Somehow, Legion was some people's favourite expansion

So it is mistake of Legion, not BfA.

Again, it was the same in Legion = mistake of legion.

You are in assumption that you HAVE TO pick what is best otherwise you won’t enjoy the game. Which is simply wrong.

If you want to be competetive you pick class which is FOTM and don’t complain, if you want to enjoy the game, you pick what you like.

Let me tell you a secret (not really). That happens when whole damn expansion relays on RENTAL power gear. It WAS mistake of legion.

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No. Current demo lock is absolute best spec blizzard has ever done in entire WoW history, no spec (previous and current) can even hold a candle to it. Absolute incontestable timeless masterpiece.

ah yes a master summoner spec that can’t summon a doomguard or an infernal kek MoP is the unbeatable peak of demonology you’ve either never played it or given enough time to play properly if you think otherwise

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People seem to remember only the tail end of Legion.
Legendaries were not a problem then, AP was not a problem then. It was a good game in the last patch.

Legion at start was abysmal. Legendary fiasco where Blizzard blatantly lied to players about the number of legendaries not being capped when it was and similar stuff involving legendaries.
AP was far worse than it is in BFA. Anyone remember the 35 to 54 grind? Maw of Souls for literally weeks.

Specs were alright but only when you unlocked all the traits on your weapon.

Then we got Broken Shore, 11 week time gated patch with ONE quest every week. Those quests were also the “Kill x amount of Demons” kind. Twice.

Even WoD had better class design than Legion.

The only good thing in the first year of Legion was Nighthold (one of my favourite raids) Suramar questline and Mage Tower.


Fel Rush deals damage and adds a 5% magic taken debuff (Comes from all spells though really). Chi Torpedo simply increases your movement speed that stacks when you use the same spell again. Also Chi Torpedo goes a much further distance than Fel Rush.

Same as Capacitor Totem, Shockwave, Mind Bomb.

Warlocks Metamorphosis is different than the DH in it’s playstyle. Also Warlocks stole Metamorphosis from DHs originally anyway.

They are pretty unique though.

I am not talking about fotm classes, I am talking about classes that needs some trait to be effective.

If you do content where you can play naked and hit enemy with a fishing pole and still win, then wtf are we taking about?

People want to have fun with their class without having to deal with uninspired, boring and undertuned (aka useless) trait.

Also is not really a mistake of legion, because legion ended but BFA did not give us ENOUGH to compensate for the loss.

I would take 100% my Artifact back compared to this crap we have now.

Pre legion demo was complete mess, actually the worst spec in entire history. So no, demo lock in MoP was literal garbage. It neither had sense to transform into demon nor it was fun. Current demo is proper master summoner capable of pulling out large number of demons at once.

Then yes you are talking about FOTM classes, otherwise a lot of traits are somewhat effective, not the best but still possible to clear most content including mythic raids.

Have you done ACTUAL MATH? I don’t think so. Sure there are trait better than others, and sure they could be balanced more but at least you can target specific trats via vendor or be certain by dropping specific pieces in raid.

Something you could not do with legiondaries. If you were unlucky then you were stuck with garbage leggos and not be competetive for half of expansion.

The best expansion that blizzard put out and this can’t be argued with, and whatever other people say what I am saying right now is the truth, don’t listen to others, BFA.

Kidding, The burning crusade made wow what it is today. or what it was, leading mmorpg.

I am not talking about fotm classes, but whatever.

Not gonna argue with you anymore, sounds like a waste of time.

They removed templates without adding a replacement in BfA. For all the bad it did with horrible class design, at least in Legion you could play pvp without farming boring pve for ages beforehand, which is mostly the only plus I can think for Legion over BfA anyway.


Chi Torpedo also deals dam…Oh…
[Patch 7.0.3] (2016-07-19): No longer deals damage or heals, but increases movement speed.

Yup, forgot they nerfed Chi Torpedo so that Demon Hunters can happen, my bad lol! :joy: :ok_hand:

The lore in Legion was pretty cool and all. But if you can defeat your opponent with weapons from 10.000 years ago … your opponent sucks.

As far as I remember PvPer still farmed PvE in legion, but I could be wrong.

You aren’t wrong, but the thing is it wasn’t critical. Itemlevels would provide +0.1% more stats to the template for each item level, and gaining gear from multiple sources added up to more chances to get titanforges and legendaries, all of which were high ilvl. But even if you chose not to farm pve, you would fall behind 2-3% on the template (which meant more than 2-3% overall power, but still), whereas in BfA you are put in a position where the game is unplayable. Also, the AP gain in pvp was laughable compared to farming MoS. Still, game was at least playable in Legion without doing pve, while in BfA it isn’t. Of course, the flipside is Legion was a massive downgrade from the WoD pvp system.


100% agree,

BFA went on too

  • Further to Grind by adding RNG Azerite Gear, Essence Grind in-addition to Azerite Power!
  • Further Butchered Classes by pruning the Artifact system that the “legion class design” was originally designed around
  • Literally gated everything
  • Butchered the lore by making Azshara worthless and N’Zoth killed in an instant
  • Depowerment of PVP gear due to Template removal and PVE gear being made superior in every way
  • Outright killed World PVP with War mode.

wotlk will forever be my fav

Yeah well, from PvE point of view it was complete garbage because on WoD nobody even considered gearing up using any PvE methods. Ashran was infested with freshly leveled alts for quick item grab.

Either PvP/PvE gear needs to be separated so that PvE is +20% more powerful in PvE and PvP is +20% more powerful in PvP
PvE gear acquisition should be marginally faster than PvP.

Otherwise you will have a swarm of people not interested in PvP infesting battlegrounds and arenas.

You are completely wrong in everything you said.

  • Azerite is nowhere near as bad as artifact grind
  • Essences are nowhere near as bad as legiondaries
  • The only gated thing was pathfinder
  • “Butchered” ? No, its just your vision and creators had different
  • War mode is nothing more than flip-switch pvp servers. world pvp died in vanilla when they introduced battlegrounds.

Content wise and lore wise (for me), it was a great expansion. Not the best, but can see why people might think it was.

My faviroute was WoD believe it or not, becuase it had what I liked most in this type of game - class design. For me it was top notch. Didn’t care for content, was just pvping constantly.