SoO and Dragon Soul skip

Add a skip to last boss in those raids. Many players are suffering time lost from Siege of Orgrimmar because the entire raid is just so long and full of time wasting role playing. That some have been listening to endlessly. It’s time to revalue those old raids with lots of rp. So those that wants to farm the mount can save some time by adding a skip to last boss option or make bosses attackable from the beginning instead of having to waste 1-5min of role playing. I hope you will use a little bit of resources to make those old raids better for mount farmers because new raids these days gets entire skip to last boss after doing a full run 4 times. Thanks.


On one hand I want to farm Garrosh and Deathwing for mounts and don’t because of the time investment per run, on the other hand people should earn their rewards. A skip to the boss is too much.

Can you not make an alt, get its lock out to the boss you want and then put yourself on the group finder and log between alts to give all your other alts that same lockout?
I think that used to be a thing anyways.

But please speed up the RP.

ps Fix the damn Klaxxi bug where if you kill them too fast they can stop coming down, that literally kills the entire run for me as I just lose motivation to run back.


Also for ICC. LK blabbers quite a lot before doing his business.
As for TK, it’s manageable, but only because you can dash straight to him. I still don’t like the fact you get a ton of debuffs when he resses the advisors where it’s like, 10 sec disorient, 5 sec silence, 4 sec stun and 6 sec fear without pauses.
Even a vanilla stun rogue wasn’t that bad, mark my words.

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Afaik the lockout share between alts doesn’t work in DS.

The RP in DS is the worst, not only it’s long, it’s awfully acted. “It’s good too see you… ALeXStRASza. I have been… busy… in my… absence”, “Bring them DOwwn”, makes me wanna throw up every time.


Why not just mail everyone the mounts? That way we can have them with minimal effort!

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We all know that you hate conveniency. Let’s nerf every convenience, and add forced 15 minute rp between each raid boss!


I just suggested the most convenient thing possible. Or actually second most convenient. They could also add those straight to our collection so we don’t have to find a mailbox. How neat would that be and everyone would be happy!

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If Blizz is to do anything with old raids it is to bring them as a side activity to the current endgame and make them scale to lvl 60. They’re all so easy that there’s no way it can be interesting content. As Symy said above - just mail everyone the mounts. RP or no RP, who cares - it’s gonna be boring content.

Also in a way I believe raid mounts should disappear once the expansion they came with is over, as well as mythic transmog sets.

SoO is such a heckin drag to get through.

  • so much indoor running where you should just be able to mount up
  • First boss annoying af, takes ages to kill
  • Second boss randomly keeps resetting
  • Third boss has Lich King levels of RP duration
  • Fourth boss requires you to kill all the hecking mobs and that takes ages cause they won’t agro much when you run through, and after killing more RP…
  • Fifth boss is annoying to start cause you have to blow up the cannons, then wait 90% of the fight to kill a few mobs, go into a tower and be lucky dead drakes don’t block your cannon, then more waiting for the boss to come down
  • Going from sixth boss to 7th boss takes ages
  • Then everything is “indoors” while there is enough space to mount, takes ages to travel through
  • More “RP” waves before blackfuse or whatever the goblin is called
  • Then the ever lasting stupid treasure fight that takes ages to click through all the boxes
  • Then more walking into the extreme distance to kill a heckin dino that makes 0 sense
  • Then more walking all the way back to the klaxi, which then bugs half the times requiring a reset by dying and running back
  • Then more walking to the last boss, have a ton of RP, fight, RP, fight, RP, fight, RP + stun

it’s just atrocious… Give us a skip in legacy raids! It’s just a massive time waste that makes farming 0.1% droprate items even worse

I wish that was the only bug. Half my runs only 2/3 klaxi will come down at the start.


Like get rid of the deathwing spine mechanic, even at high lvl you have to time that stuff perfectly and do it three times in a row. Or you fail. And they talk too much in there as well.

I avoid some old raids because of mechanics that are annoying to do solo.

What do you mean? You just walk back and forth. There’s no timing involved.

yeh Siege of Orgrimmar has everything when it comes to annoying the heck out of you during solo farming it. Lots of RP, long unmounted travel distances, many bosses with annoying unskippable mechanics. Dragon Soul is pretty bad in the second half of it but at least it’s 8 bosses, where first 4 is relatively short. But Siege gets the cake. It’s by far the worst raid to repeat-farm for those items with low drop rates.

It’s not hard, it’s just extremely boring. Getting those items is more of a patience test than anything else. I mean sure, if you want to have such rewards in the game, whatever. They’re not required in anything.

Some people have been farming Yogg Saron and Onyxia a thousand times. I looted the mounts on my first attempt. Did I “earn” it? Did they not?
It’s RNG on an outdated raid boss that you one shot. There’s no “earning” anything here.


It’s a test of patience more than anything else.
You have to get there, walk thorugh the dungeon, hit the boss, loot it.
And do it 100+ times in many cases
Combined amount of effort to get this mount does add up to significant amount of time, even if the boss itself dies in just 1 hit from any ability.

Is it challenging? No, it’s not.
Is it time consuming? Oh hell yes it is.

Same thing can be said about farming Big Love Rocket during valentines event. Do you actually earn anything? I mean, this boss can be soloed by a geared player, yet you queue as 5 people. The chance of failure (wipe) is literally 0%. The “challenge” is in combined effort of limited attempts (1 per day per character, only 2-3 weeks per year) and its stupidly low drop rate which is something near 1/3000.

Not every reward in this game comes from tackling difficult content.

That being said, farming Siege of Orgrimmar sucks :smiley:

I know everyone says it’s easy, but I’ve never managed to get past it. My best attempt (many years ago) was to lift 1 plate. I’ve never finished Dragon Soul so would definitely support this tweak.

You just constantly walk left and right, kill the bloms and then the elemental once it has absorbed 9 blobs. Oh and the tendril too after. Just constantly move left and right.

You need to get the little things on the big thing to turn itinto a bomb them move it to location before it’s blown off (short window of opportunity.) X3

Yeah that happens automatically if you just move left and right by the plate and kill them as they come to you. It’s already at the location then. All the adds automatically come to you as you’re there solo.

Oh please. Heard that excuse a hundred times. I got all the mounts and I still think they should add the skips. Because getting lucky and getting a mount on your first try VS getting unlucky and getting on your 250th shows any kind of skill.

Just because I suffered for something doesn’t mean I want others to suffer as well. Exactly because I did this content and experienced how terrible non-skippable raids are is why I think they should add more skips.

Oh and add some bad luck protection while we are at it. Minimal maybe around 0.01% per kill but something to give so sort of progression to mount farming. Being at the same spot on your 200th kill as you were at your first kill feels so unrewarding.


I would love some skips. SoO in particular is very long winded and can bug on some bosses if you kill them too quickly.