[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Nisha is good but Kiro is my boy, He’s a thinker and in my op a good leader who knows how to survive in their land.

Class, OOC I’ll play a Shaman, but i’ll IC be a Scavenger who takes goblin and gnome tech apart and makes his own stuff with it. Like a Rocket Hammer.

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You’re welcome to hold this opinion. I can’t fault people for being cautious, but I still believe they are very capable of adding stuff and doing a good job with existing stuff as they did with MoP. Monks were strong for a while but not on par with launch DK. Now that was spicy.

I think the main issue is classes haven’t gotten anything new since… MoP? WoD added perks but those got removed. Legion just pruned even more abilities, and artifacts were a temporary replacement. BfA added literally nothing to the classes themselves and I’m certain Azerite traits will go byebye eventually as well.

This opinion however can be discarded. :fox_face::dagger:


I have no quarrel with you.

I Now have a quarrel with you.


they hated me because i spoke the truth

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The only truth you’ve told is that you’re not that smart when it comes to races.

Imagine not wanting to play literally the only good thing to come out of BfA.


if you think vulpera are good your average breakfast is probably plain toast and water

Please don’t post anymore. not because of what you post but because of the number.

Jokes on you, I eat bagels and water.


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I just want to play Sethrak.


It arrives next week on the 25th, s i c k

For context


The virgin Greatsword of the Inferno vs the chad Warmaster Rocket Hammer

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I’m ready… not for 8.2 but 8.3? I hope.

The sword Vulpera is wielding is definitely one of the items I’m looking forward to in the latest patch.


Okay, that’s pretty boss.

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Get ready to

Do some more pve content
Farm some more Azerite for a system that is brand new but actually just a hollow copy of the old glyph system.
Continue a completely arbitrary war campaign where plot twists are laughable and consistency doesn’t matter

boy am i excited


Hey at least Nazjatar looks pretty

Yeah no problem with that the Art & music team of WoW are still the world’s best.

Game design on the other hand…


Honestly only Mechagon looks vaguely interesting to me from that entire trailer.

We’re already at the “We have to set our differences aside” point in the expansion, which we’ve had to go over in vanilla, TBC, wrath, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion so any further narrative for the war is Zzzzz. Not that it wasn’t zzzz already but now I’ve basically just turned my alarm off rather than hitting snooze.

I’ll probably check in 8.2.5 to see how the patch has fared and the updated wuggun bois and girls but I don’t feel compelled tor esub for the patch day. I’ll be playing a different MMO expansion 3 days later anyway.

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You summed up my feelings exactly.

Hard to get excited when you’re jaded toward every single aspect of the game except RP.

Legion wasn’t great regarding lore but at least I had fun in PVE. BfA is not fun in all aspects…