SoM Transfers

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to ask when SoM transfers will come?

The biggest problem on Dreadnaught is there is currently only 12 guilds on the realm even progressing Naxx, with only 2 of them (Incognito and Ruin) even able to clear it… and there isn’t enough spots in these 2 guilds for everyone.

Sooner or later, even within the next week or two, no doubt these 12 guilds turn into 10, 8, 6 and then maybe even less than 5. It’s now becoming that there is not even one ZG or AQ20 daily, there is no dungeons, there’s nobody to quest with and the consumable prices are just sky rocketting in price because there is nobody farming them.

SoM is just going to hold dead and useless characters if something isn’t done regarding their transfers.

Can we have transfers to wotlk when prepatch comes? Because it’s just useless being on SoM right now - regadless of what was good or bad about it, the simple fact is the realm is completely dead with only 2 decent guilds and everything else is falling apart, let us leave so we can enjoy prepatch with our friends :slight_smile:

Not another thread on this, there are already 2 on the first page.

As I have said already, you can when SoM ends. You made the choice to play on SoM so have to wait.

Don’t care. I asked something slightly different. I could say the same to you, posting the same 2bit reply on every thread that gets posted but enough people already flame you on this forum as it is. Off you pop to another thread your view isn’t required here, it’s for EU SoM players.

I only see one question mark there.

Exactly like this

and this

There’s 2 question marks in this thread you absolute downie. Do yourself a favour and go outside Jesus dude cannot even troll right.

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No need to be intolerant and use a disorder as an insult.

You are quite literally trying to cause trouble, get out of here, you’re not wished, aswell as stalking me posting. :slight_smile:

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