Sooo.... why?

Guess what I already do! Yay!

It literally is. Progressing and feeling stronger the more you do and complete is literally the core concept of mmorpgs

Now people can choose, and they choose higher ilvl. Should I invite 374 or 390? Answer is obvious.

Yes people did it with less gear, because they HAD to. Nobody has to do that now. There are tons of other people doing alt runs specifically so maybe look out for that instead of getting triggered when somebody doesn’t want to boost you for free

I assume you didn’t read further comments to similar statements. He didn’t get higher ilvl people and kept waiting, wasting his and our time even tho we already were outgearing the dungeon.

Yes but we also did way higher keys.

  1. I am not triggered
  2. What do you want me to look out for? He wasted 15 min of the groups time in a +6 waiting for people who would never join anyway. He can be happy I joined lmao
  3. Who is gonna boost me in a +6 when I am boosting people in a +13?

I understand you wanna hate but it’s pointless to hate on facts.
Maybe I do underestimate how bad some people are when they need a full group of 385+ ilvls for a +6 and are willing to wait 15 mins… Maybe it’s really my fault? :joy:
Ye who am I kidding… common sense and basic level of intellect in PvE :joy: Maybe next expansion :slight_smile:

The leader decides what happens. You either accept it or make your own group. I know what I do when I run my key…

You’re so ignorant it’s actually sad. Make your own groups if you have a problem with how other people want to play, simple as that. Don’t cry when you don’t get invited.

Yes i do thats another person in my guild. i can prove this by logging on both characters at the same time :smiley: you are obviously not as good as you think you are :smiley:

I love the trend these threads follow.

Sweeping generalisation “pve players yo!”

Followed by disagreeing with anyone who makes a legitimately decent analysis.

In the meantime all it is is a thinly veiled whine that they can’t get into higher groups with lowish gear because “trust me man, I know my stuff and you’re lucky to have me in your pleb group!”

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Imagine calling me ignorant when failing the understand that I was in the group. Other people didn’t get invited for no reason and made our entire group wait for 15 minutes. Why are you so offended I call those people stupid? Is it because you need overgeared people to carry you too because the content is too hard otherwise?

Interesting how this “person” is using the same account as you.
Unless you are actually using someone’s account for the forums, which is btw account sharing and against the ToS iirc :joy:

When you need a full group of 385+ for a +6 CoS and make people wait 15 min because nobody with this ilvl is queuing for obvious reasons, then that’s the exact opposite of “knowing what you do”.

Wait wait wait… Did you just say +6 CoS is a HIGH(er) GROUP and <385 is low gear for this??

No I didn’t. Thats you putting words into my mouth. I was addressing the sentiment, not your specific example.

Glad I could clarify this extremely simple concept for you.

Well then you should make this clear, especially after saying:

Seems like you are addressing my thread here?

Definitely addressing my thread now.

Empty phrase, since this never happened in this thread while our Mr. MVP had to even come up with Legion as his argument just to trash on the PvP player base for no reason.

So why would you say that? Why would you say this in my thread if you are apparently not referring to it?

Ye, very simple concept. Coming into this thread and then claiming you are not referring to its context. Why commenting something like this then in the first place?

No, I specifically said I was referring to the sentiment (you can substitute this word with context). Not the specific example you gave in the OP but people asking for too much gear for a specific activity.

At this point should I refer you to a dictionary?

So to make it clear… you jumped into the thread, made weird statements that have nothing to do with the scenario mentioned in this thread or better to say, nothing that happened in the thread at all and I somehow should have been able to comprehend you are generally speaking about something else that has absolutely nothing to do with this thread? Is that about right?

No, they had absolutely everything to do with the topic at hand and your responses to other people throughout the thread.

First assertion that was debunked was that its pve people that do this - untrue.

Second thing that was mentioned was that early on people that were doing +11’s etc were undergeared but could handle it because they were good players. People getting there now are less good so more gear compensates. You took issue with this too.

Yes? Explain to me how this statement had anything to do with the thread:

Not only have you said yourself you were NOT referring to the OP, it literally can’t have anything to do with the OP (or the thread in general). If does then please, feel free to explain it to me.

How was this debunked? None of those people had anything relevant in PvP nor was playing PvP regularly. Punyelf was desperately trying to claim PvP community does that too but his lies were debunked later on when he had to admit this happened many years and expansions ago with completely different systems in place. Not one argument could be made for the current expansion. For a simple reason: Because it’s not true

Well, ty for calling me good but this has nothing to do with your comment? With not a single word did you mention anything like this. In fact you basically said:
it's all about a thinly veiled whine that they can’t get into higher groups with lowish gear because “trust me man, I know my stuff and you’re lucky to have me in your pleb group!”

I don’t disagree with that, but that’s not the topic. If it was about +11 or higher and people would ask for 395+ ilvl people to join, I’d understand that. It’s still stupid but I still can understand why pug people would do that. That’s not the case tho. +6 and +11 are completely different universes.

This now is slightly off (referring to our conversation) but back on topic again:
Another guy who waited 13 minutes because he wanted a DH in group. He even didn’t invite the 367 ilvl who was queuing. Sure, it’s his key and everything but the key would have ended +3 anyway, even with 2 DPS being <370 ilvl. I find this just ridiculous. I take low guys on purpose, so we get more geared people in higher keys, which benefits everyone. I can’t understand the sweat these people experience trying so hard in low, easy, basically free content.

Why so serious ???

Tank or healer maybe

Ye, you are just the hater who comes up with random stuff that’s not true.

  1. Making own group doesn’t provide me the key I need
  2. It’s interesting how I AM the one who needs to grow a pair when someone needs to outgear the dungeon by a billion ilvls…
  3. You are missing the fact I could convince the guy that the ilvl he wanted is not required. He simply didn’t know better due to his lack of experience. Or with your words: He didn’t have the balls to try a +6 CoS without outgearing it by 9000 ilvls
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people say what they say stop trying to project an arguement onto others just to engage them based on that projected arguement.

‘hey man nice weather’
“did you just say you’re going to the beach?!”