Damn, we’re like literally an entire Horde of scum then.
Garrosh shakes his axe from a cloud in the distance.
Damn, we’re like literally an entire Horde of scum then.
Garrosh shakes his axe from a cloud in the distance.
Just par the course for the Horde. They threw away their Bloodoaths before, not like the second time would be any harder to do.
I just hope we betray the next Warchief too for the full hat trick
Considering the modern Horde is made up out of those who rejected Garrosh rather than those who chose loyalty over everything else, you’d think proper Warchief scrutiny would be a cultural thing nowadays.
Or stomping your opposition, given you know they’re a bunch of scheming hoes
I’m not a moderator. You don’t need my permission to speak.
I’m just pointing out that listing out a character’s all amazing powers and how x would defeat y is incredibly pointless when we have case and point examples of completely off-the-roof things happening.
Yeah I can because if you do the quest you actually see him doing a normal auto-attack shot at the back of her head.
Also your propability argument is also groundless because there’s a lot of descriptions of characters/items/creatures and their powers that make them “the most powerful” or “near indestructable” or w/e yet they get curbed all the same.
Yeah what a strong move going behind your warchief’s back and then telling her what you did after you’ve done it lol.
Alliance’s that way. This isn’t how the Horde operates.
Doesn’t matter now does it? You could make the equal argument that he’d learned a way to better ensure the fight will be fair and the rules are enforced strictly.
It’s not like he’d have a shortage of people to do that for him.
But either way, the story’s wett diarrhea either way and everything went wrong the moment Soyfang decided to do the Stockade thing.
Sounds like we need to change the oath to something more relevant.
" I am the instrument of my Warchief’s desire. I am a weapon of my Warchief’s command. Until they go full retard."
the moment the horde threw away their culture and ideals to follow sylvanas. Baine and saurfang aren’t great, but they’re at least doing something about it
still not entirely convinced “turn-coat Saurfang” or “Two-Face Baine” didn’t actually poison Vol’jin’s dinner before the Broken Shore to ensure his demise, because “Mom says it’s my turn in Grommash Hold”
Feel like pure crap rn just want thrall back
at this point I’d honestly be ok being the super evil mustache twirling villain faction if only to avoid a repeat of MoP
It’s not going to be pointless for Baine, though, when he determines if there is a point to a mak’gora to begin with.
Well there wouldn’t be much point to telling her before he did it. That way he would have just been stopped. Now he can both get the deed done and make a stand.
I don’t think autoattacks as a concept exist in the lore btw but who am I kidding. Since it’s you we can go with the argument ‘Baine doesn’t mak’gora since he knows faction leaders get better stats from Blizzard’. Done.
We are getting strange options to stand with the Warchief or go against her in the storyline. I’m mostly prepared for the disappointment that they don’t mean anything for my character, but I like to think it means more than some interactions that get forgotten.
me too buddy
maybe if they changed all the races in the faction
Uhm sweaty
Baine Bloodhoof health: 51,876,000
Sylvanas Windrunner health: 28,527,600
Then clearly he saw that and got suspicious because it can’t be that easy.
He didn’t have time to check wowhead with Zelling first.
what the hell’s he been doing since launch then. farming island expeditions?
AFKing in Thunder Bluff and raging on reddit about Azerite traits.
He’s already got an experience of ramming her onto a wall and being ready to rip her into shreds. He also knows she can die. And he knows he’s strong & really great warrior (Emerald Nightmare, Broken Shore, Theramore).
Or then he’d lose. Doesn’t matter. He knows he can defeat Sylvanas, but doesn’t because- Again, forced reasons from the narrator (Golden) who has even admitted being extremely biased towards Baine x Anduin x Jaina.
It’s ok if she wants to do a “friendship wins all foes!” storyline but tbh she should find another job for that.
Instead of being the absolute chad, challenging your warchief or telling you will if you won’t ceaze this there’s gonna be a mak’gora and then freeing him.
Or actually doing the (right) thing and just letting Sylvanas use Derek to cripple the alliance so they can have vengeance for Dazar’alor & turn the tide of the war around. That should be his main prospect, not “baah this goes against my morals, I’m out guys”.
Well I mean Malfurion isn’t a faction leader and nearly killed her…
Also Baine’s a faction leader too, like Gallywix, Lorthemar & co.
Also Moody…
There 100% won’t be any meaningful consequences lol. I’m 100% sure of it.
If he can grab her. It’s hard to do if she’s flying 30m in the air.
If you think that is the right thing to do it might explain a few things.
Worked out so well for his dad (a dad who had a way better shot than Baine does btw). Tbh if dying pointlessly is being a ‘chad’ in the current Horde I suddenly long twice as much for the return of Thrall. He wouldn’t permit that BS one bit.
It doesn’t matter. Horde’s about Victory or Death.
I think Baine could defeat her. You disagree.
Maybe he could. Maybe not.
But I’d like to see him try, because I believe that’s more close to his character core than being a rat and scurrying behind your boss’s back (something which he comments upon with saurfang ironically behind Gallywix’s back).
That is :grunt: not honorable…
That’s what this boils down to.