/spit has been removed

Still paying me rent it seems.

Better than the A one that you have.

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? :3 Sorry you don’t really get to talk on that one

Questions about someone’s motives is not the same as accusing someone of having a mental deficit.


I mean you’re the one that doesn’t even know your races lore in the first place, so good job there mr Forsaken hiding behind classic chars.


I am not on a roleplay server.

??? Don’t need to be on a roleplay server to read quest text or know about lore.

Of which I know bountiful amounts anyway.

Clearly not.

How come? Proof?

Like you not knowing brainrot is attributed to forsaken quite heavily in game text.

…it’s also an insult in the real world as well. You know that right? That strange place I keep hearing rumours about.


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Well maybe next time try not to play victim for someone else so quickly.

My dude I was defending the guy who was making actual logical arguments on game dev from a position of knowledge and experience.

What were you trying to do?

Not really, he was doing the exact thing you accused me of doing in the fist place. Acting like no one can talk on a subject unless they’ve ‘shipped a game’ when he hasn’t even really shipped an actual game himself is silly. He’s not speaking from a position of knowledge and experience, sorry. Plus, you can’t even talk without misgendering someone.

You can go on itch,io and play them, they are free.


Bit of weird statement to make.
Also as a fellow Forsaken I have to defend him. Its what roleplayers do right?

and yet, your names nowhere on there… and it’s all published through another company so you never even shipped it, curious that.

Keep gaslighting, Blizz hates that.

I prefer the term Blightlighting.