Somehow, Legion was some people's favourite expansion

And legion Class design,the Ideas behind it(like demo locks being far more about demon summoning and empowering then is amazing flavour/idea just wasnt executed well,and is 1spec that for sure improved from legion to BFA(casue Fck DE spam)

and it outright removed 2playstyles ,Glad Warrior(shouldve been made 4th spec),and Ranged Survival Hunter(this or melee shouldve been made 4th spec).

And for Spriests The insanity thing couldve prolly been talent akin to WoD gladiator stance (maybe as part of picking surrender to madness)
But it was best designed spec of Legion still id say.

But then despite class/spec fantasy focus it removed way more then any other expansion basicly frm classes.
Stances? gone. pressences? gone. Ghouls for frost and Blood? gone. Intresting dot for UH or any inraction with it? gone and replaced with worse RNG combo points.

Tiger eye brew and guard and fistweaving for monks? gone.
Could go on realy


Legion is aslo when WoW became veyr close to Diablo (3)
then how wow was in past/orginaly.

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How can I Fel rush to the other side of the map in an arena, please tell me. And fel rush also slows the opponant if they hit them, right?

Except that the form kinda reminded of a demonology warlock the dh playstyle is almost the same?

Oh wow, you found 1 spell compared to other classes that have a lot more in common.


Care to develop that “everything else” ?

I see.
Thank you for replying.

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I guess it’s a good thing Blizzard changes thing around regulary… only thing positive I have to say about WoD is Shadowmoon Valley, but outside the garrison. The garrison was horrible.

Yeah, and I can’t take anyone who says their own opinion is the only “correct” one, serious.


I’m fine with opinions but some opinions are just dumb as hell and liking legion is one of them


Ap,Legiondaries,class design,M+. the story wasnt as couldve been.
Wasted voljin,the prepatch felt more like legion invasion then actual expac.

Mounts,toys,pets where a 1% or less rng chance for evry 10k rep after exalted
Rng on rng on rng evrywhere like titanforge.
Brokenshore was barebanes and 1weeks of content litterly was a joke/refference to wods apexis needed for legendary ring.(which if already had shards was like 1min at most worht of content).

Wasted Kiljeaden Heavly he shows up in Brokenshore cinematic and then doesnt do anything and then we kill him in the raid?

Argus easly couldve been own expansion,and honstly look/zones where underwhelming for being legion homebase.
Only actual stronghold was antorus rest was ruins and cliffs(youd still expac more for Captial of the legion and homeworld of the Eredar).

and could put even more here aswell.


Wow, just wow.


Legion gave us M+, it was the best expansion for me.


Because “some people” are brain dead.

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It was, do you know why?

I started at the release of legion and it was better than this (S word)

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Lmao that was not introduced in Legion it was long before.

I don’t think I am a bad player and I agree that PvP templates were the worst system the game had ever seen.

PvP never was never as boring as during legion, it killed every 99% of the incentive to grind better gear not only because you can smash bad players 3v1 in random battlegrounds but also because there is no feeling of your character getting stronger which is one of the most important aspects in a RPG.

I feel like PvP participation took a huge hit from templates during Legion.


You don’t get that in any non-MMO, competitive PvP game.

You can play 1000 hours of SC2 and your zerglings won’t hit harder for it.
You can play 1000 hours of CS:GO and your bullets won’t reach your target sooner, or deal more damage.

You get to feel stronger in PvP games by…improving. By witnessing how your skill increase, and how you can now outplay specs and comps who used to be a problem for you.

Of course, this sense of progress is lost in an expansion where all the tools needed to perform such plays were taken away from you. Class design is the reason why PvP in Legion was trash, not templates.


Well for me it was woltk.

  1. easy leveling
  2. easy raids
  3. easy dungeons
  4. shop mounts
  5. bad lore
  6. no world content

But if everyone liked the same , we would still live in caves and draw on walls

The chosen one ? More like working yourself up to it since classic. Hell the player deserves it by now! Not because of some fate or prophecy

  1. classic random guy who learned to fight —-> ends up working even for the king sometimes

  2. tbc . Trusted soldier being sand as Speer head into Outland ——> gets a reputation from khadgar and the naaru

  3. woltk. By now the player can skip the wait lines for recruitment , as they are known for past deeds. ——-> defeats the lichking and is keeper of one of the biggest secrets in the faction + the aspects trust you a little by now

  4. cata you are send on more difficult and secret missions, as you have Proven to be reliable to the king and faction. ——> you save the world by fighting together with the strongest known beings on Azeroth

  5. Varian needs someone who has proven in the past to get the job done, which is why you and a few others get the mission to save his son ——> you are now part of the trusted people to your king in the end

  6. Wod. The king trusts you, soldiers look up to you by now and you become leader of your own little base

  7. legion by now you showed you can fight / survive / keep secrets / follow orders and more. You worked yourself up to be the , chosen one „ which actually only means, people belive in you by now to get the job done

Agree! Most overrated expansion ever along with Mists.

as you mentioned, they took many tools from us by pruning them so there is not as much anymore you can do to perform better than a casual player, these days bad players can do 70-80% of your dmg, in MoP you could do 100-200% of their dmg just because there was so much you could do wrong when using your abilities.

So the from you mentioned “skill improvement curve” is almost gone too, the biggest differences between 1.8k and 2.4k players is timing and positioning.

There was a time in the game where I was being globaled in BG’s and basically only existed on the graveyard, did I come to the forums to complain ?
No I got my stuff together and figured out to do that myself to other players (figured out how to get gear)

I can’t really take people serious who claim that “winning because of gear” was such a big thing back in the days, people who actually had more than 2 brain cells could figure out how to gear up fast, therefore I never really met a “good player” with “bad gear” unless they actually just hit max lvl.


That’s my point though.
If we had MoP class design + Legion templates, the game would be perfect.
You could compete on your alts right from the get-go.