[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Supreme Commander like Anduin Lothar?

I am growing more certain every day she will die, but perhaps N’Zoth is the one who ultimately destroys her. They didn’t become partners on ideal terms for N’Zoth, and Azshara has not upheld her end of the bargain: that she would destroy his enemies, that she would rebuild his empire for him, with herself ruling it as queen in his stead. She was been inactive (as far as we are aware) between then and the reappearance of the Naga in WC3 (after their single mentioned book appearance) and has so far not been able to do her part. With N’Zoth clearly desiring us to be his agent instead, it would stand to reason he considers Azshara and her people a failure and a loose end to be removed.

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Supreme Allied Commander Anduin Lothar, whos replacement was Supreme Allied Commander Turelyon, but after that the war ended and the position was abolished.

Until it returned as the abomition “High-King” and became heditary (if anything Arator should have the title then).

Well, some speculate that King Terenas was the Highking of Alliance, dunno …

But well, return of Supreme Commander role can be nice…

…imagine if PC gets the role lol…

Also no, perhaps more of a council.

No “alternative timeline”, this would still imply stupid things like “one legion” and “world souls” are a thing. Just a complete retcon of the mess that WoW lore is.

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Oh, there was a council, but there was also a Supreme Allied Commander for the military leadership during war.

I still like it…

Also Shadowtwili got this message:


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This, coupled with goblins allegedly “breeding like rabbits” but being culled by the fact that experimental explosion is considered death by natural causes makes me think orcs and goblins will outbreed the other races once there’s no more perpetual war and a more centralised, healthy society.

Given how we have precedent of resources being used up fast, the green tide will sweep the world for places to settle, food to eat, wood to burn and a good scrap for the sake of it with the blood of Grond calling. WAAAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!

Arator is Xe’ra’s true Child of Light and Shadow, the man in Velen’s vision leading the final battle against the darkness.

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Arator is indeed… Will like to see him more involved in wow…

This applies to many others aswell though

Ow my bone.


He’s hiding because he knows the next time he sticks his neck out is solely to die so Alleria can become a raid boss.


Tbh Arator is a character I really love…
Righteous young Paladin, trying to follow his father’s path who was disappeared…

Arator should’ve appeared between TBC and Legion aswell, maybe WoD

Edit: corrected something

…he was in TBC.

I know, i meant between tbc and Legion

Brooding because mom and dad ran off to yet another war. Insufficient love makes him throw in his lot with a father figure who cares. The True Father, tentacles and all.

His dark path has him slaying Turalyon on a bridge like kylo ren while Alleria pursues him for vengeance after falling to madness in her grief and failure. Locus Walker guides us to hunt both mother and son to correct his mistake, inheriting leadership of the ren’dorei.

Once Arator is bested as Twilight Prophet, he sees the error of his ways and goes from Arator the Redeemer, to Arator the Fallen Prophet, to Arator the Redeemed, stronger and wiser for his ordeal and becomes the destined saviour forseen by the Lightmother and Prophet Velen.

You are a Prophet Levey, you bested me, as i am a seer… Oof…


…and then he dies so that Alleria can become a raid boss for realsies this time.

(around 19:00 for the final boss details)

T&E speculate the final boss of BFA due to some PTR descriptions they (kinda) memorized when they played the build, and to the shock of literally no-one they say N’zoth. Since it’s just speculating via some dungeon journal description, take it with a grain of salt.


We “Kill” Azshara but her soul is transferred with the help of Xal’atath’s empty blade into Sylvanas, who then takes control of the Horde with N’Zoth.

Remaining Horde Resistance (ie non forsaken) side with the Alliance to fight the Black Empire Reborn in Ny’Alotha where it’s discovered N’Zoth has tore a wound deep enough to expose the actual world soul of Azeroth a la how Argus was.

In the end its revealed only Sylvanas can heal the wound with Xal’atath but must remain behind in order to ensure the world soul is guarded against the Void Lords, thus she is made to resign her post as Warchief.

N’zoth is beaten but can never die, being an old god. To keep him from emerging once more, he is bound to the dagger which is then plunged into Sylvanas’s chest. The grim ritual dooms her willingly, the immortal will of the Forsaken Queen made to forever battle that of the eternal undying god for dominance, containing him. With this noble sacrifice, she redeems her wicked past in the eyes of all as she is bound to a pillar deep underground, the old god straining her bonds in impotent rage.

Three expansions later, the victor breaks his chains. Sylvanas’ husk is an unrecognisable mess; tentacle hair dragging behind her enlongated limbs, four legs carrying the unchained god north…


Undead void elf