/spit has been removed

Wat? On itch,io everyone can place their game, plus it promotes plenty of jams where everyone can partecipate.

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Yet another thing you can’t do on these forums lmao. Poor forsaken posters.

You really have that illness that starts with A

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You can literally search the game up in 2 minutes.
If you can’t do that then there’s little hope for you under this great sun of ours.

But sure, keep generalising.

Yeah, transphobic, ableist… Hitting all those checkmarks Blizz loves going after.

When has he been transphobic? What the actual h e c k.

Are we even on the same world now?

I doubt they will remove spit but if they do I will miss being spat on by Russians in BGs.

Cant see how it offends people. we live in a an age where to much silly stuff offends a snowflake. If they do anything they should remove the snowflakes and send them to some other game.

They are, people offended by the removal of /spit can go to other games. :wink:

You have, actually.

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How about instead of removing nasty emotes they make the player who use the emote get a debuff with a sad smile icon where they take increased damage, have their damage decrease for a time being and loose a little of their health everytime they use a rude emote.

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/spit is hardly a big deal. I don’t care if it’s there and I don’t care if it’s not. Anyone who gets upset either way is a snowflake / egdelord (delete as required).

That would mean make actually design work, which they are not able to.

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np they make new command avalable /unsub trash blizzard ever since activision came in the hood they started to SUCK big time FCK theyr games / and theyr sitty prommises Final fantasy see u soon !

You don’t even meet Blizzards criteria for a Dev position or really any position to work on a game, sit.

You don’t meet the criteria to be called human, sit monke.


I said it won’t fix all problems because i know this will be only thing they will do. Imagine you are in big problem and have many problems about game and you remove an emote. Blizzard logic…

Allow me to educate you then:

Watch those and learn what Blizzard are doing. They’re kind enough to tell you themselves. :+1:

Since when this game is now an FPS?

Maybe you should post those there

“Tism intensifies”

I provided 3 videos that gave insight into how Blizzard works to address toxicity within their games to dispel the myth that removing /spit is the limit of their aspiration on the matter.

Your attempted rebuttal to that is pretty stupid because you’re not addressing the fact that Blizzard do have employees who evidently does a lot of work across all their games in order to address toxicity, and that removing /spit is not the first and only thing that’s been done (which was the reply I was commenting on). You’re just looking at the woman who’s done work on Overwatch and uses that as the example in her presentation about social systems to go: “HeRp dERp iT’s OvERwaTCH anD nOt wOw!!”

If you struggle to raise your intellectual input in the discussion to a decent level, then do feel free to sit this one out.

Overwatch has a core loop to wow, you are comparing doing troll pick in OW same as mammoth parking on a mailbox in wow.


No. The guy I was replying to insinuated that Blizzard won’t do more to combat toxicity than removing /spit.

I provided 3 videos to illustrate that Blizzard does plenty of work across all their games in order to combat toxicity.

Then there’s a fair discussion to be had about whether they do enough and what more they perhaps ought to do.

But your input in regards to my posting is completely irrelevant and your attempt to try and discredit my point by saying that Overwatch is different from WoW just exhibits the fact that you completely fail to understand the point I was making and the topic of discussion that you’ve chosen to participate in (and also the point of the video you seemingly skimmed through without really watching).

So like I said, feel free to sit this one out.