SPOILER Jailer Cinematic

everyone is immortal in shadoowlands unless they get killed

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The cinematics were just anticlimactic, I think the writers want fast and quick out of SL, just as we do. SL to me felt like a patch, it should have been a patch of BFA. Luckily the laws of the SL, being the death realm of WOW, can easily be forgotten about and we can go back to Azeroth, where we belong. Who knows what we will face though once we return, perhaps our being in the SL has borked the universe or maybe Turalyon has become a tyrant.

Yeah, but I was writing it in caps, referring to the Immortal Ones (the members of the pantheon of death).

hes not raised to replace denathrius. hes puny

Hes still not using them. Hes infact refusing to use them. It brings him too close to Denathrius even after we surpressed him inside the medallions. Hes at best using one of them. His own.

Also Renethal is the first of the Venthyr. Hes the direct creation of Denathrius. And the Immortal Ones arent really that powerful in all honesty. They are all pushovers except for full power Zovaal. Kyrestia and the Winterqueen in particular are trash fodder.

Ever putting them close to titan level (or even saying they are like titans) is a joke on all accords. They are, if im generous, on mannoroth level or something like that. While he was freshly rezzed in HFC.

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He is indeed literally the only redeemable thing from this Expansion, even the Non Max Level Chapters Revendreth Leveling stories.

Jesus 20 years for that wet fart of a video, THIS is what we get for 20 years of buildup /wetfart

Jesus wept.

Just please be the end of the sorry tale and head back to hitting some murlocs.


So the big bad is… the Void, it just took us an extra expansion.

The cinematic was complete and utter trash. I guess blizz will be making up some new cosmos or something, if there is even bigger baddy that requires all cosmos united.

Evil Azeroth. Mark my words.

This leak is starting to look scarely more less fakey than others after the quote Zovaal had in the end cinematic.


Alternate universe Evil Azeroth fighting our universe Azeroth.

I’m just going to go ahead and started the resub process to FF14 train because lord, another Cosmos crap?

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I present you Azeroths name origin:


This is Modern WoW devs we are talking about, they don’t have any creativity or passion in general left for something that isn’t ‘‘Azeroth’’ only related.

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The worst expansion is over… is it over? or is it going to get worse?
i don’t trust this company anymore…
never pre-order…

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Its not even creativity, just do the stuff Hearthstone is doing. If I wanted to play space adventurer I’d fire up Anarchy Online.

I like ZM in design but man, they really can’t ride this silly cosmos train all the way eh.

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With danasaur as the lore writer its bound to get worse.


I guess we can forget about Dragon Isle expansion then, or something related to Azshara. Its time to fight super sayan evil Azeroth.

Considering Jailer was currently the most powerful being in all cosmos, this is getting a bit ridiculous. Or maybe we will fight the “greater” threat that is First Ones themselves.

Just when you think the story reached rock bottom, they manage to dig down even more. Dont know how thats even possible.

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