SPOILER: New Anduin, Thrall, Primus, Sylvanas and Uther Models!

People got killed? Because he stated people lol

Why all the angry forum SJW like you think im angry when i laugh with your nonsense ?
You should get outside man and stop whining for what happened 1.5 year ago :upside_down_face:

Have you considered therapy? Not all is lost little guy. Don’t give up :joy:

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Imagine crying about a fictional character in the forums 1,5 year after and thinking the one that spotted your problematic behavior needs a therapy. Not yourself. :rofl:

Crikey these instant replies. Your fingers must be shaking with rage here :rofl::rofl:

…silly orc…


Yes, after all the trouble we went through to get him an axe, he just threw it away.


You rage about a fictional char inside a fictional story 1.5 years after and… Again projecting im raging because i spotted out your nonsense?

You are not convincing enough :laughing:

I literally just said I’m convinced she’s going to die, then you flew off the handle :joy::joy: you poor little angel, how do you cope with differing opinions? :joy:

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The Primus… we have seen him before…

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I guess the excessive use of emojis your desperate attempt to convince you are not mad about a fictional character after 1,5 year?

Its literally being told back in legion she is not going to die and that shes actually planning this.

I think you need to learn a few things more about lore before you cry out loud in the forums :rofl:

You might want to have a look at your own posts before you start throwing the emoji use in there, sport! Keep going though, one of those forehead veins might pop soon :rofl:

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I did…
They clearly show a guy(me) laughing with an angry child that is still crying in the forums about a fictional game character…

I will, im watching at some TV series now, youre the fun part when there is no fun there!

Its funny to see that you started delaying your answers after you implied that im answering you fast because im “angry” :rofl:


You’re checking time stamps now that’s so precious! Your over inflated anger is insane :joy:

So what’s your contingency plan if Sylvanas does actually die? Do you think you’ll be too devastated to watch Power Rangers that day?

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Thrall model got updated 3 times within 2 expansions, yet no love for my boy Rokhan…

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Now you are trying to convince me that im angry or hide your 1,5 year anger beside every post you state YOU ANGRY ME “insert emoji” ?

Ive actually told you she’s not dying and that it was already stated back in legion.

Damn… What an insult!!!
You literally torn me to pieces there all mighty forum warrior hiding anger issues behind emojis. :upside_down_face:

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I would argue Jaina is more annoying than Thrall… but Thrall is a very close 2nd.

does dying even have any meaning anymore? we’re surrounded and interact daily with dead NPCs.
Anduin btw will not die, there are comics with him as an old man, or at least if he’ll die he’ll get ressed.

Does Chris Metzen still voice Thrall?

Spoiler He's the Runecarver!

Sysy will courageously run away right away at 5% HP. Sadly.