Spending 50% of your time in dungeons drinking?

True, but it wont change.

This is classic, we have yet to see and feel the end game.
You’re not min maxed, you’re not potted to death.

Then you do something very very very wrong or your group is.

I have healed everyhting from lvl 15 to 28 ( not a big experience ) I drink maybe 3-4 times maximum during a dungeon and thats mainly to get my +MP/5 buff up again.

not reaslly compareable. and what class did you do that on

To be fair for a lot of those lowbie dungeons in normal pulls you might not need to heal the tank at all.

But yeah the whole point of the gearing up is to make your character feel more powerful. Mana regen is one of the main things that improve with gear, along with the actual healing numbers.

It’s more rewarding

to be fair drinking will only get worse, since water in phase 1 is bad af, and mana pool just keeps getting larger. will probably have to spend 1 minute drinking to get full mana soon.

#nochange :woman_shrugging:

no you’re vastly underestimating mana regen

Let’s just not care about mana as a fact.

As a healer you’ll have to drink for less amount of time than a mage.

It’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be. You’re doing the big AoE pulls. That means for every pull you’re saving far more time. If you hate not being in the actions for around 30-45 seconds; you need to be watching TV at the same time as WoW or something I dunno. You’re too immersed.

main problem is that tank instantly runs to next pack and start tanking damage when im at 40% mana having to also catch up to him running while i sat down for a drink. its a never ending catch up from first pull untill you reach a boss.

Tanks need to realise its not retail wow, and they have to run with Show resource on party frames. but almost no one does that.

I thought the AoE farms were people who play with eachother for long periods of time, knowing how they play?

I cant really blame the tank too much for it, you’re playing like its retail.

You found the solution. Lock thread Blizzard then fix retail (by remove LOL(not like this thread)(meme by kork)))

im not really talking about aoe farm, but every grp is just pulling 4-5 mobs and doesnt rely on CC at all.

U can use aoe spells to kill everything FYI bro

How many dungeons are you doing? You seem to have so much experience with it.

Dude you’re a tauren u can stun 100 peps lol!

I done WC and SFK, will attempt BFD, you? Any golden one? Not willing to do stockades, not falling for that again

Wasnt talking to you. I dont count RFC but i’ve done that, and Uldaman.

i also healed hogger once on a paladin, 0 mana issues.

No RFC is of the count, day after release a 33 rogue managed to boost me and 4 others there, like crazy, I’m not even 30!