I mean if the choice would be between people like Beekler and PCU, i’d happily be PCU, you’ve always been generally nice, even in forums disagreements I’ve either seen or been part of myself.
Here’s what happened:
Someone commented on Scorchbraid’s weird suicide comment
I, personally, said in our Discord “that content should get Scorchbraid banned”
Scorchbraid got banned
Very cool outcome
Yeah I figured that was that the case. I’m not an avid discord user myself so I could only guess.
Either way back on topic:
Nastytar is OK. NPCs hit hard which is a nice change. Zone looks… alright? Not a big fan of how it’s only 3ft underwater though, instead of being at the dark depths of the sea.
How is gearing? First impressions of the new heart of azeroth system?
I know broadly how they work but nobody seems to have said how the systems work in practice.
Gearing seems to be grinding mana-pearls to upgrade armour. A bit dull, but I’m a huge fan of mindless grinding for dumb-dumbs so I’m happy.
New HoA system is basically: you can unlock items which can be slotted into your Heart, and they offer you a new spell + passive, which changes depending on the item.
You buy items from specific slots for a small amount of manapearls. The tokens are BOA and generate a random item from a small pool, so even if you don’t get the exact item you’re looking for, it shouldn’t take you long to get what you want.
You then upgrade them for more manapearls.
It’s okay.
It’s okay. It doesn’t fix the biggest issues with BFA’s gameplay but it’s an improvement. You’re asking on day one so it’s hard to really say
I think now that Nazjatar isn’t as deep as it ought to be because you would no longer be able to see the top wall of water surrounding you. On the one hand this would make the zone intensely claustrophic (possibly a plus), but it would look less pleasing to the eye, what with view-range being what it is.
Honestly both sound better than reunlocking traits I already had for eternity. Or pure Rng gear grinding.
The upgrade system is literally the Valor point system we had in MoP and I’m annoyed that they’re pretending this is some amazing new idea. I’ve been telling people since Legion that gutting pve vendor gear was a bad idea but now we’re already half way back.
I’m annoyed that you can’t just buy the exact piece but it does seem like there’s only a few pieces per slot compared to the gear from Argus.
Bring back Vash’jir underwater gameplay.
I do get why Blizzard have made Nazzytar the way they have, just for pure gameplay convenience. If they left it completely underwater, you’d get the Vash’jir haters complaining. If you make it dry land, then you’re left wondering why on earth the naga would sacrifice their home advantage to fight.
I think the idea that Azshara needs the Horde and Alliance champions to come and fight her is a good middle ground, because she needs them alive there’s little advantage to throwing them underwater.
On one hand, patch day
On the other hand, runescape…
I like the suggestions Erasmin gives to players about what kind of improvements to get. Casually talking of chopping off limbs/implanting things into your brain is really interesting in a game where gnomes have generally been portrayed as harmless.
Those willow trees arent going to farm themselves.
Get your Runescape talk out of here. It has been many a moon since I last walked those cursed lands.
I once walked the Legend’s Guild with my fancy white cape.
I was the only kid with Membership in my class and still didnt know what the heck to do with it, so I just made flax.
On the third hand, Shadowbringers in two days…
See you in 8.2.5! Duct tapes a knife to a gun
Gnomes are also portrayed as quite dangerous alot of times. Their inventions are incredibly powerful, and deadly when they malfunction. See gnomes being turned into slime, then back to gnomes only to litterally explode.
I got my fire cape which will do for now since they released inferno cape which is like fire cape 2: here we go again
you have to kill 3 Jads in one wave
Well yes, but this is less “Haha, I turned that guy into a sheep.” And more. “Hey. Want to put mind control implants into the skull of your pet to better control him?” Its much more unnerving, and actually pretty cool.