Based Blizzard
Doesn’t matter. The narrator clearly states he could snap her in twain if he wanted to.
New lore > old lore.
Also if you honestly wanna grasp on the straw that that he was able to shoot her because magic bullets, then equally why is there no mention of him using a spell/ability like that as he does so?
After all, he doesn’t fire out “cursed bullets” 24/7 in the dungeon either.
Now I dunno if killing Malfurion would have changed anything, tbh. Remember when the orcs killed a LITERAL GOD (Or close to one) and the NElves kept fighting anyway? I suspect killing ‘Mal’ would have just given them a martyr, similar to burning Darnassus. Trying to break the hope of the NElves is a fairly futile effort, as has been proven to be the case twice now.
As for Derek… well, that’s the problem. It was an extremely sleezy, underhanded tactic by Sylvanas (That also robs one of her own ‘people’ of their free will, something both she and Baine acknowledge). I’d be surprised if Baine -didn’t- do anything about it.
Is it a bit weird that this is what he acts up over? Yeah, a bit. But it could be a combination of:
A) The straw that broke the camel’s back. Even if it’s a minor thing compared to Darnassus, Baine has declared this the last straw. Perhaps Sylvanas starting to break the creed of her own people made him realise that things would only continue to get worse.
B) He knows Jaina semi-personally. The two have spoken on a few occasions. He also knows Anduin, and knows that the two have a strong bond as well. He likely put two and two together and realised that the murder of Jaina would probably decimate Anduin, and either give Sylvanas more leverage on the boy king, or throw Anduin off the deep end himself. Either way, more lost lives on both sides.
I think it should be obvious by now, Baine’s goal is the survival of the Horde. Even if that means turning on Sylvanas (Side note: Nobody complained when Orgrim/Durotan/Cairne/Literally-everyone-on-Azeroth turned on the Horde leadership, did they?) and doing a favour for the ‘enemy’. The sooner the war ends, the more lives are saved. This is why he wants to discuss terms with the Alliance after the raid (Wherein the Horde lost a city and a major leader), and I hate that people are calling him a just for sticking to his goal and trying to save lives and conclude the war.
Honestly the guy is stuck between BURN IT and MUH ONUR, one side makes the Horde a target and the other involves suicidal charges. So he has his work cut out for him and I’m interested to see where it goes now Baine’s finally DOING something.
Believe me, for a long time I was waiting for the Mak’gora. But evidently it’s just not in Baine’s mind to do so, likely for any of the reasons I’ve mentioned so far.
Side note: Sylvanas recently got banshee ghost powers of late, so while she may have been damaged physically in combat before? Now… significantly less likely, especially if the fight is expected and it’s a 1v1. Baine swings, she does the ghost thing and the swing goes through her or she flies away, banshee scream, arrow to the heart. Bam, dead Baine.
Unless Baine becomes a Sunwalker, or the duel forbid magic, it actually wouldn’t be an even fight.
No its just actually Golden & co being crap at their jobs lol.
The entire xalatath thing is a rehashed MoP. The whole faction war story is rehashed content.
Actually yes he does. His main form of attack are melee swings using the blades on his pistols. Every bullet fired from them is glowing purple though, both in the ‘cursed bullets’ ability and the (likely somewhat supernatural…) ‘pistol barrage’ ability.
You really don’t want to like Baine, do you? I bet that if he did try to mak’gora all of a sudden and predictably is destroyed as his opponent flies through the air, becomes incorporeal and headshots him to kingdom come as he waves his axe around, you would call him stupid for being so unsubtle instead.
For real. Even if we go with your idea that Baine can at all hurt Sylvanas somehow, how would he ever catch her? He’s a dude with an axe/club/whatever against a flying archer who can turn incorporeal at will.
Anyway, maybe he could ‘snap her in two’, but evidently Sylvanas wouldn’t be damaged by it so there is no point. The sources can coexist.
I’m not saying those writers are flawless (Far from it, I could rip and tear into BfS for hours), but I think it’s a bit dismissive to not at least consider very plausible reasons for why a character does XYZ. Just because what they do isn’t to your liking (Even if what they do is within the characteristics of that character) does not automatically make it bad writing.
I do however strongly agree with this.
Funnily, I feel MoP did it all far better as well. Just a shame Garrosh went off the absolute deep end.
I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming it was indeed a narrator description rather than personal POV with the snap in twain thing, btw. It doesn’t make any difference.
Definitely. BFA is terrible and the faction war is really tired.
Still writing, Atahalni? There is nothing wrong with being concise you know. I thought Yue told you wall of texts alone do not mean anything.
Hey you wanted to go the purist route so here we are.
He fires completely normal shots outside of the instance. If it was as you claimed, they could just add a cursed bullet effect to his attacks if they wanted.
He fires a barrage of bullets. That =/= cursed bullets also.
No I just wanted to prove you wrong lol.
Baine is/was ok but when I see his narrative urinated on by storywriters that have no idea how to do justice to his story (actually horde storyline in general) obviously I call it out, just like I’d call out the crap service at a cafeteria.
Your anime argument is basically pointless because at the end of the day the narrative decides who gets to win and who doesn’t. In one time, Jaina puuls of SoU and again in SoO random orcs just kill her if not defended lol.
The meat of the matter is that you really have to assume the most obvious thing with Blizzard’s storytelling (see: teldrassil, siege of Dazar Alor).
And the obvious reason as to why the story goes the way it does is because they are using MoP storyline. We’ve been giving them the benefit of the doubt since the expansion started, and nothing has surprised.
They are glowing purple. Why do you think he would use magical bullets in every instance except he shot he takes against Sylvanas?
No? Everyone has whined on him for years for not doing enough. Now he does something that, even if he himself is imprisoned for it, will be a catalyst for change (imprisoning the Tauren leader is not going to go unnoticed). People hate him anyway.
I think people dislike him because he’s clearly anti-Sylvanas, and what he does otherwise doesn’t really matter to them.
What? Not downplaying Sylvanas is an ‘anime argument’? The writers have made her extremely powerful, Baine is not an idiot for ignoring that.
This is fiction. You just said a tautology.
Could be a number of reasons. You wanted to make the claim, so the evidence must be provided by you.
Also he uses the shots against deserters and worgen as well-regular ones, that is.
If you do a quick search on the old forums you’ll find me finding Baine a great character.
This time, however, I feel he’s not doing what he’d do if he stayed true to his narrative- Which is because Golden has decided that instead of being a strong guy that does what is necessary, he needs to play the rat route like Saurfang.
Yeah but at the end of the day if they wrote him just rushing her and breaking her neck right then and there that could happen.
This same argument can literally be pulled for any encounter ever. Why didn’t cairne just obliterate Garrosh on the spot? Why didn’t the LK oneshot people straight away? Why didn’t DW just fly above skyfire to avoid people climbing above his back?
Yeah she’s strong but Baine is a tauren chieftain. He’s dope too.
Instead he’s absolutely a strong guy who does what is necessary, just not a retard.
I’ll assume you abstain from the argument then, if your side is ‘we shouldn’t debate this because it doesn’t matter?’
Because I’d like to still talk about it with those who do think it matters.
No, I can’t prove that the bullet he shot at Sylvanas was cursed. Neither can you prove that it wasn’t. But I can say that given just who he was targeting, the fact that Sylvanas (at least until later books - debatable) is noted to be near invulnerable to physical attacks, and the fact that Godfrey clearly is a great fan of using magical bullets, odds are that he also did so in this case.
With me so far? Burden of proof is not something you can just say to skip an argument. We are debating probability in a situation where there is no 100% conclusive proof one way or another, even if I’d argue that the chance of him using magical bullets is at least 90%+
I’d argue he’s doing the opposite. He is taking a stand, and that too is being a ‘strong guy’.
Not going to lie, what Baine is doing could have been done by Garona instead (even better, with her being convinced by Baine to pull this off, showing that he has the brains to match his brawn). Leave Baine in the asskicking department and then fans get the fan service.
Like it or not, Baine is one of the few characters in Warcraft that actually learns from the mistakes of those that come before him.
Cairne stomped in and challenged Garrosh to an honour duel, he died to poison. I think Baine is very aware that Sylvanas gives far less of a damn about orcish based traditions than Garrosh did.
This is a very real point, actually. Sylvanas is highly unlikely to play any more fair than Magatha did.
tbh Baine going to traitor jail is a fine story development. betraying your Warchief is kind of a scummy move, and I’m glad we’re finally seeing some consequences
Is Baine gonna be the Wow equivalent of Nelson Mandela?
more like the next Slobodan
I don’t get that reference.