[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Just like in real life, the big things in the world just sort of happen way beyond anything you could ever hope to influence or control and you’re just along for the ride until its inevitable, inescapable end.

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I agree. Totally.

My comment was meant to point out that this is no new situation. Not to defend it.

Azeroth: Become %race%

Give me my pandaren Connor player character, Blizzard, and I promise I will not complain any more after that.

Love working with iconic Horde heroes such as Jaina Proudmoore against the S*nreavers


While I agree with your observation, I think it might be slightly too deep to think Blizzards writers are subtly using the story to hold up some sort of existentialist mirror in wich we can examine the pointlessness of existence and our own insignificance…

It brings a tear to the eye, doesn’t it?

(No need to examine why that is so. Move along citizen.)

Myes, quite right.

The PC lives in a society…

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A society he’d bring down because reason.

Still surprised he didn’t just mindlessly followed the Twilight Hammer Cult because they promised him mounts, mogs and gear.

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We’re doing that now.


Yep. This is something I have had an update issue with since MoP. There is no player agency or actual character to be had. We are a robot that does whatever the quest text tells us to do. This has just reached critical mass with the knaifu quests and these quests. Blizzard clearly added the loyalist side of things as an afterthought after much negative feedback, and despite their promises they are even more an illusion of choice than in SWTOR quests.

FFXIV has a PC called the Warrior of Light, while they speak very rarely and only via a prompt you choose, otherwise just nodding, shaking their head, frowning, etc. They still have a personality and a character to them. As you rightly say, the game doesn’t just treat you as a sword with legs. Whereas with WoW what you as a character want to do is utterly meaningless.

FFXIV succeeds because while there are major NPCs that assist you, the WoL remains the star and driving force behind almost everything. In WoW you aren’t the driving force, you have no character, and the major characters are less best friends who you genuinely care for and who genuinely and meaningfully care and interact with you in turn, they’re celebrities who just tolerate your presence and don’t ask for your thoughts or care about you what so ever.

Blizzard is trying to have us be the star of the show since Cataclysm, but simultaneously not be too much so at risk of overshadowing their own characters. They’ve basically halfarsed making us a hero or character.

So while testing Mechagon on the PTR, my graphics card died meaning now I have to use a extremely outdated laptop until I can get it fixed.

Thanks Mechagon.

I, slayer of thousand a demons, destroyer of Deathwing, speaker of Azeroth… Shall collect these 3 linen cloth as reward for collecting dog feces.

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I was super excited for Naga inspired sets, but I have to agree that they look a little bit… Rough.
Saved by dat heritage armor doe


Now i hate Mechagon for what it has done to you…

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I hope that i, picker of sillyvanas side and keeper of the gift… can choose to off baine myself

I must say I am not too hyped to grind out the fish armor sets in 8.2, i hope it brings more things for me to enjoy in this game. Perhaps pvp will be better.

I haven’t come across the sets anywhere yet. :ocean:

Great. Thrall is back. <.<

Aint like we had the biggest cast of Horde Champions gathered in this expansion since forever, to possibly involve them in our little inner Horde conflict story. But nooo. We go down with Thrall into the Underhold again, to right the wrongs of our bad bad warchief and along the way we pal around with Jaina Proudmoore and Shaw, kill Horde soldiers left and right, sabotage the War effort and turn against the Sunreavers.

Probably all in the name of “Honor”.

What was the point of having Garona and Voss beeing somewhat relevant in the Story? I mean. We could go into the Underhold with Garona, Voss, Thalyssra, Rexxar or any other champion of the Horde instead of Thrall? Instead of fighting the Horde soldiers there we sneak around, use Jaina and Shaw in there as a distraction and use them to escape and cover our tracks, possibly even leaving them behind to fend for themselfs? Garona could pick the locks. Thalryssa could teleport us out. It could all be cloak and little dagger, with no butchering of Horde soldiers for Team Red.

But noooo. We have to buddy up with Team Blue to save the soul of our honorable Horde, with the two most honorable orcs ever, to get the most honorable Tauren out off prison, to show our honor to the alliance, by honorably killing Horde Soldiers that have legit grievances with the alliance.

They just blew it. Completely blew it for me.


Not a single Horde soldier(Okey maybe the Blood Elves have some sort grievance)has a “legit” grievance with the Alliance since its the Horde that jas started all the problems in Azeroth since they first stepped onto soil before the First War.

Who and what are members might’ve changed, but the Horde’s soul hasn’t changed 1 single bit since the First War and they have been out to conquer evrrything since it first appeared.