SPOILER: New Anduin, Thrall, Primus, Sylvanas and Uther Models!

Join as melee DPS.
Keep forming M+ groups within that guild as a Tank so you become known as an available Tank.
Learn the players routines.
Wait outside the off-tanks favorite bar.
Push him into a river or off the edge of Oribos when he’s stumbling home drunk.
Show up for raid the next day available to tank.

It’s easy.

If was so easy like that :smiley:, most of guilds have aready two tanks who are the officers/gm most of time. So is hard to kick them out.

Plus I can’t play dps… else I would be all time looking at my rotation instead of do mechaning… I tried to play as feral one or two time and was a mess.

I feel like both Sylvanas and Anduin are going to be bosses.

So alliance loses a leader, and Horde loses a leader, that’s kinda what I got from all this.


Press X to doubt

I got my priorities sorted. :grin:


Anduins feet are huge!

Thrall has the Horde symbol on the belt so maybe he’s going home?

Primus looks like Krampus for some reason.

IKR, many including myself thought the rune carver was the Primus as the statue shares a great likeness to him. But they made the primus have the Jailer’s old design. Quite odd really.

Who is the Runecarver really? New mystery.

That’s the thing, he is the Runecarver. They’re just completely changing the way he looks once his memories are restored in 9.1.


For real?

Then in that case I am disappointed. I thought the rune carver looked pretty epic, not just in terms of size, but other visual elements.

But withhis memory is back he shrinks to normal player size and looks like a generic maldraxy magic caster. Yikes. He should have been Jailer size at least.

Shadowlands = continual disappointment.


The primus looks like an old man not the “almighty mastersmith and mastermind of maldraxxus”


You know… People like her while playing the game. :rofl:

Head on wowprogress page and search alliance guilds with similar/close to your XP searching for tank!
You can sort it out ez pz this way buddy

Keep pressing it then and find a big phat jar for your tears :slight_smile:

Anduin is already hard cannoned as an old man leading the army of the light for the “final assault”. Ofc he wasnt going to die. That comic should still be accessable on this website somethere. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/story/comic/son-of-the-wolf


We have seen it all before,people liked Garrosh and Arthas too,we all know what happened to them,if they go a different path just for her,then that would be something new

Insert “you’re hard” meme here :raised_hands:t3:

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What happened to them?

You know people love Jaina, the dalaran butcher and make insane excuses about her… It works both ways.

Imagine you whining in the forums about a fictional character on the forums and thinking others are the meme, not you. :upside_down_face:

He means that they got killed.

Jesus, you’re actually angry aren’t you? Go outside and feel sunlight man. It’s all banter :joy:



I may hate Thrall… but I kinda would be psyched if he came back as Warchief.