Somehow, Legion was some people's favourite expansion

I think favourite expansions are very subjective. Legion was not my favourite at all.

Wrath of the Lich King was my favourite expansion but at the same time I don’t want to go back to it.

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I am one of those that liked Legion a lot, so here’s MY personal opinions and responses to your points OP (if you’re interested).

Tl:DR at the bottom.

Something we agree on. It was definitely one of the worst things in the expansion and it set the precedent(hope I’m using that word right) for all the future grinding that came with BfA.

In some parts it did, but for me an enjoyable class is more important than having a spaceship UI filled with more or less niche or useless abilities, and in Legion most of the classes I tried and played were very enjoyable, some more than previous expansions. for instance:

  • Disc was more enjoyable than in MoP and WoD. Shadow with the insanity mechanic was fresh and interesting, although in BfA I stopped liking it much at all.
  • Sub rogue felt very cool to play, played like a textbook combo class with massive damage spikes and modifiers.
  • Fire Mage once you had the gear & stats was by far more enjoyable than any previous iterations I’ve played, but getting there was annoying.

So this is a topic I know a lot of people will probably disagree with me on, but I didn’t mind SOME timegating too much… I would rather log on for 30 minutes and do my dailies to progress until said rep/unlocks are over with, than grind countless hours to get it all over with in a week or less.
That said, I don’t like timegating important character progression like the current legendary cloak and essences. Not one bit.

Agreed, dhs were a cool concept that in my view failed miserably. The fact that they only have 2 specs hurts balancing as well because if Havoc is ever not a good spec then the whole class is considered utter garbage, and all of Legion DHs rotation was anything but interactive.

I’m personally not a roleplayer or lore fanatic, I appreciate the cool things that the game gives me and I view it as just that. I don’t care that everybody has an Ashbringer, because it doesn’t impact me, but I do care that my character gets one and that it looks badass (+ the class campaigns were pretty cool in my opinion).

Normally I would agree that PvP vendors being more or less removed is a very bad thing, however with the templates being introduced I think it’s not relevant at all, and in my opinion templates were a huge stepping stone in the right direction for ranked PvP had Blizzard only committed to it and continued working on it. Instead they had a good system and as usual scrapped it for the next expansion with ZERO replacement.

I am not a player who duels much so this did not bother me, however I see the appeal and will support peoples right to the death to have back any form of oldschool PvP that was good, and duels belong there.

To conclude with some own points, I’d just like to say that Legion had a lot of flaws, but from my perspective it was an enjoyable expansion overall. It had pretty good raids, a cool storyline overall, mage towers were awesome (I’d love more solo challenges), class campaigns & class halls were a definite improvement over world of garrisoncraft, classes were pruned however most of the ones I played were still FUN.

Legion had it’s flaws, and set a precedent for bad practices like infinite resource farming, but it was overall an enjoyable expansion with good content.


I liked 2nd half of the Legion, where AP actually was relatively irrelevant. Nor I was fan of Argus as I have always disliked all Timeless Isle variants. But it had its own entertaining elements. All that BfA has severly lacked.

So in BfA I can pinpoint 2 good things. Warmode and Visions. Rest of the expansion features are forgettable.

If class design hadn’t been butchered, legion would’ve been so much more palatable. Legion had a lot of good things but fun engaging gameplay is too important to the overall experience that it’s ended up as my least favorite expansion yet.


Fine with it

Never in my life has WoW ever been difficult to play

World quests, dailies, bruh moments call them whatever.

I actually like playing DH :3

The lore has been pepega forever, wdym?

Dont care too much tbh

Don’t care part 2

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It was because for the first time ever, you had to wait until the end of the season if RNG decided you didn’t deserve to complete your elite set upon reaching the required rating.
God I’ve looted so many elite trinkets, wrists and other junk…Never a set of shoulder pads or a helmet though!


I have played since 2006.

No major complaints.

I have liked my class every expansion. I miss MotW though.

I only miss MotW for my main.


Well, if you look at it. BFA is a huge downgrade compared to Legion. Just one example is the transmog from raids. In legion it was for each class. In BFA , it’s the same transmog for everyone that has leather, plate ,etc


I like how all these dumb thread focus on the bad, it’s like saying :

“Life is bad because eating can give you cancer”
“Life is bad because sometimes you’re sad”

Y’all are focused on the worst so much that you forget all that was good.


The issue is that “all that WAS good” as you say is good no longer.

Happened after MoP, nothing new

World quests are better than the grind before when there was the same quests over and over. Wq is more variable. And what’s wrong with a story behind every zone and having to explore instead if sitting in the city waiting for queues.

You mean the most unique class that ever got introduced in WoW after classic witch is a perfect example of Legion, Monks is pretty awesome but somehow they reminds me a lot of a rogues without stealth. Just because your personal opinion doesn’t approve DH’s doesn’t mean they where not a good addition to this game.

Who wanted to do duels after MoP anyways

Blizzard really did a lot of changes that was completely new to the game, it was almost like a new game. Not just a copy paste version that reminded itself from previous expansions.

I didn’t like all of it but that was expected, can’t please everyone at everything.

This thread is just to much of a personal opinion .

m+ isnt not with affixes and mainly titanforge(or now corrupt forge) and Ap being a thing.

And if was actully a sperate progression(ike if gear from it worked like wod’s pvp gear) then yeah it would be good.
But when its required basicly and cetrainly in legion it was.
Hell no.

Yes, horrible system, hated it and hate it now too.

Agreed. I still completely hate what Legion did to my favorite classes. I don’t like legion priest, don’t like legion rogue, don’t like legion hunter, don’t like legion dk.

I can’t say i’m that bothered about gating tbh.


Again, not a thing i care about.



To me, it’s pretty much tied with BfA and Cataclysm for the worst expansion to date, but it’s safe to say I didn’t like Legion one bit.


The legendary effects where or shouldve baseline stuff,or old talents.

And effects fine i guess,but worst system ever in wow due how had to get them.
If wouldve had bfa prpeatch (vendor which can choose and a currency + bad luck protecction and can actully get more then 4 max) from day 1 wouldve been a decent to even good system. but wasnt.

and for 90% of expansion was complelty and utter crap.


And legion class gamplay wasnt good either though.
it ruined alot of specs/classes.


Yeah and id take WoD any freaking day over Legion.

Atleast my main class for ages(dk) was actully good and playable!

and still had good class design as while,amazing raid content.
Best pvp gear system ever.
Ashran was fun,alting was easy. garrison was quite fun aswell imo. and dint have to do huge grinds and if raided/pvp 'd could just do that for your gear progression.

Proffesions where more usefull by miles then legion or bfa(after both where told to fix them and make them usefull again LoL)

IMO legion is second worst expansion ever ingame ,only better then BFA.

And first half of Legion was even Worse then BFA.
And BFA class design is LEGIONS CLASS DESIGN.
Just without all the shiny toys hiding the rotten core.
Cant say BFA is bad class design without also saying Legion is.


Personal opinion and you are entitled to it.
So fair enough.

For me:
“BFA was by far the single worst expansion ever released for me.”
Why ?
It broke something I enjoyed since I started playing back in October 2005: immersion.
You went from someone that helped saving the world from the Legion, to a straight out faction war, just because Sylvanas decided, it was time for it.

" Murderer" says the NE NPC that you just downed, while fighting a Alliance invasion event in Nazmir.
“You serve a evil master”. Tell you the Draenei female monk, boss raid you just killed in LFR.
Blamed for chosing Thrall faction during, during Vanilla instead of Bolvar/Anduin.

Such a immersion “epic” experience.
I guess I owe a apology to AU Gul’dan after all, for killing him during the LFR raid in Legion.
Like Arthas did to Kel’Thuzad after slaughtering his way through Silvermoon to resurrect him.

BTW people already complained since WoD.
Most common complain was:
“This in not Diablo 3”.
“Remove the Diablo team, from WoW”.

For me the decline started in Cataclysm.
12 millions subscribers to what we have today.

That’s my opinion.

The leap from WoD to Legion was massive class design wise. Legion may not have started the pruning, but it amplified it a thousand fold.


Kind of like Fel rush reminds me of Chi Torpedo, Chaos Nova of Leg sweep, and how Metamorphosis reminds me of Warlocks.
Such a unique class with unique tools!


I can’t take anyone serious who says Legion was their favorite expansion. Not a bit. Legion was the expansion that literally killed everything that was great about this game.

Legion killed WoW and there is no turning back.


Legion goods:
NH was one of Best raids in game,(top 5 for sure).
Surumar was best Story content WoW has ever done.
it improved Tmog alot with The wardrobe system.

The Bad:
EVrything else.