[SPOILER ☠ ] Ultimate rewrite of the Forsaken (and Horde) culture in Slands?

Yeah, I think they got taken back and shouted “It’s just Alpha guys! Calm down!” Already has be suspicious about the mid game or end game of Shadowlands. But I remains in high hopes.

Can’t preemptively complain about the endgame if it’s a mystery box taps head memeingly


True, I am trying to remain VERY opened minded. You know yourself how BfA ended and not many were exactly too happy about it. So hopefully SL will give us a lean on a ‘This feels like Legion’ vibe. A really good one.

Legion was grand. That seems to be a trend with them, one good expansion, one bad expansion. Lets hope that trend continues, because that means Shadowlands should be good.

Hope dies last.


People always say that with hindsight.

Vanilla was better than TBC, TBC was better than WotLK, WotLK was better than Cata, Cata was better then MoP, MoP was better then WoD, WoD was better then BFA on and on and on it goes.

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That is what BfA felt like.

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Maybe its all a PR stunt on the forsaken part. Apparently they have a fresh generation of new undead from the war. Gotta appeal to the new consumers (of braaaaains).

Who in the HELL says this??? ? ? ??? ? ?


Subscription numbers, in part.

But I do suspect that you’re referring to MoP being overall way better quality in terms of story-telling, aesthetics, game systems and class fantasy.

In which case, yes MoP wins. It somehow is regarded as a great point in time to be a WoW player if you like PVE, PVP or just quests and rep grinds.

… but a lot of the people dislike MoP for what it meant, what it symbolized: pandering to the chinese overlords. And the pandaren race, widely regarded as a joke from Wc3, had become the lore focus and selling point of the next expansion.

People just dipped out, and it was a great year to dip out… you had Starcraft 2 still going strong, CS:GO came out that same year, and also League of Legends was in full swing.

Simply put: Blizzard, for the first time, lost the value proposition battle of their product to games that weren’t even in the same genre.

Thinking about pandaren had set gears turning in my head.

Googling “Warcraft combo number 5 pandaren now”. And if that’s not a thing it needs to be.

EDIT: Just checked. Dammit.

Oof, can’t win 'em all buddy.

People dislike it because a lot of the community just wants more elf and human stuff, and pandaren are very distinctly not that. Pandas are also generally not edgelords which also hurt their approval.

From what I see, just about everyone I talk to now fall in one of three categories - either they liked it and still do, they disliked it at first due to the initial impression but came around, or they are still stuck in the omfgpanda mindset and nothing will change that.

If you ask me, it worked out perfectly. We got MoP and it was great, and if Blizzard is hesitant to continue on its theme due to community backlash like some tell me, then all the better - not being touched by Blizzard’s story is a lot safer.


I initially disliked the idea of MoP because my closest friend I had in wow at the time told me it’s dumb and I believed him but then I actually played it and thought for myself (what with him rage quitting wow permanently over the idea of MoP) and honestly it’s the best expansion we’ve ever had in my opinion

I honestly think that by this point in WoW’s progressive plot and universe, we should have seen orcs hugging and co-inhabiting with humans. I just don’t understand all of the need for hate.

We could even get rid of all of the violent or battle oriented abilities in the game, focus solely on professions and the rest of our ability trees will just be comprised of emotes and buffs that serve to make people feel good and validated.

That being said, we need to remove harmful professions like skinning and leatherworking. We should not encourage these forms of animal mutilation and cruelty in our game. While we’re at it, I also do not approve of the number of farms in Elwynn Forest. These cows are all victims of abuse and we need to take action against it.

It’s time we entered a world where DPS, Tanks and Healers are no longer required. All we need in a raid boss fight is a means to befriend and entertain someone that’s having a bad day, like our old pal Sylvanas.

What we must ask ourselves, do we -really- need the ‘war’ in Warcraft?

Wake up, people.

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Whats really going to bake your noodle is that we can flay living creatures that are also sentient and sapient. Raptors, just saying, they’re smart enough to fashion and wear their own jewelry……

We’re not just Murder Hobo’s, we’re Texas Chainsaw Massacre levels of bad. Dragonhawks are intellectually advanced enough to have a concept of internal racism (I’m not saying -racism- is advanced level thinking, I mean Ants do it, but its just species there, not internal) ad we can skin them… We can Skin Wyverns and apparently they were smart enough to make an informed decision to join the Horde, as equal members, we always forget that. Who is the Wyvern racial leader these days and do they have a seat on the Horde Council? :laughing:

On a more serious note, MoP was a really good expansion. There, I said It.

Beautiful art and zones, spot on music (Though I hold a special loathing for the Pandaren Tavern music) Actually thought out plots and bad guys, Pandaren themselves are kind of actually fine, and have a pretty good background, and for the first time we really actually did have it hammered home into our noggins that the Horde and Alliance both, are capable of going to a place and utterly overturning everything in their desperation to kill each other, even, especially, when the natives are going “Can you just Not?”

It is also a Godsend with the XP bonus, I’m telling you, Jade Forest, then Kun Lai will see you lit…

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Dude I think they were taking the p*ss

mop was pretty okay
rocky start
picked up a lot after 5.2
introduced some bad elements that later did a lot of damage to the game (thunderforging, mandatory legendary progression/catchup)
arguably the beginning & instigator of many of wow’s low points while also embodying its strengths from old wow to the newer direction post-cata

7/10 on rotten tomatos

Oh I knew that! It just suddenly made me think “Hang on, The Wyverns joined the Horde, as equals, who is their Racial Leader?!”

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Well they are said to be rather intelligent…
…probably more so than most orcs…

Come on, let’s get that trending!

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