[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

She doesn’t want everyone dead.

Just all her enemies.

But all living are her enemies.


Not according to Sylv.

Are you gonna take Malfurion and Delaryn’s words as gospel? Night Elves are all liars.

And since when is Sylvanas the speaker of truth?

Internal monologues tend to not be lies, since who would you be lying to?


That’s a thing y’know.

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God that’s a bad argument. You can just apply that to literally every character.

Maybe they’re all lying to themselves! Anduin wants to wipe out all life! Malfurion wants to wipe out all life! Saurfang wants to wipe out all life! They’re all just lying to themselves and also everyone else.


That’s the spirit!

Thrallout: New Goldshire.


War. War never changes.

When Azerite fire consumed the planet, those who survived did so in great, underground titan chambers. When they opened, their inhabitants set out across ruins of the old world to build new societies, establish new villages, forming tribes.

As decades passed, what had been the Southern Kalimdor united beneath the flag of the New Horde Republic, dedicated to old-world values of democracy and the rule of law. As the Republic grew, so did its needs. Scouts spread east, seeking territory and wealth, in the dry and merciless expanse of the Pandaria Desert. They returned with tales of a town untouched by the Azerite bombs that had scorched the rest of the world, and a great wall spanning the wastelands.

The NHR mobilized its army and sent it east to occupy the Wall, and restore it to proper condition. But across the eastern dried seas, another society had arisen under a different flag. A vast army of slaves, forged from the conquest of 86 tribes, Wrynn’s Legion.

Four years have passed since the Republic held the Wall - just barely - against the Legion’s onslaught. The Legion did not retreat. Across the barren sea, it gathers strength. Campfires burned, training drums beat.

Through it all, the Vale of eternal blossom has stayed open for business under the control of its mysterious overseer, Madam Goya , and her army of rehabiliated tribals.

You are a postman, hired by the Pandaria express, to deliver a package to the Vale of eternal blossom. What seemed like a simple delivery job has taken a turn…for the worse


The Horde and Alliance have always come together when there is a greater, mutual threat to be dealt with. I don’t see this as being much different.

I have a feeling that the end of this conflict will leave the Horde in less of a state of being at the mercy of the Alliance too.

And Thrall is back. :metal: Move over, Sylvanas. :point_right:


Are you happy with that?

I said they would be at the mercy of the Alliance less so.

But that’s just a wild guess.

I have no idea what Tribe that is? Is that that Tauren Tribe? Because they should hang the Dwarves who wiped them out! D:<

Well, Kul Tiras wasn’t a part of the Grand Alliance at that moment, so the Grand Alliance did nothing to the Darkspears. But we can start about all the (genocidal) wars started by the Horde with help of the Darkspears :stuck_out_tongue:

Is the Horde that drug-addicted son who keeps breaking in in his parents house to steal money then?

Thats why I think Jaina’s there to, but woe the Alliance actually getting more different storylines to. :I

There word is still worth more then Sylvanas’…

Just sayin’

So they do have a legit beef with the Alliance.

Thankfully the Alliance invited back the Kul Tirans happily. So they do have a legitimate beef.

And that’s not getting into the Blood Elves sordid history. Or the bilgewater goblins.


The darkspears joined the Horde when they retreated to Kalimdor. And they also openly defied Garrosh. So the only big war they helped the horde in that wasnt the usual Alliance vs Horde conflict, has been this one in BfA.

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Kul Tiras was part of the Alliance when they started attacking the Darkspear Trolls on Darkspear Isles, and was also still members when Daelin started attacking the Horde in Durotar.

They left after Jaina killed her father and when the rest of the alliance didn’t approve of what they did.


Dude… If the Siege of Orgrimmar didn’t left the Horde in a weaker military position in its aftermath, literally nothing will. Even Deathwing defecating lava on Orgrimmar won’t change that, the same will go with the burning of Teldrassil, it didn’t left the Alliance in a weaker position either.

Just give up on actually seeing an “Unfair” position for either faction in this game. It’s always gonna be a parity regardless of common sense.


Wrong. They where part of the Alliance and left it after Jaina betrayed her father and the Alliance didnt seek to avenge Daelins death.

EDIT: Nvm. Jessica beat me to it.


That’s a good point. The factions will always be equal to some degree.