[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

I was of the impression that it did leave the Horde in a weakened state.

It did.

Untill the game demanded otherwise.

Just as it has always been:
Game > Lore.



Which is also the reason why thereā€™s so much apathy toward the faction war from the community. You can pump and hype all of those people but at the end of it, when Blizzard will turn around and say ā€œItā€™s a stalemate.ā€ everyone will feel robbed of the emotionnal journey and its climax.

Totally did not. At least not in any visible manner. Darkspears and Orcs are still somehow popping soldiers like Gumball machines (But that goes for everyone) there isnā€™t any sign that Darkspear are feeling the loss of their demographic, same with Orcs who were the major victims of SoO.


It did. But with the War against the Legion both factions where rather weak and Azerite seemed to give the Horde the edge for now. The war we currently have wasnt planned to be prolonged. It was supposed to secure Kalimdor for the Horde and keep the alliance at bay.

Things didnt work out though and now both factions are pretty much sending peasants into the fight.


faction war forever

ā€œEntering combat will remove the banner.ā€

cool thanks blizz

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At least the PVP pennants donā€™t disappear in combat ((pls blizz dont read this post)).



I just want to see,as a main gnome player.


Spider Tanks? Check!
Cool gnomes? Check!
Gnome Tech? Check!

Gnome tech better than Gobin tech? CHECK!

Updated Bi-planes? CHECK!


Now I have to decide if I keep my third gnome with his undead aesthetic (dk afterall) or give him more techy mounts, looks and weapons!


Retracting my previous statement.

New Broadcast text makes the whole Baine Prison break allot more interesting.
Rokhan and Broā€™themar seem to be involved aswell and there is actually a point about not killing unecessary Horde soldiers there.

Weā€™ll see what of it actually makes it into the final Quest and how it will play out. The previous ā€œRebellionā€ quests also changed while on the PTR.


Its important to always take PTR with a grain of salt. While most stuff remains unchanged, a couple of key things can alter, like the Rebellion quests, or more prominatly, Kargath in Highmaul during WoD, where in PTR he survived and escaped because they were working on an entire storyline that they just scrapped out of nowhere.


Yeah. The whole patch didnt make a very good impression on me and reading that first batch of Baine Prison break just had me completely throw the towel.

Drinking Tea and waiting is best course with PTR.

A batch of broadcast text from Nazjatar is up.

Guess what, looks like a team-up between the factions. Jaina and Lorā€™themar together against the Thunder King, I mean Azshara.

Also Shandris and Thalyssra together.

Can I say ā€œMoP 2.0ā€ again?

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But also, kick up a fuss if you want stuff to change.

8.2 more like 5.2 amirite (I am right).


Itā€™s not the same because Sylvanas is much worse than Garrosh and this time there is player choice and also thereā€™s a big surprise coming!!!


My god, Mechagnomes are included in the Dressing roomā€¦ Weā€™re getting them as Allied race donā€™t we?

Of all the diverse (Sethrak) and interesting races (Sethrak) that could be added, they chose gnomes (Over DANK SNEKS!). They look horrid with their mech legs and armsā€¦ I donā€™t mind so much that Blizz reuses skeletons for races, but the fact that itā€™s mostly just a copied version with slight iterations of existing races (Hey HM Tauren, Velf, LF, DI, Magā€™harā€¦ Iā€™ll give NB a 50/50ā€¦) For all the criticism Vulpera have gotten, at the very least itā€™s different enough to feel fresh.

Inhales Iā€™d rather stay an OG gnome over those abominations. Iā€™ll just go cry in the corner that I didnā€™t get my way.


I hope not. Mechagnomes suck.

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We lost the battle already.

Talk about a waste of an allied race spot lol.


I so agreeā€¦ Seems like every existing race in the Alliance is gonna get an iteration of them and theyā€™ll call it Allied raceā€¦

Almost like this could have just beenā€¦ A sub race included in the form of custom instead of another character slot :VeryMuchThinking:

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Magā€™har, Lightforged, Highmountain Tauren and Dark Iron smile upon you.

Horde seems to get Vulpera from the datamined Brewfest stuff. And while I dread the Furry brigade. I dig the Vulpera. Nisha is a absolute savage and I quite like the caravaneer, scoundrel theme they have.