[SPOILER ☠ ] Ultimate rewrite of the Forsaken (and Horde) culture in Slands?

Is there a source for this?

Because… oof, OOF. As a writer I just… I can maybe see that working for a first draft, but do they not send it off for a second opinion or anything? I enjoy the quest writing SO much more than the meta-plot.


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“We don’t have Yes Men and Yes Women in our story rooms.”

X to doubt


Now I’m just sat here wondering what their threshold for “negativity” is.

Oh well, game’s still playable. Time to accept the bare minimum and go back to enjoying player-driven events!

“Karen, what if Syl—…”

“SECURITY! GET HIM OUT! He’s spreading negativity.”

Feel free to add. I don’t want to crap over anyone or anything like that, but at this point it feels like their writers quite literally live in an echo chamber. RPers could and would write a better story than they do.


On the flip side…

“John, can we get uh… an explanation on why Sylvanas hates her own people now after Edge of Night / Cata / Legion ?”

“What’re you, flippin nuts? These guys can’t even do the jumpin’ jelly WQ. Just have her say she hates them and move on.”


I’ll tell you what needs to happen. Forsaken become friendly, now who doesn’t like that? Damn right, those Sylvanas loyalists. The meet some cult of the damned bois somewhere who now are like. “Amg Sylvy totally wrecked Bolvar, Bolvar bad, Sylvy good.” Those preferably human cult of the damned bois then get coerced by the Loyalists to run a terrorist attack on SW with some Wrath Gate vibes, totally destroying the place. That is when we find out Anduin was the son of Arthas all along and the Alliance moves up to retake the holy land Lordareon and Gilneas. Ofc they blame the whole ordeal on the horde, Genn sows some distrust towards Anduins bestie Baine and they move up to eradicate the threat up north: Quel’thalas, razing the place to the ground. Use a manabomb or whatever, just get rid of that low-texture place. Now, the Blood Elves evacuate, getting a remodeled Isle of Quel Danas as their homebase, seeking protection from the weird well that is there. Thrall returns as Warchief, sees this and prepares for defense, rebuilding Ogrimmar as the ultimate fortress by building a thunder-dome around it. Meanwhile, in the Slands Sylvie is being all smug like “haha, just as planned.” Horde and Alliance is in disarray again, busy fighting each other. We now split the plot, so the Dragonslayers have a job. The former CHAMPYUNS see through the deceit, but cannot quench the bloodthirst of the two factions. Instead, they venture to the Slands to take out Sylvie and evil Jailor, but they get rekd. That’s when Uther, Tirion and Bolvar turn up, this playing in the background : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUhVCoTsBaM and absolutely destroy Sylvie and the jailor in the final bossfight.
This leaves Azeroth in their perpetual war again, now with some new hatred. Then we just find another objective for the Dragonslayers.

Dwarf description is and always has been neutral, just check it ingame.


I noticed the Lead Narrative Designer on World of Warcraft tweet this just a few minutes ago:

To clarify, the Horde race descriptions that were datamined were for content not yet playable.
They were placeholders and had not been vetted.

I agree that the tone is off, particularly in the Forsaken entry. This was not an intended change of perspective for the race.

The lines are being updated. Changes will appear in a future build. It’s alpha, so they (and other things) are always subject to change.

Thanks for calling out issues like this. Please know we have only the best of intentions. Apologies for the consternation this caused.



New thread be like: Blizzard Lead Narrative Designer confirms every forsaken character is a heartless loyalist! [SEE HOW]

Tweet from Steve Danuser:


[backtracks really quickly but still maintained the original creative direction]

“the reason why bad things happen is cuz horde and alliance have bad holistics” - blizzard, probably

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THEY STILL LISTEN TO US!!! :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Gotta say; he answered these concerns rather quickly and tactfull…

Might be the small things, but atleast they listen to that so that new players(no matter how little there are now a days) atleast don’t get the wrong impression nor does it throw away years of established lore for a race for now!

I’ll give em the benefit of the doubt on this


Yeah, to be fair, going “This is not playable yet” so not set in stone, coupled with “This is not an intentional change of direction” followed by “Thanks for calling out issues like this” as in “Not thanks for Feedback” which is a very nebulous term, but using the words “Calling Out” and “issues” does kind of imply that it was a recognisable goof which they don’t want to run with, after seeing how unpopular it was.

I’d give some leeway on it, sounds like they realised the ball had been well and truly dropped, and rather than doubling down on it like “Ah, but you -will- see what we mean” they’ve went “Y’know what, yeah, you were right”


This… is a surprising twist of events.

I can’t wait to have my expectations subverted. :roll_eyes:

Watch as they change the flavour text but everything else remains the same.

Most likely.

But, you know, I also don’t like this “it’s just alpha…” mentality. Yes… of course it’s Alpha. Alpha is ~95% of the features done for the product you’re trying to sell, it should in theory be an almost finished product, of course we’re going to give feedback on it. Moreover, feedback was specifically requested on it.

To be told “just chill guys, it wasn’t set in stone” is a big (X) Doubt from me.


Ayup. Precisely that, considering the story is usually written ways ahead. Now, they may be making it on the go, which I don’t buy personally, since voice lines need to be recorded, a plotline needs to be set, etc.

But in general, press X to doubt from me as well.