/spit has been removed

Someone /spit on me, am I supposed to get angry and upset by it!?..this must be the reason behind so many people wanting it removed.

Most people see no value in confrontations, so much so that they go out of their way to avoid it, over-time they become so submissive that it stunts their growth.

The only environment they can cope in is safe spaces.

I had two older brothers growing up, there isn’t anything anyone can do in a videogame that can make me mad, I don’t avoid confrontation.

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That has become the norm in almost all the office kind of work compared to manual ones, and I see more this difference now that I’m changing mine career after 15 years spent working in restaurants, hotels, cruise ships and more.

There are stronger relationships between people, especially in the bigger teams where you have to perfectly coordinate with others.

Thanks to this people trust more each other, there are fights daily, due of the pressure of the order, but at the end of the night when it’s already midnight instead of going home, they go to drink t and laughing together of what happened earlier.

In an office environment, and I saw it listening friend that have those carrier, people are false and coward, they can smile at you or trying to have a light conversation during a coffee break and 5 minutes later they are going to complain about you to a superior.

I hope they remove it for good just to see you people malding like hell for yet another extremely silly reason.

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We don’t even know if it’s going to make it to live atm.

Allow me to put premium napalm on the wound, look at all those poor Asmongold fans crying snif /Elune one crocodile tear gif :smiley:

Blizzard sucessfully hand picked each of them with a toothpick ! :stuck_out_tongue: So much tears and maddling for a single emote change, it is the end of the world also like puny said we do not know if it will go live.

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/Spit serves no purpose other than being toxic towards other players

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You can go monke togheter then

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This is the same stupidity as Agatha Christie’s book “Ten Little Ni***rs” (even here I cannot write full title) from 1939 which is now called “And Then There Were None” because some loud activists were offended by its original title.

The best part is that they are “adressing toxicity” in the game as if it was us players who are responsible for their drama…I mean ffs, it was their employes who harassed women, not players in-game LOL

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Players in-game and out do plenty of harassing too, and it needs to be addressed.

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But why the hell their response to their employees harassing women is to adress toxicity in the game? It seems like they’re trying to tell us that we are the actual problem, is this a joke?
/spit been there in game since the beggining ffs

Let us be fair, only plebs and peasants used that emote anyway though?

It’s called distraction

It’s not their response, it’s one of their responses. If you’re going to address harassment in the offices, it makes sense to also address it in your games, especially since WoW is infamous for having quite the toxic community.

And since the beginning it’s been mostly used in a provocative and quite childish way. I don’t think it’s relevant either way, so I don’t understand the outrage.

I’d rather encourage them to add new emotes, in order to make characters more expressive and alive, instead of raging because they’re considering the removal of the one emote universally used in a toxic way.


You just answered yourself. For you everything is harrassment and offensive, for me things like /spit in PvP are normal signs of competetivity between people, which is perfectly natural in PvP environment at least imo.

there is bigger problems in the world and in the game than /spit…

this is just distraction

And people leaving Overwatch. Because no one want play game where you cannot point people who cannot do they job because you will get ban. I don’t want to play games with some one who don’t want to learn how to play or how to win. If you always want be a loser then please don’t come near me because people who don’t want be better in anything that they like are piece of garbage. I don’t mean this only about games but abouth everything in they lives!
If you like or love something try be best even if you don’t have talent for that!

there is times when it is okay to excel yourself to be the best…

but to do it in everything you do is just not a good way to approach life…

video games are designed for fun, to some people stressing over being the best in a video game makes it not fun…

just because you would like to be the best at everything doesnt mean everyone should.

in fact i would say focusing on the things which matter over EVERYTHING ELSE… makes you even better at the things which matter…

spreading yourself too thin is a reality.