[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread



I am really crying!

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It’s not about a moral high ground, it’s just that conducting those acts is naturally going to get a violent response down the line and it’s 100% no surprise.

Oh man, if having sided with Saurfang means working with the Alliance in that scenario instead of working with Sylvanas-opposing members of the Horde, then I’m gonna be so annoyed.

Can I, er… can I change my mind…

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About time tbh. Thrall must be sick and tired at this point of the Horde he created being dragged through the dirt by this new moustache twirling Warchief.


I’m pretty sure if you helped Saurfang and Baine, you’d naturally work with Saurfang and Thrall to free Baine.


Teaming up with the Alliance to fight my faction for blue team again. :roll_eyes:

Whatever is left of this Horde by the end isn’t going to be worth saving. I have no idea how they will explain the Alliance not dismantling the Horde completely as they threatened too back in MoP, other than the greater threat arriving.


So far, turning on Saurfang has locked you out of all the Sylvanas lackey options.

Remember dude. BfA is truly = Horde Vs Horde… And the Alliance is there too :slight_smile:


Even if you’re Sylvanas-aligned, in the current state of the scenario, you also fight with Jaina, Thrall and Saurfang to free Baine, for… reasons. You just talk to a dark ranger first?

So much for the difference between loyalty and rebellion actually being meaningful.

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It’s NoT gOiNG tO bE mIstS oF pAnDaRiA AlL OvEr aGAin GuYs

Garrosh Xal’atoh
Sylvanas Xal’atath

Garrosh - The Horde and Alliance assisting each other
Sylvanas - The Horde and Alliance assisting each other



Maybe they’ll actually portray the Alliance doing something questionable, atrocious and potentially undeniably unforgivable, placing them on a similar moral grounding and showing Horde concerns as legitimate!

… hello?

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That’s for mythic difficulty. Other difficulties say nothing about succumbing to Old Gods stuff and what not. Might be just an additional DPS dummy for mythic difficulty, and then she gets cleansed.

Didn’t the Blizzard double down on this statement, though, by claiming that "What we meant to say is, that it’s not going to be MoP all over again, because Sylvanas is much MUCH worse than Garrosh was, but also it’s intentional that it mirrors MoP because that’s a reference we wanted to put in place, so the Horde leaders could show how much they learned during MoP but also we have a big surprise in store for you :wink: "


I mean, they just said she wouldn’t end up in chains but otherwise it’s mirroring MoP in every single way so far

Thing is, saying “oh, it’s not the same cos Sylvanas is worse” misses the point that what we don’t want is the exact same story beats to unfold, resulting in a Horde leader becoming the villain, a Horde political schism and all ending with a big telling off from a Wrynn.


Honestly we should always expect the obvious from Blizzard and their perputual hard-on for recycling their stories.

Telling you, at the end of all of this, Sylvanas is gonna be Kerrigan’d.

NGL, not looking forward to the Alliance being forced to forgive the Horde as if they didn’t spend the war until now completely going along with sylv.

And lots of us aren’t looking forward to the Horde eagerly working with the Alliance to fight against the Horde in another episode of self-destructive soul-searching. Blue and red are all getting shafted.


You think Alliance wants this? I mean gosh, it would be nice if we carried out that threat made by Varian… End the Horde.


As much as I am glad to see the Horde finding its sense again, over the last six months I have really come to sympathise with this point of view as well.