SPOILER: New Anduin, Thrall, Primus, Sylvanas and Uther Models!

There needs to be another achievement “Stay awhile and listen” involving the Primus!


Yes he does. He doesnt work for Blizzard officially anymore but he drops by regularly. At least as far as we know.


I seriously doubt he’ll die. He just became relevant again recently, plus he’s kinda the only serious leader the Orcs have.

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You’re still going :joy::joy::joy: this is fantastic :joy: you really can’t bear the thought of her dying can you? It’s ok fella, she’s not real you know!

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He already has, it was him, Baine and Lor’themar who instigated the Horde Council.

Yes! That is exactly what I thought also.

I -believe- though don’t take this as gospel, because I can’t find where it was stated, but I believe that whole comic was retconned.

True dat, Both him and Gazlowe need an update to look cooler. They both just look like generic Trolls and Goblins at the moment, every other racial leader looks unique, so should they!

He does, yes. Or rather, he does currently, no idea if they will get a new VA in to go with his new model, but I highly doubt it.

As for the models…Well Thrall looks fantastic, I mean I know some people hate him, but he is the only credible Orc leader figure left, I mean there is Eitrigg I suppose, but when has he really done anything? But yes, that armour looks amazing, and I don’t know, something about his face looks more angry and orc-like.

The Primus gives off that very very creepy vibe, like “Oh, you were expecting some musclebound 'roid beast to be the boss of Maldraxxus were you? Come at me bro and I will proper wreck you”. As to people asking how he looks different upon regaining his memories, that’s kind of how the Shadowlands work isn’t it? People appear as their own self image? So no memories=No self image possibly. If true that does raise the interesting question of whose image was he shaped into, if not his own when we first see him? The Jailor’s possibly, that the Jailor shaped the Primus that way?

Evil Anduin looks kind of OK, apart from the back view, seriously, what is going on with that barnet? It looks like his mother put a bowl over his head and cut his hair herself (I know Tiffin is dead, but you get what I mean.) I doubt he’ll stay as evil Anduin however.

Sylvanas. What the heck even is that? I mean, it will have one potential good effect, which is that some of her fans will stop being so thirsty for her :stuck_out_tongue: Almost certainly Raid Boss model. I hope so. I just can’t take it seriously, it’s hilarious. I mean, the shadowy tendrils sprouting from her sides is a strong look, but the rest of it…I mean when did she turn into Douglas Bader? She looks like she is propelled along by constantly passing wind. Which really isn’t a good look. Nobody needs that image in their minds. It’s like she got stuck between Banshee form and Corporeal form… She looks like an absolute joke :smiley:

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As far as i know it wasnt. However im free to get a source for it. In case you find it in the end. I know that Medan got retconned (thank the gods) etc but the new comics were not.

‘‘It’s not a phase mom!’’


its funny watching you hamster brain horde players try to justify committing genocide ( on multiple occasions )

Typical alliance double standards statement.

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please name the multiple occasions where the alliance faction has committed genocide.

Am i supposed to call Thales institute for units and measurements and ask for genocide-meter , or something ?
Alliance ain’t flower , please no double standards ,thank you!

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you cant name any because their isnt any.

you can play the evil faction just be aware that your playing the bad guys.

Alliance has committed genocide on the trolls. And also attempted it with the Frostwolf Clan. The latter being the first to live in a zone abandoned for thousand of years. Thats two already.

Also Alliance has displayed racism since ages, so while not genocide dont try to claim the mantle of good.

And if we judge the races in particular then you Draenei probably have the highest death count given the Eredar of the Burning Legion originate from you. Genocide seems to be your kinds racial.

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Well, given the actual definition of Genocide (Which by the way, if you don’t take the dictionary definition, means the Horde has not committed Genocide even once)

Frostmane Trolls in the starting Dwarf zone. I mean you even get a quest to kill -children!-

Gnolls, who we know are a sentient and sapient species.

Blood Elves at Dalaran (Killing members of a people within your reach still counts as genocide, read up on WWII for that)

Attempted Genocide of the Vulpera, which -Shock, Horror- drove them into the Horde. Not like the Alliance has done that before.

Do I need to go on?

This is irrelevant however, this conversation is about the new models.

Dont you know i never stop?

Thats what im explaining you the last 10 replies that you SJW moan bout her, you realized it? Great :laughing:

The funniest thing is to watch alliance SJW on the forums whining about a fictional story and a fictional NPC for 1.5 years now, like that guy above. :upside_down_face:

This thread isn’t about the lore debate on who’s good and who’s bad. There are plenty of other threads about this stuff. This one is for discussing the new models.


Thrall :+1:
Sylvanas :yawning_face:
Primus :+1:

I actually like that the Primus isn’t some buff Chad daddy or “skulls upon skulls”. Nowhere in the description of being a tactical and strategic mastermind is there a requirement to be some evil looking colossus. That’s what the rank and file grunts are for.

It gives him a wizened general vibe, like the original war hero, that legendary commander tales are sung about.
Also let’s not forget Maldraxxus is as much about magical and mental combat as it is melee etc so quite why everything has to be extremely “on the nose” with the whole IM A BIG WARRIOR vibe escapes me.
The whole horn thing also makes him resemble the Winter Queen in a manner of speaking which lends credence to the idea they’re actually related. Same with Denath. Looks like the Archon is left out?

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The Primus feels like some sort of Arch-Necromancer, which is pretty awesome in my opinion! And it makes sense too, since Maldraxxus is all about necromancy and such stuff.

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Pretty sure that is how Armies work… “Son, We’re not promoting you” “But what! I’m like the hardest soldier you have! I’m amazing!”

“Yeah…that’s why we’re not promoting you.”

“But I am super strong and…”
“I am sure your ability to hold a pen -really strongly- whilst having a threatening demeanour will instil fear into our enemies whilst signing orders at a desk”

The Primus isn’t Audie Murphy, he’s Bernard Montgomery. And that is kind of what a leader of soldiers is. They’re not the toughest, the most skilled, the strongest, they’re the -smartest-.

It’s a model for one phase of her raid boss fight. It’s obviously based on her Banshee model from Warcraft 3 Reforged.