[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Tell me again what the Darkspear Tribe did to the Alliance that earned them the war crimes of Kul Tiras lmao

Tell me in detail what the Stonespire Tribe visited upon Ironforge to deserve being wiped out in pursuit of archaeology.


8.2 had me cancel my sub

Everything about it is atrocious as far as my interests go.

Aye, when I do the Southern Barrens chain as alliance and General Twinbraid goes ‘‘They killed my only son. They’ve made this personal.’’

But its tooooootally different to wipe out an ENTIRE tribe who tried to defend their own ancestral home from being desecrated!

It just makes me so angry and salty. >.<

The entire tribe wasn’t killed. A nitpick, but worth mentioning.

Yeah, 2 remains, since the one that has you attack Bael Modan dies.

Shame that. I figured they could be mentioned in RP as “still around” to some extent, but I digress.

Sadly not. :confused:

That’s what makes me mad about General Twinbraid. Yeah, shame he lost his son, but he helped (And probably ordered) the slaughter of a tribe.

Someone lost more than he ever did.

Annoying how the Horde seems to be yet again unable to settle it’s own internal disputes and needs daddy Alliance to come in and help them.

Come on Blizzard, you’re better than this. Bring Thrall in, sure, totally fine with that he’s a lad now he’s done with that whole Cataclysm weirdness, but like someone mentioned above, Rexxar, Garona etc would have been MUCH better characters to use instead of Jaina in this scenario given that they have been built up as having doubts.

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And for his valiant genocidal efforts he was promoted to Grand Marshal!

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I think Jaina is helping because Baine delivered her brother to her. So see it more as her repaying for what he did.

Yup, but we got to kill him! \o/

That’s a surprisingly good point. But I’m still going to be salty about it, because that’s just how I roll.

And Anduin is friends with Baine, so he probably wanted to help too. And I think it might’ve been Rexxar who told Thrall about Baines capture.

When you talk to Rexxar when Baine gets imprisoned he says

There are others who must hear of this, <name>
And they will.

So Rexxar is probably the one who lets Thrall know, and Thrall either contacts Jaina (they used to have necklaces where they could contact each other, maybe they still have it?) to help him out, or Jaina might seek him out.

We’ll just have to wait and see.

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Another very reasonable point, you’re making it very difficult for me to be salty here. Please stop.

Fite me Mr. Moocow.

I would cut off your head, goblin, if it stood but a bit higher off the ground.

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But it doesnt! NYAAAH!

crotch kick

Cooler heads and reasonable leadership prevails. Meanwhile, the ones clinging white-knuckled to the old hatreds to perpetuate the cycle of hatred must be removed from the board.

This includes obvious threats like Sylvanas but also wholly unreasonable elements like vengeful sunreavers and Tyrande’s black moon army. The fall of night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin…

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Let the Horde and Alliance build azerite nukes and blow up eachother, then have the next expansion completly overhaul the game with two new factions to replace the old: Kobolds and gnolls.

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That’s exactly what Sylvanas tried to stop :frowning:

If everyone is dead, then no one can start a world ending war. Touches forehead.