[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Flash back to running and screaming on the streets of Dalaran while PMS mage throws fire (ttly non lethal) at them

Y-Yeah…Me too.


Sunreavers deserved it.


Honestly with how stupid that quest sounds by what you said, I’d prefer it if you just got it on hitting lvl 120+exalted with TB, if the story of a race is gonna be pants-on-head r-tarded, it’d be better off not existing.

Did they?

Afaik, not every blood elf, or Sunreaver for that matter, were actually aware of what had happened. So saying that they ‘‘deserved it’’ is utter bull.

Collective sin (Alliance) vs. Individual sin (Horde) perspectives on display tbh.

See also: Garrosh.

Edit to add my thoughts on the “mechanics” (vs. lore) of 8.2 we’ve seen thus far.
Mechagon - Visually not my style. It looked like they just took the junkyard from Tiragarde and made an area out of it, with parts of MOTHERLODE pasted in. The info on the questing didn’t seem that interesting.
Nazjatar - Visually more interesting, but the information they gave about “building stuff up” just sounded like it was a rotating set of dailies…which we had in the game back in TBC, so nothing new there. I like bodyguards though.

Megadungeon - I liked Karazhan, I’ll probably like this. The trinket they showed off seemed gimmicky but I don’t hate the idea of more customisable trinkets if the source of the customisation isn’t RNG-locked. Hopefully it works out.

Heart of Azeroth 2.0 - Uninteresting. Being “generic” at worst and “role-specific” at best means that none of the bonuses interact with our actual spec/class in any way. All Major abilities shown are just “big numbers on a cooldown” and all the minor abilities are just “stat boosts” in various flavours. It’s basically an extra ring on your azerite armour and still a step down from Legion-artifacts.

Someone else called it a “rent-a-class” feature and they’re not wrong - it’s something that we’re going to lose at the end of the expansion with nothing to replace it. The core problem - the class design - is still there. This won’t address it.

Magni+Heart quests - Meh. I’m not interested/excited for more Magni.

War campaign - Expected to get more. Lore is the important part here.

Heritage armour - I don’t play these races. They look good though, I’m happy for people who do.

New islands - Cool from an art perspective, but island mechanics are still woefully uninteresting.

Heroic Arathi Warfront - Neat, I guess. We’ll see if it plays out how they hope. I’m not a fan of the enemy commander deploying onto the field only to run away at low health though. I’ve had quite ENOUGH!!! of that thank you very much.

Arena - I don’t care about pvp but I’m happy if it’s a good arena so pvpers are happy I guess.

Epic BG: Ashran - I liked Ashran in WoD well enough. Sure, why not. At least as an Epic BG it’s more likely to have balanced team numbers.

Flying - is flying, it’ll be locked behind a rep grind but will be pretty straightforward for anyone who’s already got pathfinder p1.

Mount equipment - Neat, though largely irrelevant for Elly. A step in the right direction.

New War mode content/professions - no details, irrelevant for now. War mode balance on AD continues to be absolutely flicked for Horde, and professions have been very disappointing this expac and the Tools of the Trade stuff didn’t change that.


They deserved it in the sense of trying to make friends with humans who have a history of backstabbing at the first point of inconvenience

Yeah. Suckers.



Harsh truths. I’ve worked a bit with similar engines and WoW is primitive even for 2004 because it’s basically WC3 refurnished and scaled up and faction identity is indeed an on and off switch constantly applied with the likes of your typical faction change (and race/class restrictions), pandaren leaving the wandering isle and the Ordos toy that makes you hostile to all.

They could remove faction restrictions tomorrow with a hotfix. It’d completely deehee_stroy_ questing triggers but having the game consider an orc and human as both being Alliance, Horde or a third option for an instance isn’t difficult.

The switch between factions and races is a numerical, often simply binary designation trigger. Check if 《faction》 or 《race》 and enable associated triggers accordingly for the area, be it pvp or a race specific questline like the heritage armour.

The whole alliance of convenience and grudging cooperation with forces that did them harm (orcs, undead) makes belf good political RP. Sadly, I find that almost nobody thinks about those factors.

Nightborne to a lesser extent, too, with no genuine cause to go murdering recent allies for Suramar’s freedom, their heroic supreme leader roped along by dubiously loyal belves on lies of omission to serve more tyranny.

Both RP treasures are kind of cancelled out by IC manifactured conflicts, politics, power play and goofy models, though. Give me squinty shal’dorei or give them death!

  • The Nazjatar zone is not really time gated, but the story will progress over weeks.



“Well no, but actually yes.”


Players: “Are we going to be free of grindy timegated content?”

Blizzard: :man_shrugging:


I’m reminded of J.K. Simmons’ epic Jonah Jameson laugh meme but cannot post it.

“You’re serious?”


Which given the laughable BfA story, this is exactly why it’s going to happen.

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Timeless Isle 4.0, aka Timeless Robots.

place doesnt even look that cool from the pics i’ve seen…

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  • We will know who the final boss of Battle for Azeroth is after the events of this raid.

…It’s Sylvanas, right?

J.K. Rowling: You were the final boss of the expansion the whole time.


I think it’s gonna be cool.