[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Give us tentacle beard options!!

Draenei is waiting for you muhahahaha

Sylvanas or N’zoth.

Neither are unexpected twists and we’re being beat over the head with how evil Sylvanas is being and how N’zoth is totally coming back aaaaaaaaaany minute now.

Remember, the more obvious and basic as hell the answer to a ‘mystery’ in the plot is, the closer that answer is to what will happen.

“Wait and see” is just Blizzard speech for “Oh crap they figured it out already”


Blizzard’s storytelling is too predictable, yes. They haven’t actually done a twist since MoP and that was only because there was no clear villain for a while.

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Eh they kinda straight up gave away that it was Garrosh not long before launch. I remember an intense amount of whining that there was no big baddie, so they seemingly caved and revealed it would be garrosh about 3 patches early. I seriously wonder if they had to change much of the plot to accomodate the whining.

It’s why I was so confused at the ‘hype’ for BfA being AvH themed. MoP was supposed to be just that and people hated it, then bfA is revealed and people went nuts for it. What the hell?


What’s Nazjatar? Doesn’t sound as important as Mechagon.

Also, lol Sylvanas with Old God weapon.

Naga/Elf lore

I sleep

Titan/Gnome lore

REAL :poop:

Nazjatar is an underwater zone that isn’t actually underwater. The naga sportingly decided to give up their massive home advantage out of respect for the WoW players who couldn’t handle moving in 3 whole dimensions in Vashj’ir without crying about it.


What if I’m bored by both naga and gnomes?

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Then I suppose you can borrow the box I sit in when I’m bored of AvH narrative.

In one corner you’ll find a bed, there’s an en suite, the kitchen is down the hall to your left… there’s no fridge or oven.

Rent is 20,000g a month. First month upfront.


Broken shore number 2

Risen from Sea floor by Zul’dan

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I honestly don’t know why Vashj’ir was so disliked. It still is today a graphically gorgeous/impressive zone and just because it was underwater a group of players are emphatically roaring whenever another underwater zone (or in this case an underwater boss fight) is mentioned.

I would have preferred Nazjatar to be underwater myself.


Azshara awakens N’zoth, he’s the next big baddie.

9.3 comes and Sylvanas kills Nzoth and is hailed a hero and all is forgiven.


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Idk, some people somehow had trouble targeting in the 3D place… I have no idea how

True and also very based

I’m #WithHer

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Statue of Sylvanas is built in Dalaran, instead of Tirion… Even it’s now chamber of Guardian now…

You have to remember your average casual player is… incredibly, incredibly bad at the game. There’s a reason why LFR is sometimes harder than normal mode. People are just dumb.

I’m vaguey reminded of people in FFXIV whining about a scenario where you play as an NPC. Apparently it was “too hard” despite being a case of spamming a single target spell, avoiding AoE and healing one NPC every so often. So for the next one of these scenarios they gutted it down so hard you can pass it by literally doing nothing except a single stack mechanic (Otherwise the other NPCs die).

I can’t think of any similar cases in WoW off the top of my head, except for LFR where I seriously wonder if people even know where to find their 1-= keybinds. The fact it took four wipes for one tank to finally go on each boat was mind boggling! You know the fight I’m talking about.

Throw in a third axis of movement and the dumb get even dumber.


This was back in cata though, people shouldn’t’ve been that bad yet

There are still a lot of clickers in WoW and you’d think after so many years of WoW having existed this wouldn’t be the case anymore.

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Sometimes I click when I’m being lazy.

But generally i use keybindings