/spit has been removed


Watch it, go for a walk and then rewatch that slide.

Because if honestly think that you can apply the same logic to both game, you can have a great carrier as plumber.

Even the post mortem of UO is more relevant.

Dude, now you’re just listing off random stuff because you’ve seen that GDC is a thing and you go off on a tangent nit-picking at videos, and none of it has anything to do with the simple point I made.

I cannot. I’m sorry. You’re just too special for me to have an ongoing conversation with. Sorry.

I should not have re-entered this thread. That was a mistake on my part. Nice chat, have a good day! :+1:

Honestly you hate the one that compares an FPS game to another where the core loop is to create social relationships.

You can’t even read data properly, this is what happens when particual knowledge become accessible to people that can at beast work as burger flipper.

Have a :poop: day as usual

I’m a glutton for punishment… :crazy_face:

I linked 3 videos that illustrate the work Blizzard does to address toxicity in their games.

You go: “The third video uses Overwatch and not WoW! You’re wrong!”

You’re conviniently omitting the fact that the two other video do not, and further omitting the fact that all 3 videos illustrate that people at Blizzard work to address toxicity way beyond simple solutions like removing an emote in a single game.

Earlier in this thread I already belittled you with quite a lot of arrogance on my part because you constructed arguments made entirely out of fallacies and then proceeded to double down on that – as if you were unaware. Those posts were embarrassing on an intellectual level.
And although you may be too stupid to understand what your own shortcomings are, and you choose to hide behind faux authority to guise your inability to argue through reason, then it doesn’t really detract from the fact that your arguments don’t make any sense and your incessant attempts to discredit don’t have a sound premise in the first place.

So you know…

And one, and the second too, focuse on Ow, considering that those slide I quoted refer to a killer tipe player that is the the main TA of Ow l, so does criteria applies less in wow.

But honestly from someone that have no actuall real knowledge about the industriy, and only because you believe watching some talks make you on par on someone,that had paid €€€€ to get this knowledge from people that have years of experience in this industry, proves how ignorant you are.

Will the new meta be /insult or /fart ?

On a more serious note : I actually am very interested about the topic of “pro-social design” (how to design a game so the interaction are naturally positive and not toxic).

I gonna spit it flatly : WoW will never be a pro-social game, because its core structure is not built that way. And that’s ok, that’s just the way some games are and there is an enjoyment to find in this kind of design.

The effort to change little thingies to make it less toxic will not work, as the core design is tailored to permit/encourage griefing. So the players will use other tools to express what the WoW design makes them want to express (frustration, anger, competition, etc).

If you wanted a pro-social WoW, you would have to merge the 2 factions, delete world pvp, change the loot system, and other core changes.

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Our world begins to look like those 90’s SF movies where all the population was forced to be a certain type of civilian…
Everything is being canceled/removed.
This thing wont end up well

This generation has became too soft.


This is a single sentence and no one who reads it understands anything.

Like I said, this is embarrassing.

I am reluctant to come off as even more condescending and bash you even harder, but…

Considering the sheer amount of spelling and grammar errors that you’ve just presented, and your complete inability to to show off decent sentence construction and order your thoughts in a manner that is understandable, I feel like that warrants some reflection on your own part if you’re trying to continue with this whole jargon of discrediting through faux authority.
You’re presenting yourself as a 12 year old who’s struggling in school and pretending to be smart on the internet. Nothing more. If you’re smarter, then your posts ought to reflect that. They do not. So like I said; an embarrassment.

Again, this is a logical fallacy. And I will illustrate why.

If my input in this discussion in invalid because authority is given to he who possesses the de facto most knowledge on the subject – which you proclaim to be a game designer as you claim yourself to be – then logic would dictate that your own input is also invalid, because surely Blizzard’s game designers who work on World of Warcraft have more inherent knowledge on the matter than you. After all you’re a random game designer who’s experience in the field is completely dwarfed by that of Blizzard’s Senior Game Designer Jeremy Feasel.

So logic would dictate that if authority is the determining factor for opinion on the topic of the /spit emote, then Blizzard’s Senior Game Designer Jeremy Feasel is the top authority. So his opinion trumps yours. And since my opinion is aligned with his, then my opinion trumps yours as well. You’re in the wrong.

But that’s a logical fallacy, because we don’t attribute what’s subjectively right or wrong to an individual to an authority.

“Albert Einstein didn’t like bacon and he was the most intelligent person! So bacon is bad and you can’t claim otherwise unless you’re more intelligent than Albert Einstein!”

It’s silly.

Ah know here come the grammar n part, tipical uk that thinks to be god gift on earth only cos you live on that :poop: island.

I’m done with you, go on ignore and have a :poop: day on your :poop: island

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You know how I recognize when I’ve verbally beaten someone into the ground on the forum?

Their posts get increasingly smaller and smaller and then they tap out with an immature comment.

But like I said earlier: Nice chat, have a good day! :+1:

(and now I’m out of this discussion as well)

This is about only 1 of 100 problem they have. Lets say they solved toxicity and player behavior. What will fix their behavior? Anyway this is last day of my sub so dont care anymore what they do. Thanks for links anyway.

About blizzard’s effort to limit toxicity in OW and HotS, I would say it is a bit of a misguided attempt, because it doesn’t touch the core features of these games but devices around the game.

Moba and FPS are both competitive games of opposition. The kind that mechanically creates rivalry, anxiety, anger, frustration. These emotions are natural effects of these genres, and are part of why they are enjoyable in the long run.

Surrounding a pro-toxic design with devices to limit its toxicity (like the congratulations messages of OW, or the obfuscation of player stats…) doesn’t work on most players. It only achieves a lack of information to better yourself as a competitive player. In HotS, it is very visible : people are salty af and the game doesn’t provide the tools to better yourself because it congratulates you even when you are bad.

I would even say this design tactic makes the situation worse. Because there is a design disconnect between competitive design and the devices trying to make this pro-grief genre more pro-social. It’s telling that both OW and HotS are not big success. They don’t satisfy competitive players (because they obfuscate information) and they don’t satisfy pro-social players (because their core loop is still competitive).

You can always duel them to finish the business as Horde is doing!

Don’t get me wrong. It is just stupid change like all this Facebook avatars when something bad happened. It won’t help at all. Like kneeling during last Euro cup. It won’t change anything. Welcome in XXI…

3% of ppl who got offended by /spit emote will play game if they will remove it.
97% of ppl who got offended by removing /spit emote will not play the game.
But if you think about this…
Would removing 3% be better than 97%? Yes! and it’s needed! Guys i don’t want to play MMO with bots… If i want to play game with bots i’ll go play Counter Strike.
What’s next ? Let’s make WoW free… wait… that’s bad idea… because then it would be bot invasion… if you get what i mean… There are too many bots in the game right now.
Some of these 3% players are not even playing the game. And if they do… they are playin it like SIMS … i mean we don’t want that in WoW…

BOT = Person who SUCK…

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i see blizzard has started their censorship.


They can’t ignore moderation, if people could be civil to each other, avoid swearing/circumventing the language filter, and not attack each other there would be a lot less removal on the whole.


I will keep using /spit while I can

Blizzard: “please don’t spit on those mor**s who buy shi*t from our cash shop…”

omg why remove something that exist 14+years