[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

I suspect the only difference might be the end where the throne gets cleaved by Saurfang. No more Warchiefs?

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You can but then the enemy team will collect enough Azerite and force you back to Boralus/Dazar’alor. Such is the cycle of island vacations.


We will probably get thrall back to cash in on the nostalgia value.

Of course it will not stop blizz from manufacturing a new reason to continue the faction war, because PvP must continue.

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World of Golden, where Alliance becomes a faction for all the pretty people and races, led by Anduin and Baine together whom have married and are now expecting a child via light magic.

I was more thinking of the island in the middle of the lake between Desolace and Feralas.

Come to Tamriel. It’s really nice this time of year, and the expansions only make the game continuously better.

Thrall, good to see ya buddy!

What’s wrong with his model

is his head smaller than it should be

I think it is

Compare: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/732/391/2de.jpg

Someone activated Small Head Mode on Thrall.

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Seems he went from using a unique model to a standard orc model? I don’t know, that new one could be any orc from a glance.

I think it is because they gave him a face of his own instead of mocapping Metzen’s.

That and yes he is using the standard orc proportions now instead of his previous more human look.

Also, his armour is gone. Hmm. Orc heritage armour foreshadowed?

The Horde dream team is coming together to dunk on Sylvanas and her ghouls. This I like. :metal:


Oh no no no look at this dude

he looks like a peon lmao

With Metzen’s surgery they couldn’t get him back, meaning a heroic peon had to step up and fill in his shoes.

I am honestly curious to see if Metzen is returning to voice Thrall.

He likely will. At last BlizzCon, he wore a badge indicating he is a member of staff. I think he’s back to retake his role.


is he gonna kick it?

Chad’themar, no…

Those ankoan look vicious.

Look at the top of his head!