1 mill honor. The same, we, the “noob PVE” players (according to your perspective) think about open world PVP rewards. The rewards are there, we need them so basically we are forced to turn on WM.
If Blizz really wants a clean and open world pvp, then they should add only PVP rewards for enabling WM. Therefor, noobs like me, aka PVE players, would not appear on the map to be wiped by mighty alliance raids and on the maps would be only “TRUE WORLD PVP’ERS” .
You agree with this?

Because there is. As a example, majority of serial killers, initially,during their chieldhood, they killed pets (usually cats and dogs). Parents and people ignored, saying :" ahh it was a cat, maby he did it as mistake" …after 20 years that guy started killing people.
Now, i dont say that all wpvp players have a sick behaviour. I dont say that even the most fanatical PVP players have a sick behaviour.
But i said that usually a person that does things like that in a game : camping&ganking inferior players for hours (i dont speak about casual ganks, that happen 10 min and after they are over, i speak about last week when some players stood 6-10h on the same location just to gank others),thats a sick behaviour, especially that thoose players knew they disrupt others people game and forces them to turn off WM., therefor loosing the bonus. Its a thing called : " doing bad to someone else, knowing you do it". But this concept is irrelevant to you it seems.

I repeated above many times, but i repeat again:
Very often when i go in Legion,Draenor and Pandaria maps, i see low lvl players that i could easily kill them with one shot. Yet i choose to not do it. Because i know first that the player is inferior to me, i know that if i kill him i make that player waste time and i know its unfair. I choose always targets similar with my lvl/gear. I even posted a screenshot where i waited a rare and i didnt killed that small geared ally player.
The same thing cant be said about your “proud” alliance.
Thats the difference between a normal player that thinks and knows when to use a mechanic like WM and a player that plays just to ruin others people gaming and doesnt care about others.

Finnaly a truth. Got bored. Especially that this statement comes from a ally player. The same thing couldnt be said about alliance players, especially during last weeks AOO quest, when players camped invasions and secret chests. Especially if we talk about secret chests, as we know the chests appear on the map and stay for a short time. During last week, i couldnt pick any secret chest, because ally players where camping its location and staying there untill the chest dissapeared. Thats evil. Thats not PVP. Especially that we all know, the secret chest is visible only if you turn on WM.
If we are at this topic: “bored” and that you blamed me that i am a pussy complaining on forums, i want to explain also that i am not against WM mechanics, i am not against the fact that people form raids and gank oposite faction, i am not againts that sometimes i waste time to complete a wq because of ganking…What i am against is the time the alliance puts into this “bully behaviour”. As our human paladin friend Thodric said above, the horde got bored. Yes, we do the same, we gank ally wq locations, we gank them on the map, etc. But we dont persist doing that for hours. That was my issue. That you guys persisted hours, even 10 hours a day,on daily basis, doing the same thing: harrasing others, during last weeks AOO quest. And there is a limit of acceptance. Horde players know that limit. Alliance players dont know. I remember that last week, i did all my invasions with WM off. It was impossible to do them with WM on. When the invasion started, i came with WM on, saw alliance raids, i left. I came back after a hour, same raid, still there. I came back after one more hour, guess what ? Same raid, there. I did so untill the last hour and then i realised that i must turn off WM or give up the invasion. And that happend on daily basis last week and all the invasions and majority of wq i was forced to turn off WM.
Spending 10 hours a day doing the same thing is not WORLD PVP. Thats a clear harrasment , revenge and abuse of the WM mechanics during AOO quest.

Ternezia said there are plenty of groups. That means maby your account is bugged like mine and on your LFG doesnt appear thoose hundreds of horde groups ready to smash the alliance. We must make a ticket to Blizz.

There is no point talking with you anymore. Clearly, after all i wrote above, if the only thing you understood is : “fun”, then you got real issues.

I didnt said “any wm shard”. I said “maps”. Again another twisting of words to fit your needs. Another example that you really have understanding issues. Lets ee it again:

I hope now it clears how you and Ternezia try to twist my words, but it doesnt work.
And if you praise so much the “shard” system, how come that “shard” system avoided Twisting Nether realm since reset untill now? I think Blizz put a setting where any ally raid (ofc yours was a exception, you are the best PVP player in WoW) cant for in Twisting Nether. We should send them tickets to fix the problem.

Oh I remember pre-8.1 Stormsong, I as Alliance had to avoid because 9 out of 10 Horde were camping all the flight points. I applause guards at the neutral hubs, only after 8.1 I was able to fly to Seeker’s and actually be able to deliver a WQ or get to the vendor. Like you said:

Last time (not today but the one before) I spent 17 minutes just trying to get into the submarine… I was lucky when I was done they were distracted so I quickly fled into the sea without them noticing.

Yeah, that is a favourite camping location for Horde. Today, Horde were camping the Tortollan quest giver in Drustvar, but I managed to get in and out only dying once thank goodness.